Grade 8 ~ Pre-Algebra
Ms. Cristina deCastro
VM. (860) 572-5830 x218860) 572-5830
Course Description:
In Grade 8, instructional time will focus on three critical areas: (1) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; (2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; (3) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.This focus will help students gain strong foundations, including a solid understanding of concepts, a high degree of procedural skill and fluency, and the ability to apply the math they know to solve problems inside and outside the classroom.
Learning the language, vocabulary and symbols of mathematics is emphasized in an effort to help students read, write, reason and speak mathematically. A variety of resources will be used to support student learning.
Required Supplies:
1.)3-ring Math binder ~ Red or maroon (for Red Sox! )
2.)White lined paper
3.)5 plastic sleeves
4.)Student agenda
6.)Pencils and pens
7.)Free reading book
**Students will be issued a login to access the online textbook to assist with assignment completion. **
Student Responsibilities:
Arrive on time with required supplies and positive attitude
Behave appropriately and respectfully at all times
Participate during class discussions and activities
Work cooperatively during group work
Date and take notes in math notebookduring instruction
Complete assignments on time, with detail and quality ~ take pride in your work
Get parent/guardian signatures on assessments
Make up all work promptly when class is missed
Make arrangements for extra help when needed
Enjoy class ~ have fun!!
Homework is an extension of classroom lesson and learning. It allows students the opportunity to practice, review, reinforce, and/or apply what they have learned in class. Homework is also used as an exploratory tool for future studies, as a way to get students motivated about learning. Furthermore, homework teaches students responsibility and puts students in control of their own success.
Homework will be assigned almost every class day to provide needed practice and reinforcement of lessons. For full credit, homework must be complete at the beginning of class, work must be shown, and neatness and organization are expected.
Calculator use:
Students may occasionally require the use of calculators. Regular reminders are given to encourage appropriate choices about when to calculate mentally, with paper and pencil, or with the calculator.
Point system for grades:
The following is a list of approximate percentage values. Grades will be updated weekly on PowerSchool and will be calculated by the following category weights:
Class participation10%
Board work/group work
Quizzes ~ announced 30%
Tests ~ announced40%
Absences/Make-up work:
It takes determination for a student to compensate for missed class time. Some helpful strategies are: getting class notes and information from another student (math contacts), checking with me, and staying after school. If the absence was excused, assignments can be made up within a class or two of the missed class without penalty. Most extended absences require after-school make up time, which students are expected to schedule. Homework from a class partially missed due to an in-school activity or appointment needs to be shown to me that same day.
Check the Pre-Algebra tab on my website for class resources and assignments. The “links” tab will direct you to the online textbook and includes information for SBAC review and basic math skill review. Be sure to also routinely check the team website for the most recent team news.
Behavior expectations:
Student behavior may not interfere with teaching and learning activities in the class. Any misbehavior is dealt with immediately and directly. Team and school behavior policies are implemented if necessary.
Expectations of you:
Class preparation:
Read your notes, online textbook,and/or materials distributed. Analyze what it is telling you ~ DAILY.
Complete the assignments with quality. Math skills are no different than physical or artistic skills ~ they require PRACTICE!
Study with a classmate.
During class:
Attendance: regular attendance is expected. When absence is unavoidable check with classmates and try the assignment before coming to class.
Make up work is your responsibility ~ NOT MINE
If you need to miss class for another activity, check with me for assignments.
Be on time and ready towork from the moment class starts. That means in your seat, homework out, notebook open, and pen/pencil in hand.
Listen to classmates and the teacher.
Ask questions if something is unclear.
Keep a well-organized notebook:
- homework ~ dated with assignment
- notes dated
Conduct yourself in amanner which conveys your self respect.
- no gum chewing
- no throwing of objects
- no shouting out
Remember our school wide expectations . . . Be Respectful, Responsible, Organized, Cooperative, Knowledgeable, Safe . . . CMS RROCKS!
Extra help:
I am available after school by appointment on most Mondays andWednesdays. Students must have written permission to stay after school and must be picked up by 3:45 p.m. or take the late bus.
Parental support:
Parents can assist by signing all quizzes and tests, asking to see homework assignments regularly, reviewing the organization of the math binder, checking the student agenda, and by communicating with me if a serious concern arises.
A team effort by student, parent, and teacher will help ensure a successful school year.
Math contacts:
Classmates who can help me understand a procedure or a concept better.
Someone I can call to find out what I missed before I come back to class after an absence.
1.) ______Phone number: ______
2.) ______Phone number: ______
3.) ______Phone number: ______
□Student has internet access available if needed for homework
□Student does NOT have internet access available if needed for homework.
The goals of learning, understanding, and mastering mathematics cannot be done PASSIVELY. To be successful in this course you must be an ACTIVE participant.
We all learn from each other.
Maintain a positive attitude
Looking forward to a great year!
Student signature Date Parent/guardian signature Date