2 blanch lines12 pt
2 blanch lines12 pt
A. Rossi
Affiliation, City, Country
1 blanch line10 pt
B. Verdi
Affiliation, City, Country
3 blanch lines12 pt
The paper should be not longer than 12 pages in the A4 format, including tables, figures, conclusions, and references.
The page margins should be set as: Left, Right, and Top: 2.5 cm; Bottom: 3.2 cm. Use a Times or Roman (Times New Roman in MsWord) typeface 12 pt high. All text should be single-spaced.
In the present paper template spacing between lines are in light blue and right-justified.
The full paper should be electronically submitted both .doc and .pdf formats, along with the original figures. Paper submission deadline is September30th, 2009. Delayed papers will not included in the Conference proceedings.
2 blanch lines12 pt
1.first page
1 blanch line12 pt
The heading of the first page which brings both the name and logo of the Congress should not be modified.
The following information should appear after two blanch lines below the page heading:
- paper title (Times New Roman, 14 pt, capital, bold, fully-justified);
- first name initial and last name (with just the initial in capital) of the first author and of the following ones with the same affiliation (Times New Roman, 11 pt, fully-justified);
- affiliation (Times New Roman, 10 pt, italics, fully-justified).
The points 2. and 3. apply also to each author with different affiliation. The present template should be used for writing the full paper. The complete text should be saved in both .doc and .pdf formats as:
Last name of the first author_Initial of the his first name_order number (just if more papers are submitted by the same author).file extension
(Example: Augenti_N_1.doc; Augenti_N_1.pdf)
Each page of the manuscript should be numbered just in the .doc file.The page number should be centred and located at the foot of the page.
Since the .pdf file will be used for the publication of the Proceedings, its pages should not be numbered.
2 blanch lines12 pt
2.next pages
1 blanch line12 pt
The heading of the next pages should be modified by entering the names of the authors (just the initials should appear in capital) and the paper title (in capital), as showed in the present template (Arial, 9 pt, fully-justified).
2 blanch lines12 pt
3.sections and subsections
1 blanch line12 pt
Section headings should appear in capital and bold, and should be preceded by a listed number (Times New Roman,12 pt, Title 2).
All paragraphs should be lacking in any re-entry.
1 blanch line12 pt
Subsection headings should be in tiny (except for the capital initial), bold, and preceded by the listed numbers of the section and subsection (Times New Roman, 12 pt, Title 3).
2 blanch lines12 pt
1 blanch line12 pt
Any formula should be centred with respect to the page margins. Each formula called in the text should be progressively numbered between round parentheses located on the right.
1 blanch line12 pt
1 blanch line12 pt
Formulas font should be set to Times New Roman,12 pt.
2 blanch lines12 pt
1 blanch line12 pt
All figures and tables should be included in the 12 pages of the manuscript. Figure captions should be numbered, written in Times New Roman 10 pt, and centred underneath the figure.
Text in the table should be written in Times New Roman, 10 pt.
1 blanch line12 pt
Specimen / Strength(MPa) / Temperature / Peak value / Deviation
1 / 18.3 / 30 / 1 / 10
2 / 18.7 / 40 / 3 / 20
1 blanch line10 pt
Table 1. Specimens and summary of the testing results
1 blanch line12 pt
1 blanch line 10 pt
Figure 1.Stresses on the elementary volume
1 blanch line12 pt
A blanch line should be placed both above and below any figure or table.
Each figure should be electronically submitted along with both .doc and .pdf files of the full paper.
2 blanch lines12 pt
1 blanch line12 pt
References (in Times New Roman, 11 pt) should be alphabetically ordered with the following information (please see the example below):
-Last name (full) and first name initials of each author, separated themselves by commas;
-Paper title;
-Journal or Proceedings name (in italics);
-City, Country, and year of publication;
-Number of pages.
AugentiN., ClementeP.: Dynamic Characterization Test of the New Law Court in Naples, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, Vol. 23, No. 1,Reston, USA, 2009, pp. 15-19.