Topic: ESEA Waiver Update (School Accountability Under First Year of Smarter Balanced Assessment)

Date: March 6, 2014

Staff/Office: Doug Kosty and Josh Rew, Office of Learning

Action Requested:

Informational Only Adoption Later Adoption Adoption/Consent Agenda


·  Recommend accountability reporting requirements for 2014-15 under the first operational year of the Smarter Balanced assessments.


·  The overall school rating is an index that consists of several indicators: achievement, growth, graduation, and assessment participation. The transition from OAKS to the Smarter Balanced assessments in 2014-15 as well as the administration of the Smarter Balanced field test in 2013-14 will impact the achievement, growth, and assessment participation indicators.

·  ODE has met with and will continue to meet with stakeholders and technical experts to discuss and gather feedback concerning the 2014-15 school accountability system and the impact on achievement, growth, and assessment participation. These groups of stakeholders and technical experts include the following:

o  ESEA Flexibility Extension Advisory Group (January 9th 2013)

o  Committee of Practioners (January 21st 2014)

o  Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (January 31st 2014)

o  Data Collection Committee (February 13th 2014)

o  Council of Chief State School Officers (February 19th 2014)

o  Region One Assessment Consortium (February 21st 2014)

o  Accountability and Reporting Advisory Committee (February 28th 2014)

o  ESEA Flexibility Extension Advisory Group (March-April)

·  During these meetings, ODE put forth the following questions to stakeholders and technical experts:

o  Given that the current accountability system uses multiple years of data to determine the overall school rating, what are the implications of using a single year of achievement and assessment participation data in 2014-15 for the achievement and the assessment participation indicators?

o  How should ODE determine whether a school receives a growth rating in 2014-15 given that students may not have a prior achievement score due to the field test?

o  If a school does not have sufficient students with prior achievement scores to calculate a valid growth rating, should ODE carry over the growth rating from the previous year or should ODE indicate that the school is “Not Rated” similar to very small or new schools?

o  If a school chooses to double-test students in 2013-14, should ODE include double-test OAKS scores in the 2014-15 growth model? If yes, how should ODE determine whether to include the double-test OAKS scores so as to avoid unfairness due to “cherry picking” students?

·  Regardless of how Oregon proceeds with school accountability in 2014-15, ODE will:

o  continue to report assessment results against Annual Measurable Objectives.

o  not identify new priority and focus schools until 2015-16.

o  identify new model schools annually.


·  To be determined following stakeholder meetings.