Study Guide for Mammal Quiz #1 Mr. Distasio

PA Ecology

Name ______per ______

1. The nation’s #1 furbearer. ______

2. The largest rodent in North America. ______

3. How far can a porcupine “throw” its quills? ______

4. What is another name for the woodchuck? ______

5. Which family does the skunk belong to? ______

6. Porcupines, as well as other herbivores, seek out this ______

substance in order to rid their bodies of excessive Potassium.

7. Can woodchucks climb trees? ______

8. This animal appears to “wash” its food before it eats it. ______

9. These structures protect porcupines. ______

10. Describe the structure of the beaver’s unique tail. ______

11. Which family does the river otter belong to? ______

12. Beavers build these for protection and access to food. ______

13. What is beaver’s house called? ______

14. Approximately how far can a skunk spray? ______

15. Which mammal has a “thumb” on its rear foot? ______

16. North America’s only marsupial. ______

17. Which animal is known as the “masked bandit”? ______

18. Define “marsupial” in 3 words or less. ______

19. These front teeth are especially pronounced in rodents. ______

20. Approximately how many quills cover a typical porcupine? ______

21. Front teeth used for cutting. ______

22. Back teeth used for grinding. ______

23. Which mammal has the shortest gestation? ______

24. Flat-footed. ______

25. Which family of mammals typically use delayed implantation? ______

26. Opossums don’t really hang from these when they sleep. ______

27. Members of this family kill with a bite to the back of the neck. ______

28. What are baby beavers called? ______

29. Learning to seek food other that mother’s milk. ______

30. The River Otter’s favorite food. ______

31. Members of this mammal family typically have long, slender ______

bodies, short legs, and triangular shaped heads.

32. Active at night. ______

33. Active during the day. ______

34. These weasels are grown on commercial farms. ______

35. Which animal has remained virtually unchanged for ______

some 90 million years?

36. This mammal has been protected in PA since 1952. ______

37. What is the significance of February 2nd? ______

What is the name of the famous mammal that checks his ______


What king of mammal is he? ______

38. The most common weasel in PA. ______

39. The favorite food of the muskrat?. ______

40. The weasel that preys on porcupines. ______


Herbivore - ______

Carnivore - ______

Omnivore - ______

Opportunist - ______

r-selective - ______

K-selective - ______

Polygamous - ______

Monogamous - ______

Delayed Implantation - ______

Photoperiodism - ______


