Wandsworth Grant Fund: Monitoring Report Interim/ Final Report
All Grant recipients will need to complete this form in order to receive interim or final payment as laid out under the terms and conditions of the grant agreement.
Indicate which type of report this is (x): / Interim / FinalName of organisation:
Grant reference number (as per grant agreement letter):
Name of project:
Date of completion:
Total Grant award: / £
Previous Report submitted date:
To be completed by Wandsworth Council
Total funding received to date:
Total expenditure received to date:
Total balance of funding outstanding:
Total number of payments outstanding:
Payment ratio:
Last report completed date:
This monitoring report form must be completed by ALL applicants in order to claim an interim or final payment. You may find it easier to track your Project (incl. expenditure) cumulatively and to date using this ‘WGF Monitoring Worksheet’ through our resources WGF Recipient Resources page.
1.1 Detail of expenditure TO DATE:. Please provide copies of receipts/ invoices
Expenditure details / £
1.2 Match funding: (as per your grant agreement)
Please note evidence for this will need to be provided on a pro-rata basis if you have interim payments, i.e. anything more than two payments
Income (cash)
In-kind contributions
2 With reference to your grant agreement please tell us about the following:
2.1 Beneficiary information
i) Total number of project beneficiaries/ participants to date: / ii) Number of which are Wandsworth residents
iii) If applicable, please state the number to date, that were registered or participating with your organisation before you received the grant (i.e. the grant is funding existing/ on-going activity as per your application form)
iv) Please state the total number of newly registered or participating Wandsworth residents after beginning your grant project (total to date)
2.2 Volunteer information (Numbers - total to date)
Equivalent value of Wandsworth resident volunteering time, (e.g. £10.00 per hour)
2.3 Project delivery information
i) In the box below, tell us about the project delivery you stated the grant would support (including any conditions of grant as per your grant agreement); this should include quantitative information regarding outputs and outcomes of your project to date.
ii) Please describe reasons for any changes to these plans; what key lessons (both good and bad), that the council and the voluntary / community sector could learn from; (please note you should seek permission from the council to make any changes before they occur)
iii) Please tell us about the longer term benefits, sustainability and any continuing activities. (For final report only)
3) Declaration:
I confirm that this interim / final (please delete as applicable) is an accurate record of activities, financial and monitoring information. These records will be held for the next six years and may be subject to audit anytime within that period. You must be an authorised signatory of the organisation.
Print name:
Position or Job Title in relation to the activity funded: / Signature:
FINAL PAYMNET ONLY Ward Councillor sign-off
4) Ward councillor name:
Ward Councillor name:
*A second Councillor signatory is required for Borough-wide projects; your original, endorsing ward councillor/s (or their counterpart if there has been a change of councillor) / Date:
Please allow your Ward Councillors to add any comments in here concerning the final report and project overall (alternatively the Ward Councillor can email us their comments to
Please email your completed Monitoring Report to . You should enter ‘Monitoring Interim/final report’ into the subject field.
If this is your final report please ensure you copy in your endorsing councillor/s. Their contacts can be found here.
Only when we receive their sign-off and a report to our satisfaction can we start to process any final payment due; (authorised) Signature(s) are required – these can be scanned and emailed to us (or sent as originals as hard copy)
Once we have received a complete and satisfactory report, a final grant payment will be authorised within 10 working days (subject to endorsing ward councillor/s sign-off if this is your final project report).
Thank you.
Wandsworth Grant Fund Team.
For office use only
Received date:
Report checked by EDO date
Verified as / Interim / Final
Name of Officer:
Final report has ward Councillor/s sign-off been receipted:
Is the above report received as complete and satisfactory
Outstanding issues:
Follow-up made to Organisation date:
Time allocated for corrective action:
Corrective action satisfactorily competed by:
Payment due by:
Is full payment for the period due according to grant agreement e.g. expenditure and valid receipts / invoices complete.
Signed off by EDO – Name:
Passed for payment date:
For amount / Full
Payment officer: / £ / Partial / £ / No payment
With Deputy EDO date:
Payment issues date:
Next report / payment cycle date if applicable