Chemical Compound Brochure/Flier Project

Make a colorful and interesting brochure or flier using Publisher or similar program. Use pictures, diagrams...etc. anything to appropriately draw attention to it. Make it look professional. You may use front and back. Be original and creative. These projects are intended to educate and entertain. Your name and class should be somewhere on the flier. Include a properly cited bibliography /or URL documentation in proper form somewhere in your flier.
CHECKLIST OF WHAT TO INCLUDE: (You may find that not all information is available for all compounds. Be selective and choose interesting information.)

Karen Conner, Benton Consolidated Jr. High School, Benton, IL

q  Name

Common or other names for the compound

q  Origin of name

Chemical formula

q  Molar Mass

Molecular model (3-D look/Lewis Dot)

q  Type of bonding

q  Picture

Historical background - discovery of the compound – who and how?

Interesting or unusual past uses

Uses and importance

How is the compound obtained, made, synthesized, etc.

Percent composition

q  Melting point

q  Boiling point

q  Density

Other physical properties (color, texture, etc)

Chemical properties and/or reaction tendencies

Find some bizarre fact about your compound - something you believe is unique and relatively unknown by the general population.

Karen Conner, Benton Consolidated Jr. High School, Benton, IL


·  Be mindful of copyright. Bottom line - do not present the work of others as your own.

·  If printing in blank and white use color pencil or markers to spice up the brochure.

·  Focus on what makes your compound interesting or unusual. Personalize your brochure. Don't include properties when you don't know what they are (e.g. dipole moment).

·  Copy and paste your page into MS Word and run the spell and grammar check.

Possible Compounds

Karen Conner, Benton Consolidated Jr. High School, Benton, IL

1.  acetone

2.  acetylene

3.  Acetyl-CoA

4.  Adenosine triphospate

5.  alanine

6.  Aluminum Oxide

7.  ammonia

8.  ammonium nitrate

9.  ammonium perchlorate

10.  anhydrite

11.  apatite

12.  arginine

13.  arsine

14.  ascorbic acid

15.  asparagine

16.  Aspartame

17.  aspartate

18.  Aspirin

19.  benzene

20.  Beta Carotene

21.  biotin

22.  borax

23.  boric acid

24.  boron nitride

25.  bromochlorofluoromethane

26.  buckministerfullerene

27.  Caffeine

28.  calcite

29.  calcium carbonate

30.  calcium oxide

31.  calcium dioxide

32.  carbon monoxide

33.  celestine

34.  Cellulose

35.  chloromethane

36.  Chlorophyll-a

37.  Cholesterol

38.  Citric Acid

39.  cobalamin

40.  Cocaine

41.  cyclobutane

42.  cyclohexane

43.  cyclopropane

44.  cystine

45.  DDT

46.  Deoxyribonucleic Acid

47.  dolomite

48.  Dopamine

49.  ethane

50.  ethanol

51.  epsomite

52.  Estrogen

53.  Ethanol

54.  ethylene

55.  ferric oxide

56.  fluirite

57.  Fructose

58.  Glucose

59.  glutamate

60.  glutamine

61.  glycine

62.  Glycogen

63.  gypsom

64.  hemoglobin

65.  Heroin

66.  hexane

67.  histadine

68.  Histamine

69.  hydrazine

70.  hydrochloric acid

71.  Hydrogen Cyanide

72.  hydrogen peroxide

73.  hydrogen sulfide

74.  Ibuprofen

75.  iron pyrite

76.  isobutene

77.  isoleucine

78.  isopropanol

79.  Lactic Acid

80.  Lactose

81.  lead (II) nitrate

82.  leucine

83.  magnesium hydroxide

84.  malachite

85.  marcasite

86.  melanterite

87.  Methadone

88.  methane

89.  methanol

90.  millerite

91.  naphthlene

92.  Nicotine

93.  nitric acid

94.  nitric oxide

95.  Nitroglycerin

96.  Nitrous Oxide

97.  Octane

98.  PABA

99.  Penicillan

100.  pentane

101.  pentaborane (11)

102.  Phencyclidine

103.  Phospholipase A2

104.  Piperine

105.  Polyethylene Terephthalate

106.  potassium carbonate

107.  potassium hydroxide

108.  potassium nitrate

109.  propane

110.  Prozac

111.  pyridoxine

112.  quartz

113.  quercetin

114.  Retin A

115.  Ribonucleic Acid

116.  Saccharin

117.  Sarin

118.  siderite

119.  silane

120.  silicon dioxide

121.  silver nitrate

122.  sodium bicarbonate

123.  sodium carbonate

124.  sodium chloride

125.  sodium hydroxide

126.  sodium hypochlorite

127.  sodium nitrate

128.  Sodium Polyacrylate

129.  Sucrose

130.  sulfuric acid

131.  sulfur dioxide

132.  tetrachloromethane

133.  tetradecaborane

134.  titanium dioxide

135.  Trinitrotoluene

136.  Urea

137.  Vanillan

138.  Vitamin B1

139.  vitamin D3

140.  vitamin E

141.  vitamin U

142.  Warfa

Karen Conner, Benton Consolidated Jr. High School, Benton, IL

Karen Conner, Benton Consolidated Jr. High School, Benton, IL