Electronic Garbage, Contamination and Health
(Middle School)
Here we present a learning activity created under the WebQuest[1] format (Objectives, Introduction, Assignment, Process, Resources, and Evaluation). This learning project will allow the student to develop a complete comprehension of “electronic garbage” and to share the research and final discussion with a team of peers. We have chosen the Webquest format, keeping in mind the nature of the theme and that all the proposed resources for the activity can be found on the INTERNET.
As in all activities with a Webquest format, the learning objectives are first presented. Later the activity is introduced, justifying its association and the importance of the theme.
The Assignment precisely shows what the students will do and present as a final product, showing how the team will work to achieve that; while in the Process it is described, step by step, what the students will carry out until they achieve the final product. Finally, the evaluation provides three rubrics that will help to evaluate what the students have produced during the activity, individually and together, also based on the participation and performance of each team.
The theme has given place to two distinct activities, one that could apply to middle school students, and the other could apply to high school students.
It is important to realize that the presented text has been written with students in mind, so that the teachers can provide the readings without problems, and accompany them in the learning process.
Upon completing this activity the students will:
- Know what Electronic Garbage is.
- Have a clear idea of the dangers electronic garbage carries with it.
- Learn to elaborate posters to present with the essential information what they have reviewed.
What do we call electronic garbage?
Is electronic garbage hazardous to the environment?
Is electronic garbage hazardous to health?
To answer these questions and carry out the activity, we invite you to form a team of 4 people.
You and your team will create a poster that shows:
What is electronic garbage?
What affects does it have on the environment and human health?
-You can make a poster on a large piece of paper, or graph paper, or a folded piece of tag-board.
-In the team, each one of you will assume the role of an expert. One will be the Electrical Engineer, another the Chemist, the third a Doctor, and the last will be an Environmental Engineer.
Each person will have an individual assignment, before making the group poster:
1)The Electrical Engineer will do a drawing that represents which are the main components of the electronic equipment and what is done with them once they no longer function.
2)The Chemist will make a diagram or graph hat shows what chemical components are contained in electronic garbage.
3)The Doctor will make a diagram that shows the potential hazards that electronic garbage can bring to human health.
4)The Environmental Engineer will make a diagram that shows how electronic garbage contaminates the environment.
Objectives / Introduction / Assignment / Process / Resources / EvaluationTop
- Form Teams of 4 participants. Only if it is necessary, one group can have 5 members. If this happens, two members will have the same role of an expert.
- Initiate the Team with a name chosen by your group.
- Review the Activity: Now we invite you to slowly read, with a lot of attention: the Objectives, the Introduction, and the Assignment.
- Designate the Experts: Who will be the Electrical Engineer? Who will be the Chemist? Who will be the Doctor? Who will be the Environmental Engineer?
- Investigation and elaboration of the personal diagram for each expert: Each expert will review the RESOURCES that are provided and others that are found; looking for answers or ideas that help you respond to the question you are investigating. It will also be important to collect images that illustrate the information you have found. When you have finished your research, you must create the diagram that presents the information to your question:
- The Electrical Engineer: a drawing that presents - What are the main components of the electronic equipment and What is done with them once they no longer function?
- The Chemist: a diagram that presents - What chemical components are contained in electronic garbage?
- The Doctor: a diagram that presents – What are the potential hazards electronic garbage poses to human health?
- The Environmental Engineer: a diagram that presents - How does electronic garbage contaminate the environment?
- Presentation of the individual diagrams: Each expert will present and explain to their group the diagram or graph that responds to their designated question. They will also show the images they found and that illustrate their answer.
- Making the Poster: Once all the experts have finished their presentations, it is time to review the criteria together. Please consider the criteria of which this will be evaluated (see further ahead: Rubric for evaluating the Poster). Understanding these criteria, we invite you to design your poster, demonstrating all of your creativity and everything you have learned about electronic garbage and is effects.
- Museum of Posters and Evaluation: Post your poster on the wall of the classroom. The idea of the “Museum” is that before commenting on and evaluating the posters, everyone can have the opportunity to calmly see and review the projects created by the class. When everyone has passed through the museum, it is time to comment on the presented information, what has been learned in this activity, and begin a discussion on the realities of electronic garbage and its affects on our world. What are your final thoughts, worries and conclusions?
Objectives / Introduction / Assignment / Process / Resources / Evaluation
To continue, we suggest a few resources organized in four groups, besides these, there are many more at: In a manner of appendix, we present to you a few of the proposed texts in their complete format.
- Electronic Garbage
- Contamination produced by electronic garbage:
- Human health and electronic garbage:
- What is a poster, and how do you make one?
- Curso a distancia:
Objectives / Introduction / Assignment / Process / Resources / Evaluation
Rubric to evaluate the poster
The teacher will tell you the value of each criteria and each level.
/ The title is easily read from a distance of 2 meters, well describes the content and is very creative. / The title is easily read from a distance of 6 feet and well describes the content. / The title is read from a distance of 4 feet and well describes the content. / The title is very small and/or does not well describe the contents of the poster.Appearance / The display is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, distribution and order. / The display is attractive in terms of design, distribution and order. / The display is relatively attractive although a bit disorganized. / The poster is unorganized or is very badly designed. It is not attractive.
Required Elements / The project includes all the informational elements required and more. / The project includes all the informational elements required. / All, but 1 of the required elements are included in the project. / Various required elements are missing from the project
/ The use of capitalization and punctuation is consistent. / There is one error of capitalization or punctuation. / There are two errors of capitalization or punctuation. / There are more than 2 errors of capitalization or punctuation.Relation
of the Graphics / All the graphics are related to the themes, which make it easy to understand. / All the graphics are related with the themes and the majority makes it easy to understand. / All the graphics are related to the themes. / The graphics do not relate to the themes.Clarity of the Graphics / The graphics are in focus and the content is easily seen and identifiable from a distance of 6 feet. / The majority of the graphics are in focus and the content is easily seen and identifiable from a distance of 6 feet. / The majority of the graphics are in focus and the content is easily seen and identifiable from a distance of 4 feet. / Many graphics are not clear or are very small.
Objectives / Introduction / Assignment / Process / Resources / Evaluation
Rubric to evaluate the participation and collaboration within the team
The teacher will tell you the value of each criteria and each level.
CRIERIA / Outstanding / Good / Regular / BadWorking with Others / Always listens, shares, and supports the work of others. Tries to maintain the unity of the group. / Usually listens, shares, and supports the work of others. Does not cause problems in the group. / Sometimes listens, shares, and supports the work of others, but sometimes is not a good group member. / Rarely listens, shares or supports the work of others. Frequently is not a good group member.
Control of the Effectiveness of the Group / Repeatedly controls the effectiveness of the group and makes suggestions to be more efficient. / Some times controls the effectiveness of the group and works to make the group more efficient. / Rarely controls the effectiveness of the group and works to make the group more efficient. / Never controls the effectiveness of the group and does not work to make the group more efficient.
Contributions / Always provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in the class discussion. / In general provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in the class discussion. / Sometimes provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in the class discussion. / Rarely provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in the class discussion.
Attitude / Never criticizes the project or the work of others. Always has a positive attitude with the work. / Rarely criticizes the project or the work of others. Frequently has a positive attitude with the work. / Occasionally criticizes the project or the work of others. Has a positive attitude with the work. / Frequently criticizes the project or the work of others. Sometimes has a positive attitude with the work.
Preparation / Always brings the necessary materials to class and is always ready to work. / Usually brings the necessary materials to class and is ready to work. / Usually brings the necessary materials to class, but sometimes needs to focus on the work. / Frequently forgets to bring the necessary materials to class, or is not ready to work.
Problem Solving / Looks for and suggests solutions to the problems. / Refines suggested solutions for others. / Does not suggest or refine solutions, but is willing to work with others. / Does not try to resolve problems. Leaves it to others to do the work.
Time Management / Uses time well during the project, being sure that things are done on time. The group did not need to adjust the due dates because of this person. / Uses time well during the project, but could have procrastinated in a few areas. The group did not need to adjust the due dates because of this person. / Tends to procrastinate but always has things done on time. The group did not need to adjust the due dates because of this person. / Rarely has things done on time and the group had to adjust the due dates because of this person.
Effort / The work reflects the best effort from this student. / The work reflects a great effort from this student. / The work reflects some effort from this student. / The work reflects very little effort from this student.
Focus on the Work / Always stays focused on the work that needs to be done. Very dependable. / Most of the time focuses on the work to be done. Dependable. / Sometimes focuses on the work to be done. Sometimes dependable, or needs encouragement. / Rarely focuses on the work to be done. Leaves others to do their work.
Objectives / Introduction / Assignment / Process / Resources / Evaluation
[1]WebQuest is a methodology of investigation using the internet, turning over the educational process, to stimulate the investigation and the critical thinking. (Definition taken from: