Minor Irrigation Department, U.P.

Bundelkhand Package

Summary of Proposal(Revised)

(Rs. in Crores)

Sl.No. / Items / Physical Target / Financial
Total / NREGA / ACA
A. / Under Watershed Management
1 / Construction of New Dug wells @ Rs. 2.83 lakh / 8834 / 250.00 / 125.00 / 125.00
2 / Dug well Recharge @ Rs. 0.162 lakh / 30864 / 50.00 / 8.33 / 41.67
3 / Deepning/Renovation of wells @ Rs. 0.83 lakh / 30120 / 250.00 / 166.67 / 83.33
Total / 550.00 / 300.00 / 250.00
B / Water Resources
Reconsturction of Water Distribution Network
Distribution of HDPE pipe system / 14450 / 40.00 / 40.00
Grand Total / 590.00 / 300.00 / 290.00

* Construction of New Dug Well -

Labour Component-30% (75.00 crore)

Material Component70% (175.00 crore)

From NREGA - Labour Component 75.00 crores and Material Component Rs. 50.00 crores

From ACA -Rs. 125.00 crore for Material Component.

**Dug Well Recharge -

Labour Component-10% (5.00 crore)

Material Component-90% (45.00 crore)

From NREGA - Labour Component 5.00 crores and Material Component Rs. 3.33 crores

From ACA - Rs. 41.67 crore for Material Component.

*** Renovation/Deepening of Dug well

Labour Component-40% (100.00 crore)

Material Component-60% (150.00 crore)

From NREGA - Labour Component 100.00 crores and Material Component Rs. 66.67 crores

From ACA - Rs. 83.33 crore for Material Component.

Department of Minor Irrigation,Uttar Pradesh

Revised Proposal in Respect of Bundelkhand Package

Out of sanctioned package works related to construction of new wells, dug well recharge and renovation under watershed management and part of reconstruction of water distribution net work under water resources have been assigned to Minor Irrigation Department.

In the sanctioned package unit cost of new dug wells has been taken as Rs. 1.00 lakh per well, however actual cost at present is Rs. 2.83 lakh per well. Unit cost of dug well recharge is Rs. 16200.00 per well and deepening of existing dug/blast wells is Rs. 0.83 lakh per well. So from the recommended amount, recommendedphysical units can not be constructed. Apart from this new dug/blast wells can not be constructed from NREGA funds only as labour component will be only 30%.Thus readjustment of ACA among proposed activities is also required.

In the light of above proposals for construction of New Dug/Blast Wells is following-

Construction of New Dug /Blast wells

Total no. of 20,000 wells @ Rs. 1.00 lakh per well costing Rs. 200.00 crores has been recommended. However present cost of 4 m dia meter, 15 m deep well is Rs. 2.83 lakh in which labour component is 30% and material component is 70%. So the actual requirement will be Rs. 566.00 crores in which Rs. 169.80 crores will be required from NREGA and Rs. 369.20 crores from ACA.

From the recommended ACA of Rs. 290.00 crores for above mentioned activities it is proposed that for construction of 8834 new dug/blast wells for which total requirement will be Rs. 250.00 crores, (Rs. 125.00 crores from NREGA and Rs. 125.00 crores from ACA.)

District wise and year wise breakup is shown at annuxure-I & II

Revised Proposal Under Bundelkhand Package

(Construction of New Dug/Blast Wells)

Minor Irrigation Department,

Uttar Pradesh

April, 2010Lucknow

Department of Minor Irrigation, Uttar Pradesh

Revised Proposal in Respect of Bundelkhand Package

Out of sanctioned package works related to construction of new wells, dug well recharge and renovation under watershed management and part of reconstruction of water distribution net work under water resources have been assigned to Minor Irrigation Department.

In the sanctioned package unit cost of new dug wells has been taken as Rs. 1.00 lakh per well, however actual cost at present is Rs. 2.83 lakh per well. Unit cost of dug well recharge is Rs. 16200.00 per well and deepening of existing dug/blast wells is Rs. 0.83 lakh per well. So from the recommended amount, recommended physical units can not be constructed. Apart from this new dug/blast wells can not be constructed from NREGA funds only as labour component will be only 30%. Thus readjustment of ACA among proposed activities is also required.

In the light of above proposals for construction of New Dug/Blast Wells is following-

Construction of New Dug /Blast wells

Total no. of 20,000 wells @ Rs. 1.00 lakh per well costing Rs. 200.00 crores has been recommended. However present cost of 4 m dia meter, 15 m deep well is Rs. 2.83 lakh in which labour component is 30% and material component is 70%. So the actual requirement will be Rs. 566.00 crores in which Rs. 169.80 crores will be required from NREGA and Rs. 369.20 crores from ACA.

From the recommended ACA of Rs. 290.00 crores for above mentioned activities it is proposed that for construction of 8834 new dug/blast wells for which total requirement will be Rs. 250.00 crores, (Rs. 125.00 crores from NREGA and Rs. 125.00 crores from ACA.)

District wise and year wise breakup is shown at annuxure-I & II

Department of Minor Irrigation, Uttar Pradesh

Revised Proposal in Respect of Bundelkhand Package

Out of sanctioned package works related to construction of new wells, dug well recharge and renovation under watershed management and part of reconstruction of water distribution net work under water resources have been assigned to Minor Irrigation Department.

In the sanctioned package unit cost of new dug wells has been taken as Rs. 1.00 lakh per well, however actual cost at present is Rs. 2.83 lakh per well. Unit cost of dug well recharge is Rs. 16200.00 per well and deepening of existing dug/blast wells is Rs. 0.83 lakh per well. So from the recommended amount, recommended physical units can not be constructed. Apart from this new dug/blast wells can not be constructed from NREGA funds only as labour component will be only 30%. Thus readjustment of ACA among proposed activities is also required.

In the light of above proposals for construction of Dug well recharge & Deepening/Renovation of Existing Wells is following-

1-Dug Well Recharge

Present unit cost of dug well recharge is Rs. 16200 per dug well in which labour component is only 10%. So for about 80,000 existing dug/blast wells, Rs. 129.60 crores will be required, in which Rs. 12.96 crores will be from NREGA and Rs. 116.64 crores from ACA.

It is proposed that from the recommended ACA of Rs. 290.00 crores for above mentioned activities for 30864 dug/blast wells for which total requirement will be Rs. 50.00 crores (Rs. 8.33 crores from NREGA and Rs. 41.67 crores from ACA.)

District wise and year wise breakup is shown at annexure –I & II

2-Deepening/Renovation of Existing Wells

Present unit cost of deepening/renovation of existing dug/blast wells is Rs. 0.83 lakh per well, in which labour component is only 40 percent. So, for about 80,000 existing dug/blast wells Rs. 664.00 crores will be required in which Rs. 265.60 crores will be from NREGA and Rs. 398.40 crores will be from ACA.

It is proposed that from the recommended ACA of Rs. 290.00 crores for above mentioned activities for 30120 dug/blast wells for which total requirement will be Rs. 250.00 crores (Rs. 166.67 crores from NREGA and Rs. 83.33 crores from ACA.)

District wise and year wise break up is shown at annexure-III & IV

Department of Minor Irrigation, Uttar Pradesh

Proposal in Respect of Bundelkhand Package

Out of sanctioned package works related to construction of new wells, dug well recharge and renovation under watershed management and part of reconstruction of water distribution net work under water resources have been assigned to Minor Irrigation Department.

In the light of above proposal for reconstruction of water distribution net work is following-

Reconstruction of Water Distribution Net work

It is proposed that out of recommended ACA of Rs. 50.00 crores in this item Rs. 40.00 crores will be utilized by Minor Irrigation Department for distribution of HDPE pipe irrigation system in private tube wells and Rs. 10.00 crores will be utilized by Irrigation Department for existing pump canals.

There are about 63,000 private tube wells in Bundelkhand region. By the end of 11th Plan, 5000 more will be constructed. Water use efficiency

of these tube wells can be considerably improved by distributing portable HDPE pipe irrigation system to the farmers.

Unit cost of one such system of about 150 m length has been estimated as Rs. 30000.00. It is proposed that this system will be provided at 100% subsidy to the SC/ST and small and marginal farmers and at 75% subsidy to other farmers. Thus for 10000 SC/ST, small and marginal farmers Rs. 30.00 crores will be required and rest Rs. 10.00 crores will be utilized to benefit 4450 farmers of other category.

District wise and year wise break up is shown at annexure- I

Proposal Under Bundelkhand Package

(Reconstruction of Water Distribution of Network -Distribution of H.D.P.E Pipe System)

Minor Irrigation Department,

Uttar Pradesh

April, 2010Lucknow

Revised Proposal Under Bundelkhand Package

(Dug Well Recharge & Deepening/Renovation of Existing Wells)

Minor Irrigation Department,

Uttar Pradesh

April, 2010Lucknow

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1.Earth Work in excavation in ordinary soil within 1.5 m to lift and 30.0 m lead as per S.E. MI Jhansi (Irrigation Drill)

1. Belder0.4444@ 100.0044.44

2. Mate0.0017@ 120.000.2


Add C.P. @ 10%4.46

Labour Rate Rs. 49.10 Per Cum

2.Earth Work in excavation in Mar Kabar and Kankar mixed dry soil within 1.5 to lift and 30.0 m lead as per S.E. MI Jhansi (Irrigation Drill)

1. Belder0.4444@ 100.0044.44

2. Mate0.0017@ 120.000.20

3. Extra for Mar Kabar & Kankar Mixed soil0.053@ 100.005.30


Add C.P. @ 10%4.99

Labour Rate Rs. 54.93 Cum

3.Earth Work in excavation in Mar Kabar mixed saturated soil within 1.5 to lift and 30.0 m lead as per S.E. MI Jhansi (Irrigation Drill)

1. Belder0.5@ 100.0050.00

2. Mason0.0357@ 170.006.07


Add C.P. @ 10%5.60

Labour Rate Rs. 61.67 Cum

4.Extra lift for each 0.30 m up to 10 lift beyond 1.5 mt Lift.

1. Belder0.01176@ 100.001.18


Add C.P. @ 10%1.29

Labour Rate Rs. 1.29 Cum

5.Excavation per cum. In soft rock without blasting up to 1.50 m lift.

1. Belder1.78@ 100.00178.00

2. Rock Cutter0.178@ 120.0021.36


Add C.P. @ 10%19.93

Labour Rate Rs. 219.29 Cum

6.Dewatering by DP Set as per I.D.S. No. 4.18 Taken 6.5 HP DP Set Rs. 20.50 per HP/Hour

20.50x6.50 =133.25

Add C.P. @ 10%13.32


Say Rs. 147.00/hour

7.Removal of slush from bed of well as per I.D.S. No. 4.15 Labour rate per cum.

Rs. 118.40 per Cum

8.Removal Concrete work with 1:3:6 cement and sand 25 to 50 mm stone ballast material in Foundation


Cement 4.3 bags@ 316.00Rs. 1358.80

Sand 4.45 cum@ 1040.90Rs. 468.40

Stone Ballast0.90 cum@ 1252.20Rs. 1126.97

Total Rs. 2954.17


Mason 0.35@ 170.00Rs. 59.50

Beldar 1.42@ 100.00Rs.142.00

Waterman 0.35@ 100.00 Rs.35.00

Mistry 0.027@ 180.00 Rs.4.86

Total Rs.241.36

Total Cost of CC1:3:6

Material cost 2954.17

Labour cost 241.36

1.5% Curing Charge 47.93

2.5% T & P Charge6.03

Add C.P. @ 10%24.13


Say Rs. 3273.60 Per Cum

9.R.C.R. stone masonry work with 1:4 Cement sand and stone khanda


Cement2.8 bags@ 316.00Rs. 884.80

Sand0.39 cum@ 1040.90Rs. 405.95

Khanda1.05 cum@ 1014.44Rs. 10.65.61

Total Rs. 2355.61


Mason 0.88@ 170.00Rs. 149.60

Beldar 1.78@ 100.00Rs.178.00

Waterman 0.176@ 100.00 Rs.17.60

Mistry 0.088@ 180.00 Rs.15.84

Total Rs.361.04

Total Cost of R.C.R:1:4

Material cost 2355.91

Labour cost 359.04

1.5% Curing Charge 40.72

2.5% T & P Charge9.02

Add C.P. @ 10%35.90


Say Rs. 2800.50 Per Cum

Extra for labour for well steining for each additional lift of 1.5m after 3.0 including scaffolding.

1. Belder 0.35@ 10.00Rs.35.00

2. Belder for Scaffolding0.076@ 10.00Rs.7.60

TotalRs. 42.60/2 = 21.30

For down lift will be charge 50% of scaffolding in 1:4 RCR S/M work.

0.0 m to 1.5 m / 2800.50
1.5 m to 3.0 m / 2800.50
3.0 m to 4.5 m / 2821.80
4.5 m to 6.0 m / 2843.10
6.0 m to 7.5 m / 2864.40
7.5 m to 9.00 m / 2885.70
9.00 m to 10.5 m / 2907.00
10.5 to 12.0 m / 2928.30
12.0 m to 13.5 m / 2949.60

10.Cement Concrete work with 1:2:4 cement sand and 10-20 mm stone grit


Cement 6.1 bags@ 316.00Rs. 1927.60

Sand 0.42 cum@ 1040.90Rs.437.18

Stone gr. 0.85 cum@ 1252.20Rs. 1064.36

Total Rs. 3429.14


Mason0.71@ 170.00Rs.120.70

Beldar 2.82@ 100.00 Rs.282.00

Waterman 0.71@ 100.00 Rs.71.00

Mistry 0.088@ 180.00 Rs.15.84


Total Cost of Cement Concrete 1:2:4

Material cost 3429.14

Labour cost 489.54

1.5% Curing Charge 53.78

2.5% T & P Charge12.24

Add C.P. @ 10%48.95


Say Rs. 4038.65 Per Cum

11.12 mm Thick Plaster work with 1:3 cement Sand, Mortar


Cement 0.186 bags@ 316.00Rs.58.77

Sand0.02 mm@ 1040.90Rs.20.82

Total Rs. 79.59


Mason0.108@ 170.00Rs.18.36

Beldar 0.325@ 100.00 Rs.32.50

Waterman 0.091@ 100.00 Rs.9.10

Total Rs. 59.96

Total Cost of Plaster work per Sqm.

Material cost 79.59

Labour cost 59.96

1.5% Curing Charge 2.09

2.5% T & P Charge1.49

Add C.P. @ 10%5.99


Say Rs. 149.10 Per Cum

12-Dismantling of R.C.R Stone Masonary in Cement Mortar

As per IDS -6.12=205.60

Add CP @ 10%=20.56

Total = 226.16 Say Rs. 226.15 per cum


The work of blasting can be divided in two parts.

Blasting Work :By Private Blasting Unit/Department Unit

1-Taking out of blasted stones from the well along with its disposal up to 30.0 m from well including dressing of internal surface of well. The above points are discussed and rates finalized as below.

Blasting work by Department unit/private blasting unit –

Taking 4.0 m as internal dia of well 25 no. of holes will be required for blasting in one round. The normal practice was to drill hole up to 0.75 m depth. Previously 1.5 gelatine sticks were used for 1 hole but later on for economical purpose the no. of getalin sticks were reduced to one gelatin stricks for each blast hole. But the depth of hole was not reduced. It was decided to reduce the depth of blast hole to 0.45 m and spacing as 0.70 m. Thus the rate of blast hole comes to Rs. 120.00 /hole.

Hence Total Quantity of Blasted Stones per operation of 25 holes in 4.0 dia well

0.785 x (4.0)2 x 0.45 = 5.65 cum

Cost of 25 holes @ 120.00 per hole = 3000.00

Rate per cum 3000/5.65 = 530.97 per cum

Total Rate of Blasting = 530.97 per cumSay Rs. 531.00 per cum

Shifting charges of machines from one site to another site assuming consumption of time on hour @ Rs. 221.00 per hour. Therefore per cum = 531.00 + (221.00/5.65)= 570.11 Say Rs. 570.10 Add extra rate of Rs. 5.85 per cum will be charges for each lift of 1.5 m beyond 1.50 m depth for ground level.

0.00 m to 1.5 m / 570.10
1.5 m to 3.00 m / 575.95
3.0 m to 4.5 m / 581.80
4.5 m to 6.0 m / 587.65
6.0 m to 7.5 m / 593.50
7.5 m to 9.00 m / 599.35
9.00 m to 10.5 m / 605.20
10.5 m to 12.0 m / 611.05
12.0 m to 13.5 m / 616.90
13.5 m to 15.0 m / 622.75



Generally the soll cover in Bundelkhand Region form 0.50 m to 3.0 m in rocky areas where blast wells are constructed assuming blasting work from 3.0 m below ground level taking out of material from bottom well beyond 3.0 m depth 2 labour at charkhi, 2 labour in well and 2 labour for disposal i.e. labour will required.

One basket will carry 25 kg. weight and for 1 cum 2720 kgs. of stones will have to be lifted Hence-109 basket per cum will be required for taking out blasted material one operation takes 3 minutes. Taking 8 hours working per day, required man days are

Total man days will be 6x109x3/(60x8)=0.0875 man days say =4.09

Per Cum labour charges 4.09 @ 100=409.00

Add 5% T&P=20.45

Contractor Profit @ 10%= 40.90

Total Rs.=470.35 per cum

The rate for extra lift for lifting out loose blasted materials from bottom level of blast well up to 15.00 m depth beyond 3.00 m

Assuming 5 second extra time for taking out blasting materials from beyond 3.00 m for each 1.50m. So the nos. of man days for extra lift.

(6x109x5)/(60x60x8)=0.114 man days

The rate per cum =0.114 x 100 = Rs. 11.40 per cum

So the rate per lift/cum = Rs. 11.40

Up to 3.00 m / 470.35
3.0 m to 4.5 m / 481.75
4.5 m to 6.0 m / 493.15
6.0 m to 7.5 m / 504.55
7.5 m to 9.00 m / 515.95
9.00 m to 10.5 m / 527.35
10.5 m to 12.0 m / 538.76
12.0 m to 13.5 m / 550.15
13.5 m to 15.0 m / 561.55

Calculation for Numbers of Blasting Hole per Round

taking spacing of holes as 0.70 m for blast well of diametre 4.0 m

Diametre of 1st orbit D1=3.30 mtr.

Diametre of 2nd orbit D2= 1.90 mtr.

Diametre of 3rd orbit D3= 0.5 mtr.

No. of Holes = 3.14xD/Spacing

= 3.14x (3.30 + 1.90 + 0.5)/0.70

= 25.56

Say= 25 holes / operationD3


D D1


Details of Package

Estimate New Dugwell Cost

Estimate of Recharge of dugwells

Estimate of Deepening of dugwells