Table of Contents

1.General Instructions

2.Applicants details

3.Areas of Expertise (maximum 400 words)

4.Case studies (maximum 1200 words)

4.1Case study 1

4.2Case study 2

4.3Case study 3


5.Professional and Personal Qualities (maximum 650 words)

6.Availability (maximum 100 words)

7.Equality and Diversity (maximum 200 words)


1.General Instructions

The Education and Training Foundation (the Foundation) is to manage responses to its invitation to be an Associate of the Foundation through the website

Applicants are to submit their responses by email to the Foundation to no later than 5pm on Monday 2nd June 2014

You must use this template for your application to become an Associate.

Applications are to be in font Arial size 12. Please also check for “Word Limits” on each section of the Tender Response as information in excess of the “Word Limits” will not be evaluated.Please ensure that your application is submitted in .pdf format

Any queries or questions relating to this tender should be submitted to the Foundation via

Applications will be assessed using Annexe A - Assessment criteria for responses to invitation to become an Associate. Please ensure that you complete and submit the relevant sections of this document too.

2.Applicants details

1.2Job Title: (if any)
1.3Correspondence Address:
Post Code:
1.4Contact telephone numbers:
1.5E-mail address:
1.6Website address (if any):
1.7Associates Business
(An Associate trading as themselves as the proprietor of a business or the Associates service company or the Associates employer)
1.8Primary business of Associates Business
(e.g. consultancy, research, provider of education and training, membership body, HEI, other employer etc.)
1.9Company Registration number (if this applies):
1.10Charity or other Registration number (if this applies).
Please specify registering body:
1.11Date of Registration (if this applies):
1.12Registered address if different from the correspondence address above:
Post Code:
1.13Are you registered for VAT? If so, please provide Registration number:
1.14Is the Associates Business in para 1.7 above
(circle appropriate answer ) / i) a public limited company? / Yes / No
ii) an FE college established under EA 1992 / Yes / No
ii) a limited company? / Yes / No
iii) a sole trader or partnership / Yes / No
iv) other (please specify) / Yes / No

3.Areas of Expertise (maximum 400 words)

The Foundation has a requirement for a wide range of expertise. Please briefly and succinctly indicate where yourareas of professional expertise lie by describing them in the columns below.Please include any relevant qualifications. Blanks are acceptable as the Foundation would prefer that applicants concentrate on strengths rather than areas that could be developed.

Serial / Area / Description of expertise
1 / Professional Standards and Workforce Development
2 / Vocational Education and Training (VET);
3 / Leadership, Management and Governance
4 / Research and Innovation
5 / ICT and digital technologies strategy
6 / Communications
7 / Education and Training project and programme management and procurement of goods and services

4.Case studies (maximum 1200 words)

Please provide details of up to three case studies for contracts or pieces of work undertaken in the last three years that are relevant to the Foundation’s requirements. These could be discrete projects for a client or pieces of work carried out for an employer.

Please demonstrate how your experience described in each case study matches the table of expertise in para. 3 above and the capability skills and experience required of associates set out in para. 4 of the invitation document.

Ensure that you include and assess the outputs, outcomes and impact of each case study.

4.1Case study 1

4.2Case study 2

4.3Case study 3


In the table below please enter the contact details of those who can be contacted as a reference for each case study.

The contact should be prepared to speak to the Foundation if we wish to contact them.
Case study 1 / Case study 2 / Case study 3
Organisation Name
Contact’s name,
phone number,
Date work commenced:
Date completed:
Relationship to contact e.g. line manager, client lead etc.
Additional information

5.Professional and Personal Qualities (maximum 650 words)

Please provide a personal statement outlining your professional and personal qualities that make you suitable to become an Associate of the Foundation, include any qualifications, a description of your management style and your reasons for wishing to become an Associate

6.Availability (maximum 100 words)

Please give an indication of your likely lead times for notice of any assignment, your likely availability and time available to support the Foundation, e.g. I will need 4 weeks’ notice of any assignment and can commit to providing 2 – 3 days a week to the Foundation or; I will be able to prioritise the Foundation work so can be immediately available if needed or; I expect that with reasonable notice I can commit 5-8 days a month etc.

7.Equality and Diversity (maximum 200 words)

The Foundation is committed to the principles of equality and diversity. Please describe your approach to equality and diversity and how you have acted upon and supported these in the last 3 years.


I declare that to the best of my knowledge the answers submitted are correct. I have also completed Annexe A – Assessment of responses to invitation to become an Associate and; I understand that the information will be used in the process to assess my suitability to become an Associate of the Foundation. I understand that the Foundation may reject this application if there is a failure to answer all relevant questions fully or if I provide false/misleading information.
I further declare that I have read the Associates Agreement and confirm that I am in agreement with the standard terms and conditions.
Name of Applicant:

157-197 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 9SP t: 0203 740 8280

The Education and Training Foundation is a company registered in England

Registered address: 157 -197 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 9SP

Company registration number: 08540597Registered Charity Number 1153859

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