Table of Contents

Page 1

How do I compose a new email message?

How do I save a message I am composing as a draft to work on it later?

Page 2

How do I reply to a message?

How do I spell check a message?

How do I save a copy of message that I’ve sent?

Page 3

How do I send attachments to email messages?

How do I add an email signature?

Page 4

How do I use the District Address book?

Page 5

How can I increase the number of messages I see on a page and change other types of settings?

Page 6

What is my disk space quota and how much of it am I using?

What will happen if I go over my quota?

How can I get below my disk space quota?

Page 7

How do I set my vacation message?

How do I turn off my vacation message?

Page 8

How do I make my own Address book?

Pages 9-10

How do I make create my own Group from the District Address book or from my new Personal Address book?

Pages 11-12

How do I save and organize my mail in folders (called Mailboxes)

How do I compose a new email message?

Once you are logged into Webmail click on the "Compose" icon.

A new "Compose Message" window will appear.

Fill in the "To" field with the destination email address, the "Subject" field, and your message content within the large text window then click the "Send" button.

"Send" Button

How do I save a message I am composing as a draft to work on it later?

If you do not have time to finish and send an email, you can select the "Save in Drafts" button.

"Save in Drafts" Button

This will move the incomplete message into the "Drafts" folder located in the "Mailboxes column on the left side of the screen. If you do not have a "Drafts" folder it will be created for you the first time you click the "Save in Drafts" button. When you are ready to work on the message, click on the "Drafts" folder and find the message within the list and click on the blue time/date link. The message at this point will appear in read-only mode. To start working on the message you must select the "Edit Draft" button.


How do I reply to a message?

There are a few ways to reply to a message that was sent to you. If you are within the message you wish to reply to you can select the "Reply" or "Reply to All" button.

By selecting either button you will be taken to an "Edit Message" composition window with the original message included in the body section. If you select the "Reply to All" button you will be replying to all the recipients of the original message including the sender. If you select the "Reply" button you will be sending a message just to the original sender. NOTE: When you reply to a message that had a file attachment it will not be included in your message reply.

How do I forward a message?

Open the email you wish to forward. Fill in the "To" field with a destination email address and click on the Forward button. If the message had a file attachment, it will forward with the message.

How do I spell check a message?

After you have finished composing your message select the "Check Spelling" button.

If there are words that the spell checker does not recognize, the message "Misspelling" will appear above the composition window and you will have the option to choose other words from a drop down list.

How do I save a copy of message that I’ve sent?

By default Webmail saves a copy of all email that you send out within a folder named

"Sent Items".

Remember that the messages you save in your "Sent Items" folder count against your email quota.


How do I send attachments to email messages?

To send an attached file(s) to an email message, click on the "Attachments" button located at the upper right side in the message composer box.

A window will open called "Attachments”

You can send up to 10 files per email message. Click on the "Choose File" button and navigate to your local file system to select the file you wish to attach. Once you have selected the file(s) to attach, click the "Done" button in the attachments window and then click the "Send" button to send the attached file(s) along with the email message.

IMPORTANT: It is important that you select the file(s) you wish to attach as the last step before you click the "Send" button. For example, if you were to attach files and then add another email recipient or run spell check, all of the attached files would be lost and not included in the message. Always attach your file(s) last.

How do I add an email signature?

To create or edit an email signature click on the "Settings" button then select the

"Compose" link. Enter your text in the field labeled "Signature". When you are finished creating or editing your email signature, click on the "Update" button.

Note: You will need to logout of Webmail and log back in for this new setting to take effect.


How do I use the district address book?

Click on "Compose to start a new message.

Click on the person icon next to the field you wish to place the destination e-mail address from the district address book.

Make sure "(My Domain)" is selected in the Display field

Filter Field Filter Icon

Type in the name you want in the filter field. You can use the real name or username. You can narrow your search by typing in the last name or part of the name. Click on the filter icon to display the results. When the name or list of names appears, click on the one you want then click on the "To", "Cc" or "Bcc" link. You can send a message to more than one person by adding names to the "To", "Cc" or "Bcc" field. Names must be separated by a comma. If there are no commas between the names, only the first person will get the message. If you use the above filter to add names automatically, it will put in the comma for you.


How can I increase the number of messages I see on a page and change other types of settings?

To change the number of messages you see for just this login session, use the

"Display" pull down menu.

Select how many messages you want to appear on the page at one time. The screen will automatically refresh displaying the number of messages you selected.

To make this setting permanent, click on the "Settings" button and go to the section labeled "Folder Viewer" and increase or decrease the option labeled "Display".

After you have set a new value make sure you click on the "Update" button.

You will need to logout of Webmail and log back in for this new setting to take effect.

To see your most recent emails first and to change your screen’s refresh rate, these changes are also made in “Settings”

To see your most recent emails at the top when you open your mail

change this Sort to Received, Reverse -Yes


What is my disk space quota and how much of it am I using?

Every email user has a disk space quota on the email server. You are allotted 30MB. To see how much disk space you are using, log into your Webmail account.

There is a bar graph located on the left side of the page that will visually show you how much space you are currently using. As you use up more space and move closer to your quota, the bar will increase and turn yellow. This would be a good time to delete unwanted email to free up more space. In this example the user has used 1343K of the allotted 30MB of disk space.

What will happen if I go over my quota?

If you go over your disk space quota you will receive a message "over quota". Messages that are sent to you will bounce back to the sender. The message the sender receives will indicate that it could not be delivered because the recipient was over their quota.

How can I get below my disk space quota?

When you have reached your quota you will need to log into your email account and delete unwanted email. Start off by going through your inbox or sent items box. Place a check mark next to each message you want to delete and click on the trashcan. You can also find large email messages by clicking on the word "Size" in the size column so the arrow next to it is pointing downward. This sorts all the messages from largest to smallest.

When you delete a message it gets moved to your trash folder and counts against your disk quota. Make sure that you always empty your trash.


How do I set my vacation message?

To set your vacation message, click on the "Rules" button. Next, click on the link "Clear 'Replied Addresses' List". When your vacation message is set it keeps track of the addresses that it has replied to so it only sends one message. This will clear out the saved list in case you forgot to clear it the last time you shut off your vacation message. In the "Vacation Message" text box, type the message you want your senders to receive when you are away. Check the check box labeled "Enabled" and click the update button. Your vacation message is now turned on.

How do I turn off my vacation message?

To turn off your vacation message, click on the "Rules" button. Uncheck the check box labeled "Vacation Message" and click the update button. Your vacation message is now turned off.


How do I make my own Address book?

Click on the "[Add New]" link

The Folder Management window will appear. In the "New Folder Name" field, type in the name you want to give your book. Select "Address Book" from the Mailbox Type dropdown menu and click on "Create"

How do I add an individual to my Address book?

Click on the address book you wish to add an individual to.

Click on the "New User" icon . In the next window fill in the contact information and click on the "Save" Button. File as: and email address are all that is necessary

To compose a new mail, click on “Compose” at top, and click on the Picture of the Person, change My Domain to your new Address book’s name, highlight your address, and click on the To: Close the box with the X on the right. Type your e-mail.


How do I make create a Group from the District Address book or from your new Personal Address book?

On the left you will see Mailboxes [Add New]

Click on [Add New]

A box will pop up asking for a folder name. For example: Curriculum Team, or Personal

Pull down the Mailbox type to: Address book

Click the button Create

On the left you will see a new card with the folder name you just created.

Click on the name of the new Address book (not the picture of the card)

Click on the picture of 2 people to create a group

Give the Group a name in the File As: window


Click on the little Card at the bottom right to show “My Domain” or any of your new Address books that contain the people you want in your group.


Type in a partial name and click on the filter

Click on the email in the window to be added, then on the icon of the Person at right to add the name to the group. Continue this by checking the checkmark with the arrow (Save and New Entry) until you have added all of your group members.

When you are done, click the Check Mark at the upper left to save and leave the page.

To compose your mail, click on Compose at top, and the picture of the Person by the to: change My Domain to your new Address book’s name. Highlight your group and click To: Close the X box at the right and type your e-mail.

To Edit this Group click into the Group and click on the picture of the

Pen at the upper left.


How do I save and organize my mail in folders (called Mailboxes)

On the left you will see Mailboxes [Add New]

Click on [Add New]

A box will pop up asking for a folder name: for example: Letters from the State, Copies of Board Briefs

Leave the pull-down menu at the Mailbox type: Mailbox

Click the button Create

On the left you will see an ENVELOPE with the folder name you just created.

Click on the name of the new Mailbox (not the picture)

Go to your INBOX

Use the checkboxes at the left of each email to choose the mail you would like to go into the new mailbox category that you have just created.

Scroll down to the bottom of your email list.

There you will see a Select Mailbox window with arrows.


Hold that arrow down and will see your new Mailbox as a choice. Choose your Mailbox.

Click on one of the two folders at the left. One will Move your mail, and one will make a 2nd Copy of your email into your new Mailbox folder

Click on the name of the new Mailbox at the left and you will see that your mail has moved into the folder.

These mailboxes will count against disk space quota on the email server. In order to save your mail onto your computer's hard drive, you will have to do a File/Save As and save it as you would any other file onto your computer's hardrive into a folder of your choice.