Role Title:Technology Specialist - Systems Integration and Management (Microsoft)
JobPurpose:Responsible for the development, enhancement and support of Microsoft System Center and related technologies in support of service delivery and management.
GenericDuties andResponsibilities:
Inline with the University’sMission,CorporateStrategy andLeadershipAttributes, youwill:
- SupporttheFacultyorServiceManagementTeambycoordinatingandcontributingtotheprovisionof professionalexpertiseandsupportensuringthattheserviceprovideshighlevelsofstakeholder satisfaction.
- Organise, plan and prioritise own work activities, and the work of others where appropriate, to contribute totheachievement ofFaculty or Serviceobjectivesandprofessionalstandards.
- Respondpositivelytofeedbackbyproactivelyreviewingprocesses,proceduresandpracticestoensure that theneedsandexpectationsof relevant stakeholders aremet.
- Contributetothe developmentofa collaborative,collegiateandinclusiveculture,by sharing information andgoodpracticewithothers.
- Workco-operativelyandmaintaineffectiverelationshipswithothers,internallyandexternallytothe University, as appropriate toown areaof responsibility.
- Developandmaintaina specialistknowledgeofownareaof responsibility.
- Demonstratea flexible attitude tochangetosupportthe University tomeetexistingandfuture needs.
- Actcorporately,promotingthe‘OneUniversity’principleandpromotingtheFacultyorServicewithin andoutsidethe Universitywhereappropriate.
- Undertakeother responsibilities as required.
- Identify opportunities to increase governance, levels of service and efficiencies through systems integration, automation and management (SIAM)technologies.
- Identify, research, evaluate and select technologies which support the integration, delivery and management of IT infrastructure and services.
- Gather business requirements and establish strategies, standards, policies, process and procedures to ensure the maximum realization of benefits of SIAM technologies in line with enterprise architecture strategies.
- Develop and execute plans and initiativesfor the implementation, integration and configuration of SIAM technologies and the successful and sustainable transition into operations.
- Develop and execute plans for the continual improvement of services through SIAM technologies, and provide leadership to transition improvements into operations.
- Provide oversight, management, troubleshooting and expertise for the success and effectiveness of operational SIAM technologies.
- Establish and manage supplier relationships to maximize value and levels of service.
- Maintain an awareness of relevant industry trends, issues and opportunities and incorporate into plans as appropriate.
- Provide expert level support and consultancy to operational teams.
ThisRoleDescriptionisnotintendedtobeanexhaustivelistofdutiesandwillbesubjecttoperiodicreview bythe linemanager andappropriateothersindiscussionwiththe post-holder.
Person Specification
School/Service: ITServices
Job Title:Technology Specialist - Systems Integration and Management (Microsoft)
1. / Comprehensiveknowledge ofindustry trends,work practices, processesand procedures relevant to the role. / E
2. / Working knowledge of systems, processes and procedures in own area that are required toprovideadviceandguidanceto others. / E
3. / Clear understanding ofthestandardsandregulationsset fortheconductand outputfor the role. / E
4. / Workingknowledge oftheactivities of otherareas oftheUniversityrelevanttotherole. / E
Personal Abilitiesand Skills
5. / Ability to workasaneffectiveteam member,insupportingtheUniversityStrategyand other activitiesforthe benefit of ownarea ofresponsibilityandtheUniversity as a whole. / E
6. / A positive,inclusiveand collegial approachandtheabilitytoinspireandmotivate others,where relevant. / E
7. / Ability toeffectively plan andorganiseresources. / E
8. / Abilityto developand maintain good workingrelationshipswithcolleaguesacrossthe
ServiceandUniversity andwith externalstakeholderswhere relevant. / E
9. / Ableto useinitiative toresolvecomplex problems byapplyingcreativitytoidentify practical optionsanddevise varied solutions. / E
10. / Ability tosupervise others as required. / E
11. / Experience of working withrelevant specialised processes, systems andprocedures at expert level. / E
12. / Experience ofworkingindependentlyandleading the development and improvement of automation and relevant working practices. / E
13. / Experience of developing, implementing and supporting efficientand effectivesolutionsincludingbut not limited to MS Windows, MS Windows Server, AD,DHCP, MS DNS. / E
14. / Experience of developing, implementing and supporting enterprise solutions at expert level based on Microsoft System Center Service Manager, Configuration Manager, Operations Manager, Orchestrator and Endpoint Protection / E
15. / Experience of developing, implementing and supporting enterprise solutions based on Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager and Data Protection Manager / D
16. / Strong Knowledge in the following technical areas including Windows Services, RDS, Hyper-V, ADFS, Office 365, Azure, Powershell Scripting / D
17. / Demonstrablesuccessin building goodrelationshipswithkeyinternalandexternal parties. / E
18. / Experience of authoring and customization of System Center management packs / D
19. / Infrastucture / Application Monitoring hosted in the Cloud / D
18. / First degree or equivalent, preferably in a discipline relevant to the role or proven relevant professional experience. / E
19. / Microsoft Certification / D
E = EssentialA=ApplicationForm D =DesirableI=Interview