DATE TO BE REVIEWED / 5th September2046
CONTACT / Internal Management Committee
It is SAPA’s policy to enable residents, their families and representatives, visitors, employees, volunteers and contractors to provide feedback or to raise a complaint about any aspect of our service, the care we provide and or the operation of our services.
The aim of this policy is to improve the quality of care and services by adopting a positive attitude to encourage reporting to resolving complaints.The timely and efficient management of complaints aims to foster a positive and cooperative attitude that benefits everyone at SAPA.
The following policy is in place to give guidance to resident or a person authorised to act on a resident’s behalf through the following channels without fear of reprisal or prejudice and to assist all parties with the timely and effective management of compliments and complaints.
SAPA’s Complaint Handling Policy is universal and applies to residents, their families and representatives, visitors, employees, volunteers and contractors.
a)All residents and/or their family members and representatives are informed on admission about the process for lodging a compliment or complaint.
b)The information is included in the SAPA Resident Handbook, Complaints will be reviewed at residents, families and representatives Meetings.
c)A Complaints Support Statement outlining our service’s commitment to a welcoming environment for compliments and complaints is clearly displayed at our facilities.
d)Employees and volunteers have an understanding of our Complaint Handling Policy and are available to assist residents, their family and representatives in providing feedback to the service.
e)Copies of “Complaint Form”are located in the reception area and the resident common room.
f)Complaints can be provided:
- In writing by dropping a completed “Complaints Form” in the suggestion box located atreception
- In person, verbally to the Manager SAPAor by approaching a anemployee for assistance
- In writing by email to manager @
- By telephone - 07 5555 9999
g)In writing by mail to SAPA, 1929 Gympie Road, One Tree Hill Qld 4099
h)Complainants are encouraged to lodge their complaint in writing. This will assist with understanding the nature of the complaint and ensure that the facts provided are correct.
i)The complaint is to be referred to the Manager for registration on the Complaints Register.
j)Complainants have the right to ask us for an internal reconsideration of decisions we have made in relation to their complaint.
k)Complainants have the right to lodge their complaint with an external agency including the Ombudsman
Phone: 1800 449 000
l)Options for internal reconsideration of decisions and external complaint resolution are offered to any complainant who is not satisfied with the resolution of their complaint within the service.
m)If someone gives a verbal compliment or complaint, they should be encouraged to complete a Complaints Form to facilitate the tracking of feedback by the service. Alternately, an employee will use the form to record verbal feedback to facilitate tracking by the service and inform ongoing improvement activities.
n)If a concern or complaint is minor and was addressed at the point of service, employee should record the issue and any actions taken in the resident file.
o)Any employee can be approached to raise a concern or make a complaint. Where anemployeeis not empowered to handle or resolve complaints on behalf of the service, the employee will be able to refer the complaint to other employee and/or act as an advocate for the complainant and assist with completing forms for them.
p)Any complaints received by our service are registered on the Complaint Register, acknowledged, and investigated where required. Feedback on how the complaint was managed and resolved is sent to the complainant once the complaint is closed. Where the complainant is not the resident, the resident will also be informed.
- Employee are responsible for reporting complaints to line management on duty or the Manager of SAPA before the end of their shift.
- The Manager is responsible for the management of the complaints process and informing other personnelif appropriate of any feedback received.
- The Manager is responsible for ensuring that complaints are entered into the Complaints Register to inform ongoing improvement activities within the service.
- The Manager is responsible for analysing feedback trends for the purposes of informing ongoing improvement activities within the service.
- All information regarding complaints will be kept confidential amongst the employee concerned with its resolution.
- Complaint documentation will be kept in a safe, locked place and accessible only to the Manager handling the complaint.
- Statistics on all types of compliments and complaints will be recorded and used to inform ongoing improvement activities within the service. For this purpose, compliment and complaint information may be disseminated to other employees. However, the identity of the complainant or persons named in the feedback will not be disclosed.
HSQF Standards / Standard5:Feedback, complaints and appeals
Standard Indicators: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4
Standard one - Governance and Management: Sound governance and management systems that maximise outcomes for stakeholders
Standard Indicators:1.1, 1.5, 1.7
Standard four – Safety, wellbeing and rights: The safety, wellbeing and human and legal rights of people using services are protected and promoted.
Standard Indicators:4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
References / -Complaints by Residents Policy
-Grievance Resolution Policy
-Privacy Policy
-Confidentiality Policy
-Feedback Policy
-Requests for Service and Referrals Policy
-Client Service Charter Policy
-Code of Conduct Policy
-Information Management Policy
-Access to Confidential Information Policy
-Client Records Policy
-Complaint Form
Legislation orother requirements / -Privacy Act 1988
-Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)
-Disability Act 2006
-Human Rights
-Disability service Standards
SAPA Complaint Support Statement
SAPA support your right to share compliments, feedback, concerns or make a complaint.
SAPA welcomes feedback and complaints as part of our commitment to provide a high quality service.
Tell us what we’re doing well. We appreciate hearing from you.
If you have a concern, we would like to hear from you.
We understand the importance of resolving matters promptly within our service.
We aim to provide a welcoming environment for you to raise a concern or a complaint.
We value open and timely communication. It benefits our ongoing relationship with you.
We will work with you to address concerns and resolve issues.
Seeking to resolve concerns or complaints is part of our responsibilities.
A copy of our Complaint Handling Policy is available for you to view.
To get a copy of the policy or for more information please speak to:
We welcome your feedback
SAPA is committed to providing high quality care and services and meeting your needs.
We value your feedback – including complaints.
Please let us know what we do well and where we can improve our services.
I am a / □ resident / □ family member / □ representative
□ employee / □ volunteer / □ contractor
□ employee on behalf of resident / □ visitor
Follow up (optional)
Please provide your details if you would like us to contact you about your feedback.
Name: ______
Phone / email: ______
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about our service at PM Village.
Please place completed form in the drop box located at
Letter Acknowledging a Complaint
To:[Complainant’s name]
cc:[Care recipient – if not the same as complainant]
Dear [Name],
We have received a copy of your complaint relating to the following issue(s):
- [insert details of complaint]
We are sorry that you experienced dissatisfaction with SAPA Services.
We are committed to delivering high quality care and services and we will be looking into your complaint over the next [XX days / weeks].
We plan to review what has happened in this instance, why it happened and what we can do to prevent it from happening again. As part of our inquiries, we will consider what you have told us and provide a copy of your complaint to the manager responsible for the employee involved. We may also interview the employee who were providing care and services in relation to your complaint and examine service records and other internal documents, policies and procedures.
[IF APPLICABLE We intend to involve the resident in the resolution of this issue where appropriate.]
We will respect your privacy and confidentiality at all times while working to resolve your complaint, and communicate with you regularly to keep you informed about any progress.
If you are not satisfied with the way we handle your complaint you can contact:
- [Manager Name] on [Phone Number] or via email [Email Address] to discuss your concern, or
- Disability Advocacy for assistance – a free and confidential service promoting the rights of people receiving aged care services – on 1800 700 600, or
- NDIS Complaints Commissioner – a free service for anyone to raise a concern about the quality of Australian Government funded aged care services –
on 1800 550 552 or by visiting
If you have any concerns or would like to discuss any of these matters, please contact me on [insert contact details].
Yours sincerely,
[Name and contact details]
Letter Confirming a Complaint has Been Resolved
To:[Complainant’s name]
cc:[Care recipient – if not the same as complainant]
Date: [
Dear [Name],
Thank you for discussing your concerns about [insert summary description about the complaint] with us.
We regret that you experienced dissatisfaction with the quality of our service.
We wish to confirm that we have looked into your complaint, discussed these issues with you and agreed on the following outcome and resolution:
- [insert details about agreed facts and agreed resolution, including any actions taken or promised to be taken. For example:
We hope that you are satisfied with the resolution of your complaint. Please let me know if there is anything else you would like to discuss with me.
Thank you for taking the time to raise your concerns with us. We view all complaints as an opportunity to improve the services we deliver and appreciate your assistance in the ongoing improvement of the care we provide.
Yours sincerely,
[Name and contact details]
ACTION TRACKER – ‘AT A GLANCE’Task / Staff Member / Date
Complaint acknowledged
Complaint assessed
Investigation of events
Resolution with complainant
Confirmation with complainant
Confirmation with the Care Manager
Complaint closed
External referral offered
Complaint entered into Complaints Tracker
1. Initial receipt of complaint
Date received: ____/____/_____ Reference Number: ______
Staff member who received complaint: ______
Received / □ in person / □ via email / □ via phone□ via mail / □ via Aged Care Complaints Commissioner
□ via advocate / □ other: ______
Initial action taken (if applicable):
2. Details of complaint
Complainant is / □ resident / □ a family member / □ a representative□ employee / □ a staff member on behalf of resident
□ anonymous / □ other:______
Complaint type: (tick all that apply)
□ health / personal care / □ physical environment / □ medication management
□ choice and dignity / □ communication / □ food and catering
□ specified care/services / □ abuse* / □ personnel
□ falls / falls prevention / □ financial / □ personal property
□ laundry / □ restraint
□ other: ______
Complainant’s name:
Complainant’s address:
Complainant’s email
Complainant’s phone
Residents name
(if not complainant)
What happened, when and who was involved
Outcome sought by complainant
3. Complaint resolution details
Approach: / □ early resolution / □ mediation / □ conciliation□ investigation / □ other: ______
Resolution / Investigation notes
Staff member involved
Issues investigated / findings
Interviews with relevant parties (include names, positions and dates):
Other notes
4. Complaint outcome details
Date resolved: _____ / _____ / _____
Describe outcomeDid complainant agree to outcome? □ yes□ no
Was an internal reconsideration discussed? □ yes□ no
Complaint referred to external agency? □ Complaints Commissioner
□ Advocacy □ other: ______
Actions taken: / □ apology / □ explanation / □ fee reduction□ fee waiver / □ policy / procedure review
□ other:______
Recommendation for changes to policies / procedures (where applicable)
Date complainant informed of outcome: ___ / ___ / ___
If complainant is not a resident, date resident informed: ___ / ___ / ___
5. Complaint closure and follow up
Complaint closed? □ yes□ no
Date closed: ___ / ___ / ___
Complaint entered into Complaint register? □ yes□ no
Complaints Handling Policy
EXAMPLE November 2016
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Ref # / Date Received / Complaint Type / Complainant Name / Main Issue / Resolution Approach / Complaint Outcome / Actions taken / PolicyProcedures Affected / Date Closed / External Referrals
0312 / 21.2.45 / Personal property / Family member / Missing items of clothing / Conciliation / Purchase missing items / Care plan updated. All clothing labeled. / Resident access/ privacy / 28.2.1245 / None
SAPA Date plan prepared: ______
Date / Issues identified(include source for example complaint, internal audit) / Related Policies Procedures / Planned action / Planned completion date / Actual completion date
Complaints Handling Policy
EXAMPLE November 2016
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