SCHOOL INFORMATION: North Cobb High School
3400 Highway 293, North
Kennesaw, 30144
770.975.6685SCHOOL WEBSITE:
CLASS BLOG: see school website (click Academics, Career
Technology, my website)
Human Growth and Development for Early Childhood addresses the knowledge skills, attitudes, and behaviors associated with supporting and promoting optimal growth and development of infants and children. Topics that may be addressed include principles of physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and moral development; human needs across the ages and stages of childhood; impacts of family and societal crisis on the development of the child; and career decisions. Mastery of standards through project based learning, technical skills practice, and leadership development activities of the career and technical student organizations will provide students with a competitive edge for either entry into the education global marketplace and/or the post-secondary institution of their choice to continue their education and training.
COURSE STANDARDS Visit Or for complete list
GRADING SCALE See North Cobb High School Student Agenda
100% Standards based grading
The Developing Child, Glencoe-McGraw Hill, $54.97
Teacher demonstration Lecture and example
Student activities DVD’s/Videos/Multimedia
Projects Note taking / ppts.
3 –ring Binder Notebook *Donations are greatly appreciated*
Loose-leaf Paper Box of tissues
Flash drive Hand sanitizer
Blue/black ink pens Content related magazines
Pencils Pre-school books and materials; ages 3-5
31 tabbed dividers
Box of small envelopes
PLEASE NOTE: Additional materials may be requested by teacher on an as needed basis
Cheating is considered a serious matter. The act of cheating will result in a disciplinary referral. The first incidence does not carry a disciplinary consequence with the administrator, just a conference. In any incidence, the parents of a student who has been involved in cheating will be notified and the student will receive a grade of zero for the test or evaluation period, and a grade of U in conduct.
For this course, cheating is defined as, but is not limited to, the following acts:
• Copying anyone’s answers to questions, exercises, study guides, classwork or homework
• Taking any information verbatim from any source, including the Internet, without giving proper
credit to the author, or rearranging the order of words and/or changing some words as written by
the author and claiming the work as his or her own, i.e., plagiarism.
• Looking onto another student’s paper during a test or quiz.
• Having available any study notes or other test aids during a test or quiz without the teacher's
• Collaborating on assignments when independent work is expected.
• Making any effort to communicate the contents of assessment questions or answers through use of
cell phone texting, photography, social networking sites, or other related technology.
• Using a cell phone or camera at any point during a test or assessment without express permission
of the instructor.
Any student assigned teacher detention has 2 (two days to serve that detention. The detention will be served in Room 3068. All detentions will be served before school from 7:45 to 8:15 or afterschool from 3:30 to 4:00 P.M. Tuesday through Thursday. If the student is late to detention, the student will not be allowed in the classroom. Any failure to serve detention will be turned in to the appropriate Administrator.
These devices should not be visible at any time during instruction. Students with cell phones out during instructional time will be given a verbal warning on the 1st offense. On the second offense, parent/guardian will be contacted. On the third offense, student will be assigned a 30-minute teacher detention along with bringing back the signed detention form from parent/guardian. On the fourth offense, student will be referred to the appropriate Administrator.
Tutorial time will be provided in afternoon on Tuesday through Thursday afternoons from 3:30-4:30 p.m. by appointment only. Students should speak with teacher to request and arrange tutoring time.
It is the student’s responsibility to make up any work missed due to excused absences. If the work is not made up within five days, the student understands that he/she will NOT be given credit for any work missed. Additionally, please let me know if you are experiencing difficulty completing an assignment/project so that arrangements can be made. I am available by appointment after school to make-up work for my class.
Internet access is available from 5 student stations in my classroom as well as during scheduled computer labs.. Student Internet use requires prior permission from me and is allowed for educational purposes only. Multiple web-based research databases, such as GALILEO, Grolier Online, Gale Literature Resource Center, and Electric Library Classic, are provided for school and home use. “Surfing” and use of search engines and e-mail are not permitted in the classroom without my express permission and my supervision. Use of the Internet provides great educational benefits to students. Unfortunately, however, some material accessible via the Internet may contain items that are illegal, defamatory, or potentially offensive to some people. Access to the Internet is given as a privilege to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. We require that students and parents or guardians read, accept, and sign the following rules for acceptable online behavior.
1. Network storage areas may be treated like school lockers. Network administrators may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that users are using the system responsibly. Network files are not private. Student use of NCHS technology will be for educational purposes only. Unless the student receives prior permission and supervision from the student’s teacher or other appropriate school personnel, the student shall not use Cobb County School District’s technology or access the Internet.
2. The following are not permitted at NCHS:
a. Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures.
b. Accessing of e-mail.
c. Accessing of chat rooms.
d. Game playing or viewing music videos.
e. Downloading of files to any drive without teacher permission.
f. Students may not use a Flash drive in the classroom without permission from a teacher or
use a Flash drive in the Media Center without permission from the Media Center staff.
g. Violating copyright laws.
h. Using the password or login of another student.
i. Trespassing in another’s folders, works or files.
j. Intentionally wasting limited resources, including through the use of “chain letters” and
messages broadcasted to mailing lists or individuals.
k. Employing the network for commercial purposes.
l. Revealing personal address or phone number of you or any other person on the Net.
m. Accessing Instant Messaging programs.
n. Damaging computers (including the default settings), computer systems, or computer
o. Students will not be allowed to view sites in any language other than English (unless
directed by instructor).
3. Violations may result in a loss of computer access as well as other disciplinary or legal
1. Students are expected to be on time and in your assigned seat when the bell rings! We will abide
by the school tardy policy. Students should stay in their assigned sear or area.
2. Be prepared! Bring your notebook, paper, pen/pencil and curriculum materials each day.
3. Students are expected to complete all assigned work assigned according to directions given.
4. Do not disturb the class (example: noises, loud talking, distracting students from their work, etc.).
5. There is to be NO Peanut products, FOOD OR DRINKS in the classroom (OPEN OR
UNOPENED). Bottled water is permitted. Students needing food or drink for medical reasons
should have a doctor or parent note stating concern.
7. Respect for the teacher, equipment, and for each other will be maintained at ALL times.
8. All personal grooming should be taken care of BEFORE class – THIS INCLUDES TRIPS TO THE
9. All rules and regulations in the North Cobb High School Student Handbook will be enforced.
The teacher, student, or parent/guardian may decide a conference is needed. They may be arranged by calling the counselor’s office of North Cobb High School at 770-975-6688. My planning time is from 12:30 until 1:50. However, duties may consume some of that time such as lunch duty, professional learning, meetings, etc.
Progress reports will be issued to students at each grading interval. Students are responsible for giving progress reports to parent/guardian. Parents have the opportunity to access grades on Pinnacle. I will be updating grades every two weeks. Students will receive the grade they have earned all semester long. I will not allow any student to make-up missed assignments near report card-marking to bring up grade. This is unfair to me and your fellow classmates to expect special privileges. Keeping up daily with work eliminates the need for panic near report card-marking periods.
On occasion, pictures and/or videos will be taken of students and their participation in activities and projects. Parents must contact me if this is not acceptable for their child. Signing this syllabus signifies parental acceptance of student possibly being captured on film for scrapbook or program marketing purposes.
2012-2013 Dress Code
It is expected that every student will maintain the level of personal hygiene and safety necessary to ensure a healthy school environment, and will refrain from any mode of dress which is distracting to classroom instruction or which contributes to the disruption of the normal function of the school.
The dress code applies to all school functions.
North Cobb High School complies with the dress code policies of the Cobb County School District.
The following types of clothing are considered inappropriate at North Cobb:
1. Footwear (shoes) must be worn and appropriate for the school setting both in appearance and safety. House shoes/slippers are not acceptable footwear for school.
2. No headgear is to be worn in the school building during the school day. This includes hats, bandanas, do-rags, caps, hoods, scarves, sunglasses, and forehead bands. The hoods of hooded sweatshirts are not allowed on your head while in the building. Any items confiscated may be reclaimed on the last
day of school by the student or when a parent picks them up.
3. Clothing or ornamentation, which advertises alcohol or substances that are illegal for, minors, or which displays suggestive phrases, designs, markings, or profanities are also prohibited.
4. Clothing that displays weapons, violence, gang affiliations, or other logos that cause dissension are not permitted.
5. Shirts may not be any longer than fingertip length if “un-tucked” from pants.
6. Backless or strapless dresses or shirts are not permitted.
7. No midriff shirts or blouses are permitted. Midriff areas must be covered so that no skin is exposed on the torso at any time (front or back). No sheer garments and no low-cut necklines are permitted. Cleavage must not show.
8. Appropriate undergarments must be worn. Clothing must not reveal undergarments.
9. Tank tops, strapless tops, and thin, strapped tops may not be worn.
Shirts/tops must cover the shoulder (shoulder should not be exposed).
10. Shorts, shirts, dresses and skirts that are too short and/or too tight: Style and material may make certain garments inappropriate even at an appropriate length. Minimum length is to the end of the fingertips on all sides (front, sides, and back).
11. Slits in dresses and skirts may be no shorter than the end of the fingertips on all sides (front, sides, and back).
12. No pajama pants, boxer shorts, cut-off sweat pants, spandex shorts or leggings worn alone or without appropriate outer garment of appropriate length.
13. Leggings and jeggings are not pants and may be worn only if covered by shorts, shirts, or skirts that extend to the end of the fingertips on all sides. Shorts, shirts, skirts, and/or dresses worn over leggings or jeggings must be at the minimum length (to the end of the fingertips on all sides (front, sides, and back).
14. All pants and trousers must be worn at waist level (no sagging or bagging). Pants must fit properly, no oversized pants. Pants may not have any holes, unfastened belts, or exposed undergarments.
15. No coveralls or jumpsuits are allowed.
School officials will make the interpretation of what is acceptable dress. Students who are judged to be inappropriately dressed will be allowed to change clothes, to call home for someone to bring a change of clothes, or for permission to go home to change clothes and return to school for the first offense. Classes missed will be unexcused.
Students unable to change will be assigned to an alternative classroom location.
Repeat offenses will result in disciplinary action.
Sign and Return to Mrs. Alexander
_____ I have read the class syllabus.
_____ I understand the course description, grading policy, and classroom rules & procedures.
_____ I give my child permission to view G, PG, PG13 movies/videos or TV material related to
the curriculum of the class.
_____ I am willing to be contacted via email. (Please provide email address below)
_____ I have access to the Internet and will utilize the Pinnacle (I-Parent) feature to check on my child’s progress. I understand that teachers will make every effort to post grades within two weeks of receipt of student work. However, posting of grades for major projects & assignments may take longer than two weeks.
(Print) Student Name______Period#______
Student Signature______
(Print) Parent Name______
Parent Signature______
Medical Concerns/Allergies ______
(Email Address) ______
Specific Notes/Comments: