2013 Rising Tide Summer Enrichment Program
For the past 8 years, Rising Tide has offered exciting summer enrichment courses for our students. These courses focus on experience-based learning and provide students with an opportunity to learn new skills and further develop existing skills in a fun and stress-free environment. Class sizes are limited to 15 Rising Tide students, currently in grades 5-10.
Drama Workshop
Instructor: Ms. Keri Boisclair
In this week-long workshop, students will learn about the art of adapting an already existing text into a modern day play. On the first day, we will choose one text to be the inspiration for our work for the entirety of the week. We will work together to adapt that text into a modern day short play that incorporates everyone's voices and ideas. We will write the adaptation, assign parts, rehearse, and stage the play. Students with all levels of experience are encouraged to attend this workshop - no experience in theatre is necessary!
Session 1: July 8-12, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Music Composition Workshop
Instructor: Mr. Winston Wang
Interested in creating your own music? Students will work with others to put together songs in a rock band setting, as well as focus on individual projects using modern music technology and software. This is a unique opportunity to work and play with all kinds of musical instruments as well as with music software programs such as Garageband and Finale. Students can learn to compose in the styles of artists they are interested in, studying their moves and incorporating them into their own music. Come jam with us and express yourself. All aspiring composers and songwriters should consider this. All participants will receive a CD of everyone’s music.
Session 2: July 15-19: 9 a.m. – 3p.m.
Summer Painting Studio
Instructor: Mr. Timothy Walker
Students will expand on their Visual Art skills while exploring large-scale painting in this fun and informative workshop. Each student will be working with easy to learn steps to take their ideas from tiny sketches to mural sized compositions with confidence. Working from their drawings, students will each compose an original 4' x 4' acrylic painting using a variety of methods using both modern technology as well as the techniques of historical master painters.
Session 1: July 8-12, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Session 2: July 15-19, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Summer Science
Instructor: Ms. Vendetti
$200.00 (includes additional transportation and admission costs)
Life! What Does it Mean to be Alive in Our Universe? This scientific adventure will start out investigating how life came to be on planet earth. Then, students will explore the unseen world of microorganisms using microscopes, and the more familiar world of larger animals. Our journey will include a field trip where students will be able to interact with all sorts of animals indigenous to New England. Our adventure would not be complete without asking, “Is life possible outside of planet earth?” Students will use computer technology to research the latest science behind the possibility of “extraterrestrial” life.
Session 1: July 8-12, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Session 2: July 15-19, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
2013 Rising Tide Summer Enrichment ProgramApplication
Deadline: Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Please note that these workshops are independent summer courses; there is not a full-service summer camp at the school. Participants need to bring snacks and lunch each day. Interested students are encouraged to apply quickly, as the number of participants in each course is limited.
Student Name: ______Current Advisor: ______
Courses (Choose one for each week of interest)
Session 1: July 8-12, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
□ Drama Workshop
□ Summer Painting Studio
□ Summer Science
Session 2: July 15-19, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
□ Music Composition Workshop
□ Summer Painting Studio
□ Summer Science
Students enrolled for two sessions receive a $25 discount on the total cost.
Total Payment Enclosed
(checks should be payable to Rising Tide Charter Public School):
Reason for Applying:
Student SignatureParent SignatureDate