What do I need to run Legitronic Label Printing Software 3.7.x?
Here are the minimum system requirements:
•Supported Operating Systems:
- Windows XP Professional
- Windows Windows 7 (32-bit)
- Windows Windows 7 (64-bit)
- Windows Server 2003/2008
•Hardware Requirements:
- Pentium 4 class processor or equivalent
- 100 MB Available Hard Disk Space
- USB Port (for installing Hardware Key/ License Device)
What has been updated or fixed in Version 3.7.x?
Legitronic is the latest release of Weber Marking Systems' label printing software. It includes a number of new features as well as bug fixes.
Refer to: Legitronic 370 Release Notes.pdf(PDF)
Refer to: Legitronic 371 Release Notes.pdf (PDF)
Can I install Version 3.7.x over an existing installation of an earlier version?
No. You'll want to back up all your label formats and databases, and uninstall Legitronic Labeling Software before using Version 3.7.x.
Is Legitronic Label Printing Software 3.7.x backward compatible with earlier versions of Legitronic Labeling Software?
No. Like previous releases, once you've opened and saved a label format in Legitronic Label Printing Software 3.7.x, you cannot open the format in an earlier version.
How do I install Legitronic Labeling Software?
The instructions for installing the various components of our software can be found on the install.pdf located on the Legitronic Software CDROM. If you cannot locate your Legitronic Software CD then then use the attached copy below.
Refer to: Install.pdf (PDF)
Do I need a license to run Legitronic Labeling Software?
Refer to: Licensing Legitronic labeling Software (PDF)
What does a "dongle not found" error in Legitronic 3.7.x mean?
1. Check part number on the dongle:
USB Dongle Professional Version & Secure Series Version are the same part number- 45243.
2. Check the Operating System on your PC. If it is Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP, a Sentinel Driver needs to be installed. Follow these steps for sentinel driver installation:
a) If you have a USB dongle, unplug it from the port until this procedure is complete.
b) In Windows select >Start >Programs >Weber Packaging Solutions >Legitronic Labeling Software For Windows >Sentinel Installer or NT Sentinel Device Driver.
c) Install the driver using default settings. Reboot the computer if prompted.
Can I still use my Parallel Dongle(part number 41514) with Legi v3.7.x if my PC has a parallel port?
Yes. If you have a parallel port on your Windows XP, 7 or 8 computer you can still use your 32-bit parallel dongle license key.
Usually at this time most Windows 7 & 8 PCs only have USB ports, so that will mean that you will need to exchange your Parallel port dongle for a USB port dongle, if you need to swap out your hardware-key dongle - please see/contact our Customer Support Department byemail; or by phone: 800-843-4242
How can I get a printer driver for Legitronic versions 3.7.x?
Weber Packaging Solutions is now certified as a trustworthy software publisher. Legitronic printer drivers are now supported under Windows 8. Legitronic Supported Printer Drivers are included on our Software Installation CD.
How do I install a printer driver in Legitronic versions 3.7.x on Windows XP, 7 & 8?
The automated installer now installs both the USB and Parallel port drivers for legacy customers. Parallel port licenses keys are not available from Weber.
Refer to: Pages 26-34 from the Install.pdf (PDF) documentation that comes on the Legitronic software CDROM.
How do I print a label longer than a 11" inches?
Refer to: Printing-Labels-Longer-than-11-Inches-Rev-2_2014.pdf (PDF)
Why does only part of my label print when using Legitronic 3.X?
Refer to: Changing The Default Label Size on a Legitronic Labeling Software Printer (PDF)
How do I change the printer darkness setting?
1. Open your label for design and select the "File" menu and then select "Printer Setup."
2. Select "Send Darkness Command" if you want the label format to control this setting, and change the value under "Setup Darkness."
3. Select "Use Printer's Darkness Setting" if you would like the printer to control the darkness.
How do I change the print speed?
1. Open your label for design and select the "File" menu and then select "Printer Setup."
2. Select "Send the Print Speed Command" if you want the label format to control this setting and change the value under "Setup Speed."
3. Select "Use the Printer's Speed Setting" if you would like the printer to control the print speed.
The label constantly prints too high or too low on my media. How can I adjust this?
1. Open your label for design and select the "File" menu and then select "Printer Setup."
2. Select "Send the Label Top Command" if you want the label format to control this setting and change the value under "Setup Label Top."
3. Select "Use Printer's Label Top Setting" if you would like the printer to control the Label Top.
Can I use Legitronic Label Printing Software 3.7.x in conjunction with my Database?
Yes. You can use the ODBC access method found in earlier versions of 32 bit Legitronic Labeling Software, and additionally, you can now access a database using Microsoft's OLE DB interface.
Refer to: Using a Database with Legitronic 36x.pdf
For Windows 7 64bit systems – refer to the following documentation on how to find the 32bit ODBC Drivers - Refer to: How to get 32_bit ODBC Drivers on Win7_64bit PC.pdf
What Do "syntax" errors reported by ODBC or OLE DB drivers indicate?
Modern database programs, utilities and drivers employ a large number of "special" characters as programming operators, I.E. #, @, -, etc. Remove any non-alphanumeric characters from your database's table names and/or column names.
What does an ODBC error mean?
There are various ODBC errors possible. The following items may help in troubleshooting ODBC errors.
1. Setup ODBC connection;
2. Check the Data Property of your fields on a label and make sure that they all reference the name from Step 1.
3. Never use a default name for the Data Source like: dBase Files, Excel Files, MS Access Database.
4. Make sure that the Data Source Name is available for the user that is printing labels.
5. If the database file was updated, make sure that none of the column headings or table names were changed. The label template won't recognize the new names.
6. If the database table name or columns headings were changed in the database, the label format needs to be modified to reflect the new names.
Refer to: Using an ODBC Database with Legitronic Labeling Software 3.X (PDF)
Also refer to: Using an Access Database with Legitronic Labeling Software Version 3.5 (PDF)
Can I use my existing Batch Print Controls with Legitronic Label Printing Software 3.7.x?
No. The Batch Print Control feature is not Unicode compatible, so this feature has been removed from version 3.7.x.
Can I still use Application Designer with Legitronic Label Printing Software 3.7.x?
No. The Application Designer feature is not Unicode compatible, so this feature has been removed from version 3.7.x.
Can I still control my user's Data Rights in Legitronic Label Printing Software 3.7.x?
No. The Data Rights feature has been removed from the Security Administrator in version 3.7.x. Today's operating systems and network environments provide much better access control of file locations.
Can I use the Unicode Character Set with Legitronic Label Printing Software 3.7.x?
Yes. This new version has been redesign to take advantage of the Unicode capabilities of Windows XP Pro.and Windows 7 Pro
Does Legitronic Label Printing Software 3.7.xsupport Gen 2 RFID tag encoding?
Yes. Just be sure to use an RFID enabled printer driver when designing your labels.
Refer to: Encoding RFID Tags for Retail and the DoD.pdf
Does Legitronic Label Printing Software 3.7.x support 1D and 2D Barcode encoding?
Yes. – One of the new features is a GS1 DataMatrix Barcode Wizard that helps in encodeing 1D & 2D barcodes. In label design, right-click on a data matrix barcode and click on GS1 DataMatrix Barcode Wizard. Use the wizard to create and encode data matrix barcodes meeting requirements of the GS1 DataMatrix specification.
1.)AIAG 1D Barcode Wizard
In label design, right-click on a Code 39 or Code 128 barcode and click on AIAG 1D Barcode Wizard. Use the wizard to create and encode barcodes meeting requirements of the AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) specification.
AIAG 1D Barcode Wizard
2.)AIAG 2D Barcode Wizard
In label design, right-click on a PDF-417 barcode and click on AIAG 2D Barcode Wizard. Use the wizard to create and encode barcodes meeting requirement of the AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) specification.
AIAG 2D Barcode Wizard