Town of Merton
Town Board Meeting
Minutes of September 28th, 2015
· Call to Order
· Minutes September 14th, 2015 Town Board Meeting. A motion was made to approve all minutes by Herrick/Weber. Motion carried.
Present: Chairman Lichte, Supervisors Weber, and Herrick. Supervisors Fleming and Morris absent. Attorney Chapman, Highway Superintendent Klink, and Clerk Bright.
Also Present: Dave Frazer, Captain Larsuel, Deputy Loberg, Probationary Deputy Leffler, Jim Huber, Bill Groskopf
Citizen Comments and Concerns:
· Captain Larsuel – Just came to introduce herself. Chairman Lichte stated that Deputy Loberg does a good job.
Consent Agenda – Stone Bank Octoberfest October 3, 2015. A motion to approve was made by Herrick/Weber. Motion Carried.
Old Business – Consider Milwaukee Polo Club Goose Hunt Extension – Jim Huber from the Polo Club stated that they hunted twice, but only a small number of geese were around due to weather. Supervisor Herrick also stated that neighbors were running their dogs, which kept the geese away. Chairman Lichte stated he spoke to Marty Iverson, a neighbor of the Polo Grounds, and he and other neighbors have been pleased with the communication coming from the Polo Club. A motion was made by Weber/Lichte to allow additional goose hunting on the Polo Grounds until October 31, 2015. Motion Carried. Herrick Opposed.
New Business:
Consider Certified Survey Map to Correct Lot Lines Placed in Error for Fredman, Ochowicz, & Sonderman – Attorney Chapman stated he didn’t perceive any issues with the CSM as approved by the Plan Commission. A motion to approve was made by Lichte/Herrick. Motion Carried.
Consider Certified Survey Map to Combine Lots for Holtzhauer – Mr. Groskopf told of the changes made on this CSM, including adjusting the easement, and more detail in the disturbance and conservation areas. Attorney Chapman stated he had no issue with the new CSM. Highway Superintendent Klink asked if the turn-around would still be kept, Groskopf stated yes. A motion was made by Herrick/Weber to accept the Certified Survey Map with the conditions that the Plan Commission set. Motion Carried.
Clerk, Board, Highway and Attorney Reports –
Highway Superintendent Klink stated the Payne and Dolan were going to be milling 2 inches off of Rybeck Rd this week.
Supervisor Herrick stated the Town Hall Library would be having a Medicare Benefit expert in to answer questions on September 29th.
Clerk Bright stated that voting would be September 29th. Also he would be cancelling a room for the Wisconsin Towns Association, because the only attendees would be Bright, Klink, and Asst Superintendent Griffin.
Chairman Lichte stated that he would most likely be resigning in December due to scheduling conflicts.
Operator’s Licenses – Nekich & Fong – A motion to approve was made by Herrick/Weber. Motion Carried.
Journal Entries as Presented – None
Vouchers as Presented – A motion was made to approve by Herrick/Weber. Motion carried.
Future Agenda Items – Another budget meeting would be held once the final pieces of information filter in. This meeting would most likely be held at 5:45 pm, before a town board meeting.
A motion was made to adjourn by Herrick/Weber.
Adjourned at 6:41 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nathan Bright
Town Clerk