This Constitution was issued in full in September 2009
The Association shall be called the Coventry and Warwickshire Netball Umpires Association, (hereafter called the Association).
To support the development of umpires.
To continue to raise the standard of umpiring.
To provide qualified umpires for all matches played in the Coventry and Warwickshire Netball League.
To act as a representative for all umpires within the Coventry and Warwickshire Netball League.
The Association shall be governed by an Executive to consist of: -
Responsible for the overall administration of the Association.
ii)Vice Chairperson
To assume Chairperson’s responsibilities in their absence.
To administer the day-to-day proceedings of the Association
iv) Treasurer
To maintain the accounts of the Association.
v) Executive Members.
They will attend committee meetings and make themselves available to support the Chairperson in the Association’s administration or other duties where deemed necessary.
Elected from the ranks of the Executive Committee to serve a two-year term of office.
ii)Vice Chairperson
Elected from the ranks of the Executive Committee to serve a two-year term of office.
iii)Secretary and Treasurer to be elected from the Executive Committee and will serve a two year term of office.
iv)Executive Members to be elected annually from the Association.
v)All Executive members must be registered to the Association and England Netball, nominating their affiliated Club.
vi)The Executive Committee will contain no more than two members from any one Club with the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer exempt from this rule.
i)Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.
To be appointed from the Executive immediately following the AGM , this governs the end of their respective terms of office. The usual term of office is 2 years.
ii)The Vice Chairperson may be appointed to Chairperson after the 2 year term of office has been served.
iii)The Chairperson may stand for re-election.
iv)Executive Members
New member nominations will be accepted at any time with written applications submitted to the Chair at least a minimum of 1 week before the AGM.
i)The Association may pass a resolution through the Chairperson calling for the resignation of any of its members for continuously failing to carry out their duties.
ii)Should an elected officer resign during their term of office, the Chairperson will appoint an officer-designate from within the Executive to fulfil that officer’s responsibilities for the period of term remaining.
iii)If at any time the Committee falls short of the required numbers as specified in Rule 3 (v), then the Committee may co-opt any registered umpire to join.
iv)Any member co-opted on to the Committee may offer themselves for election at the next AGM.
v)A quorum of two thirds of the Committee shall have the power to carry a vote of no confidence in the Chairperson.
vi)Any member of the Committee who changes Club whilst in office and in so doing contravenes Rule 4 (v) must offer their resignation. Another serving member from the same club may stand down in their place.
i)The Committee shall meet a minimum of 6 times during the playing season.
ii)A quorum shall consist of Chair or Viceperson, one other officer, plus 3 other committee members.
iii)All registered umpires must attend mandatory meetings including the AGM, unless prior approval has been given by the Committee for non-attendance.(See League Constitution Rule 3d iii & iv)
iv)Any umpire unable to attend a mandatory meeting including the AGM must inform the Chairperson in writing or by e-mail.
v)If a vote is required, in the event of a tie, the Chairperson has the casting vote.
i)The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association will be held in June of each year unless; due to unforeseen circumstances a change of date is set. All umpires will be notified of the change.
ii)The AGM is a mandatory meeting and must be attended by all registered umpires.
iii)Proposed alterations or additions to the Constitution to be received by the Secretary of the Committee at least 2 weeks prior to the AGM.
The purpose of the AGM is to: -
Consider the Chairperson’s report and other reports of the Executive.
To review the financial statement of accounts and balance sheets.
To elect officials.
To determine the rules of the Association.
To allow umpires to voice their views on the Association and umpiring issues.
To review the past season.
To review any rule changes.
To inform members of the registration fees and recommended umpire match fees for the forthcoming season.
Presentation of the Associations Award.
i)The Treasurer will keep a record of accounts with respect of all transactions of the Association, its assets and liabilities.
ii)All monies belonging to the Association will be placed in the safe custody of a Bank and/or Building Society approved by the Committee.
iii)All monies released must be signed for by the Treasurer and Chairperson and/or Vice Chairperson
iv)No member may hold monies belonging to the Association unless approved by the Committee.
v)All cheques must be made payable to the Association under the name of the Coventry and Warwickshire Netball Umpires Association. (C & WNUA) At no time must cheques be made payable to a member of the Committee.
vi)The Treasurer is responsible for the payment of all general expenses as approved by the Chairperson.
vii)The Treasurer will advise the Committee of the state of the accounts when requested by the Chairperson and at the end of the season.
viii)The accounts of the Association will be examined annually and will be certified correct by appointed Auditors.
ix)The financial year shall end 4 weeks prior to the AGM.
x)The audited accounts will be presented to the members of the Association at the AGM.
i)All umpires registering with the Coventry and Warwickshire Netball Umpires Association must be affiliated to England Netball for commencement of the season in conjunction with Coventry and Warwickshire Netball League.
ii)To hold membership of the Association umpires must have passed and currently hold the minimum Umpires Association Award (UA), EN, C award or above.
iii)Each person eligible for membership shall be required to pay the annual affiliation fee to the Association before commencing umpiring in the League.
iv)Affiliation to cover a twelve-month period from 1st September – 31st August.
v)Any registration form received without remittance will be classed as void and the umpire will be ineligible to umpire until payment is made. (See League Constitution, paragraph 7A (vi).
vi)Any unregistered umpires who officiate any game may be subject to a fine.
vii)Paid up Members of the Association are entitled to vote at the Associations’ Annual General Meeting. (AGM)
viii)Members of the Association eligible to umpire in the Coventry and Warwickshire Senior League must be 17 years or above unless agreed by the Association.
ix)Honorary Members are exempt from (10 ii)
i)Registered umpires holding the Umpires Association Award (UA) may only umpire games in the Coventry and Warwickshire Netball League up to and including 6 and 7 and including under 14 junior leagues.
ii)Registered umpires holding the EN, C Award may only umpire games in the Coventry and Warwickshire Netball League Divisions 1 and below unless advised otherwise by the Committee.
iii)Registered umpires holding the EN, C Award who have met the required standard may umpire games in the Coventry and Warwickshire Netball League Premier Division and below.
iv)Registered umpires holding the EN, B Award or higher may umpire any division in the Coventry and Warwickshire Netball League.
v)All games must be officiated by 2 umpires with the relevant qualifications for the division in accordance with points 11 (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).
vi)Independent umpires will be provided for the Premier Division. If unforeseen circumstances and only with agreement from the 2 teams concerned and the Committee, will club umpires be able to officiate.
vii)All umpires to conduct themselves in a professional manner.
viii)Any qualified umpire not fulfilling their minimum of 8 games per season will need to be re-assessed before commencement of any further umpiring in the Coventry and Warwickshire Netball League.
ix)Umpires tested late in the season may have a pro-rata number of games to officiate. The amount of games to be agreed by the Executive Committee.
x)To continue to officiate in the Coventry and Warwickshire Netball League, members are required to umpire 8 full 1 hour games in any one season. These games may include a maximum of 2 junior games at under 14 or under 16 level.
xi)With permission from the Committee, assessors may, during the season and without prior notification observe umpires, give feedback and support their development.
i)All umpires must be registered with England Netball for the coming season.
ii)During the game, umpires must refrain from coaching. Coaching may only take place during the intervals.
iii)Those having attended an umpire’s course will be eligible to umpire the junior league under 13 and below but only with prior approval from the Committee. All such personal must be registered to England Netball.
iv) Umpires under the age of 17 who are working towards the Umpires
Association Award (UA) may, with prior permission, umpire in the
Coventry and Warwickshire Netball Junior League under 13 years and below.
i)All umpires must umpire according to England Netball Rules,
with the exceptions outlined in the local league.
ii)Umpires, where possible, should wear neutral coloured clothing.
iii)Umpires must remain neutral during the course of any fixture.
iv)Umpires must conduct themselves in a professional manner and refrain
from making inappropriate comments about teams, individual players or officials.
v)All umpires should maintain a level of fitness to enable them to keep up with the flow of the game.
vi)Umpires must not coach either team during a game.
vii)Umpires should follow the correct protocol procedure during any interval.
i)Any complaint regarding a Coventry and Warwickshire Netball fixture,
umpire, player or club official must be sent in writing to the Chairman of
the Coventry and Warwickshire Netball League within ten days of the fixture. See rule 12B (i) of the C&WNL Constitution.
ii)All correspondence must state in full, reasons for the complaint.
iii)All correspondence of complaint will be dealt with in accordance to the Coventry and District Warwickshire Netball League Constitution Rule 12B (i)
iv)In the event of a player being stood off during a match, both umpires must
complete the relevant form and send to the Chairperson of the Coventry and Warwickshire Netball League.
i)The Committee will rule on any matter NOT covered in the Constitution.
ii)The Committee, at its discretion can offer an honorary membership to any person who has given valuable service to the Association over a period of time.
iii)The Committee will keep the Netball League informed of their activities through their representatives at the League’s Committee Meetings.
iv)Umpires must attend any practical/theory rules forums organised by the Committee. Non-attendance will result in a fine as agreed prior to the forum.
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