Members in attendance / ApologiesGraham Foster / Jackie Brock
Martin Johnstone / Derek Crichton
KarynMcCluskey / Rose Fitzpatrick
Susan McVie / David Hume
Robert Scott / Mark Williams
Wendy Wilkinson
Celia Tennant
Paul Main
David Cowan
Other attendeesAttendees at Informal Lunch
Neil Hastie - SG / Tom Houston - Health Promotion Lead Officer
Gery McLaughlin - SG / Hawkhill Community Association Staff and board - Elma
Gill Scott - SG / Women’s Group – Irene (Speaker)
Gordon Paterson - SG / Man up – Joe (Speaker)
Michelle Harrity - SG / Through Care After Care – Haydn (Speaker)
Older and Previous Users
Youth Workers/Volunteers – Scott (Speaker)
David Topliff – Link Up
Andrew McGowan – Link Up
Danny Stuart – Violence Reduction Unit
Agenda Item 1: Welcome
- Wendy Wilkinson, Chair, standing in for Gillian Russell, welcomed everyone to the 12th BSC Board meeting, including new member David Cowan who has replaced Lesley Fraser.
Wendy expressed her thanks to Paul Main and Lesley Fraser for their contribution to the Board. Barry McEwen, Police Scotland,will replace Paul on the Board.
Agenda Item 2: Crime and Justice Survey Findings
2. BSC Phase 1 ison track to meet the stretch aim. Overall crime is coming down but it is becoming more concentrated geographically and socially. Levels of victimisation across Scotland are in decline but in 15% of most deprived areas they have stayed the same.
Reasons for this may include:
- different tolerance levels toward crime in deprived areas. These communities can have lower expectations and don’t report as much of it.
- homeless people are often the ‘hidden’ victims. We don’t get a sense of the level of an area’s homelessness problem from the official figures.
The Board agreed that while a new stretch aim is not required, consideration must be given to this trend.
AP: Susan to speak at Board meeting in September about the research being done by Edinburgh University on SCJS figures.
AP:Glasgow is undertaking a review of its Homelessness providers. Susan to speak to the Homeless Community about victimisation.
Agenda Item 3: BSC Progress Review
3. The Building Safer Communities team met in March and April to review the present status of the programme. The discussion was broadly structured around Purpose, Achievements, Communication, Progress and Actions.
To move the programme on to the next stage the team identified a number of actions that would assist in the identification of clear milestones for the coming year. A draft timeline of activity, actions and milestones for the year ahead (BSC 2016-17), based on discussions so far, was issued on the day.
AP: The Board will be further updated on this work at the September Board meeting.
Agenda Item 4: Phase 1 Update
4. Wendy Wilkinson introduced the Activity Report and led a discussion on what it feels like to be a Champion,the challenges Champions face and what support Champions need to help them deliver in their areas.
Suggestions to help delivery included:
- encourage better connectedness within communities and community groups
- identify bright spots
- ensure communities, not just us, are learning from good practice and being supported to develop (build into Activate).
- Help communities speak to other communities that are like them.
Agenda Item 5: Phase 2 Update
5. Robert Scott presented a paper to the Board which provided a position statement in relation to Phase 2 of Building Safer Communities, including timescales for publication of an updated version of the Strategic Assessment and a shorter, themed summary report (late summer 2016).A detailed plan for delivery is not yet in place but developing and agreeing a stretch aim will form part of the creation of that plan.
AP: Susan to speak to Robert about Performance.
AP:Karyn to speak to Robert about theVRU’s A & E data and findings.
Agenda Item 6: Next steps and AOB
The next BSC Board meetings will be on 07 September (Polmont) and 13 December (venue TBC).
AP: Susan to speak at Board meeting in September about the research being done by Edinburgh University on SCJS figures.
AP: Susan to speak to the Homeless Community about victimisation.
AP: Robert to present the Board with a detailed delivery plan for BSC Phase 2, including a stretch aim, at the September Board meeting.
AP: Susan to speak to Robert about Performance.
AP:Karyn to speak to Robert about the VRU’s A & E data and findings.