Articulation Arrangement Template
/Details of the proposed arrangement
List the programmes students will be eligible to progress on to at Newcastle.
Anticipated student numbers
Anticipated start date of arrangement
Proposed academic entry requirements for progression to Newcastle
English language progression requirements, including information on how students on the programme will be supported to achieve this.
Will the INTO Newcastle University Pre-sessional programme be required?
A detailed mapping of the partner and Newcastle programme should be undertaken to ensure that there is an appropriate match between the two programmes and that students entering via this route will enter at the same level as students progressing from the Newcastle programme to the same stage.
If any gaps in the equivalence of the partner’s provision are identified, outline the proposal to address this.
This mapping should take in account the following: syllabus, intended aims and learning outcomes, teaching and learning methods.
Please provide details of the outcome of this mapping exercise. Please provide any additional supporting evidence as required.
Newcastle Programme (Qualification, Title & Stage) / Partner’s Programme (Qualification & Title) :
Module code / Module title / Credit value / Partner’s module which maps to the Newcastle module :
Provide details of the assessment process at the partner including a mapping of the marking/grading system at the partner to the Newcastle marking scale.
Outline any proposal to have involvement by Newcastle staff in the assessment and moderation processes of the partner?
How will students entering Newcastle programmes through this route be supported and integrated into the wider student cohort?
Please provide details of the staff delivering the programme at the partner and outline any staff training and development required
Please provide details of the arrangements for the ongoing monitoring of the arrangement.
This should including ensuring that the programmes remain aligned and appropriate for granting advanced standing to Newcastle programmes and monitoring of student performance.
Outline the arrangements for agreeing and monitoring publicity for the arrangement.
School Approval
The relevant Board of Studies should consider the appropriateness of the alignment between the two partners and whether appropriate measures are in place to support the arrangement.
Signature of Chair of BoS:
Signature of Head of School:
FLTSEC Approval
FLTSEC should consider the following areas in reaching a judgement on whether to approve the arrangement:
- Whether there is an appropriate match between the programmes to ensure students entering via the articulation arrangement will have attained the same standard as students studying the full award at Newcastle and entering the same stage of their studies
- Whether the plans to support and integrate students to the cohort are appropriate
- Whether the arrangements for on-going monitoring of the arrangement are appropriate
Signature of Chair of FLTSEC: