Basic 10th Grade Language Arts
Mrs. Czarnowski
(253) 804-5154
Room 207
“Insist on yourself; never imitate… Every great man is unique.”
Course Objectives:
The purpose of this Language Arts class is to become actively engaged in reading, writing and discussing literature. Students will also strive to improve their skills in writing.We will also be focusing greatly on the Common Core standards and the SBA guidelines and benchmarks. I am looking forward to havinga great time working with each student. Students please remember that you are accountable for your learning and must take responsibility for yourself and your learning in this class. You will get as much from this class as you put into it!
My goal as a teacher is to help students improve their overall English Language Arts skills and become more confident and they move forward on their educational journey.
Potential Material:
-Springboard Level 10 – ELA grade 10
-SBA practice materials
-Novels:Of Mice and Men, ,The Giver, Elephant Man, Alicia: My Story, Inherit the Wind, Nectar in Sieve, December Stillness, Night, Yellow Raft on Blue Water, Whale Rider, Taming of the Shrew, Hamlet, Twelve Angry Men, and Much Ado About Nothing, City of Ember, The Cage
-Videos: Two versions of Hamlet, Taming of the Shrew, Much Ado About Nothing, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, Twelve Angry Men, The RunAway Jury, Of Mice and Men, Oprah Documentary: Ellie Wiesel, The Whale Rider
- Additional videos may be shown in order to facilitate the learning process; however, all videos will not exceed a PG-13 rating and will only be used in an instructional setting.
Materials needed:
-1 inch or larger three ring binder or divider for LA 10
-College ruled paper
-A writing utensil and highlighter
-Planner (given by administration)
Grading scale:
Grades are cumulative throughout the entire semester and not averaged between quarters. At the end of quarters one and three you will receive a report cards in the mail meant to inform you and your parents of your progress.
Breakdown explained:
Assessments: papers, projects, tests
Daily work:daily classroom work and practice
21st Century and Career skills: (see attached sheet)
These include, timeliness, effort, behavior, participation and attitude
Students will be graded each quarter on their ability to meet these standards. This will account for 10% of their overall grade. I will meet with students about this portion of the class, as the end of the quarter nears.
Make-up work and late work
There is not a late work policy in this class. Students are encouraged to turn things in on their due date. This helps students be successful and stay organized. However, because this is a basic class, where more time for certain assignments may be needed, I will be flexible with due dates because of this. Each quarter however, students will be graded on their (21st century skills) overall effort, timeliness, attitude/behavior and participation. So too many late or missing assignments may hinder these points.
Class Rules and Procedures
-Use appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication. This means,No Swearing! My class is a drug free zone. Along with the school’s policy on illegal substances, I will also not allow “party” talk in my class.
- To BE….
₪ BE honest, BE respectful, BE responsible, BE teachable₪
-Attend class consistently and be on TIME!
-ALL ARHS rules and guidelines apply at all times.
-If you make a mess you have to clean it up (food). If for some reason this is hard for you, food privileges will be lost!!!!!!
-Absolutely no cell phones or other electronic devices out in class. I see it; I take it—if there is a reason you need your phone out that day- let me know.
-Head phones may only be used with my permission on special occasions. If they too are abused or on when not appropriate, above penalties apply.
Participation is expected! You are expected to actively participate in all class/group discussions, class activities, projects, and reviews.
You are expected to be on time each and every day.
You will lose “21st Century”points for being late to class more than 5 times in a semester. ARHS’s tardy policy will be strictly enforced. I will close the door when the bell rings.
Class Binder:
For this class you will be expected to keep all assignments, vocab exercises, journals, and on and on. KEEP EVERYTHING! You are expected to have everything organized into a Language Arts notebook or section of a notebook. I will be checking this regularly, so be ready!
Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated in my class. If you are caught cheating or plagiarizing someone else’s work you will get a zero on the assignment or paper.
If at any time during the semester you would like assistance in this class or any other class please come to me. I will either help catch you up or set up a tutoring program for you with another teacher or through a peer. Asking for help is not a weakness; it is strength to know when you are falling behind or when you want to be successful.
Parent communication:
I will email through skyward frequently, so please check that the main office has your updated email address. I will also try to keep my gradebook as updated as possible for your viewing on skyward. I will also email individual parents as needed. Please email me with any questions. Also please join REMIND, so that I can give you further announcements and keep you up to date on important classroom information.
Directions for REMIND:
Create a text
to: 81010
Message: @10thbas
*You should be signed up and ready to receive messages!
Basic 10th Grade Language Arts
Parents and Guardians,
This is a brief introduction to your son/daughter’s 10th Grade Language Arts class. Please read through the class syllabus with your student and sign below. Having a better understanding of what the expectations are for your student will allow us to open a line of communication throughout the semester. Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns.
Please come and meet me on Back to School night!
I, ______(printed name), the parent of ______(student, printed name) have read through the class syllabus for Mrs. Czarnowski’s LA-10 classroom. I plan to help support these guidelines and expectations in order to help my child and to create a positive learning environment.
______Parent Signature ______Date
Students and parents know that this signed slip will be kept for my records.
I, ______(print your name) have read the class syllabus and understand what the expectations are for semester one in Mrs. Czarnowski’s 10th Grade Language Arts class. The class syllabus has been explained to me and I will follow the guidelines and procedures while in class.
______(Sign) ______(date)
Return by______for 20 daily work pts.