1. Provide short tests.
2. Give short answer tests.
3. Give modified tests (ex. multiple choice test reduction, projects).
4. Provide modified tests.
5. Use visual aids.
6. Provide additional instructions.
7. Provide advanced organizers –webs, outlining, graphing, etc.
8. Extend time for completion of assignment.
9. Shorten assignments.
10. Use assignment notebooks and prompts.
11. Teach in small groups.
12. Provide repeated reviews and drills –vary teaching strategies.
13. Allow for peer teaching.
14. Reduce paper/pencil tasks.
15. Provide manipulatives.
16. Provide seat at front of classroom.
17. Assist students to build a card file of vocabulary words.
18. Read to the student.
19. Encourage student to underline key words or facts.
20. Use language experience activities.
21. Allow students an opportunity to express key concepts in their own words.
22. Provide a time and place for projects to be completed at school instead of at home.
23. Provide before and after school time to complete homework with teacher assistance.
24. Other interventions.
25. Changes in pace of instruction.
26. Calculators.
27. Special instructional equipment.
28. Oral tests.
29. Frequents breaks.
30. Changes in essential elements.
31. Behavior management plan.
32. Concrete reinforcers.
33. Changes in tools, equipment (voc. ed.)
34. Study sheets.
35. Peer tutoring.
36. Taped tests.
37. Oral directives.
38. Interpreter for hearing impaired.
39. Frequent/Immediate feedback.
40. Defined physical space.
41. Note taking assistance.
42. Preferential seating.
43. Positive reinforcement (ex. verbal praise).
44. Minimal auditory distractions.
45. Audiotaping lectures.
46. Speech modifications.
47. Oral responses.
48. Content mastery/Learning Lab.
49. Redirection.
50. Individual instruction.