- Look Paul, multi level marketing is not an easy profession but here at Forever we have a unique background as Forever is the most powerful and the most stable MLM company.

- If you talk to a new prospect you definitely have to tell that the company behind us has been in business for over 30 years providing the best service continuosly.

- You have to tell your new colleague to be cautious because most new MLM companies go bankrupt in their first 3-5 years.

- As for me I joined Forever because it is a company with a long history and with a strong, reliable background.

- And do not ever forget to ask your prospect if he wanted to have a share of a 3 billion company?

- Listen Paul, the products are the key factor in an MLM company’s life.

- It is easy to enroll new people with FLP’s quality products.

- Most of the MLM companies think in short term only and do not really mind what products they market.

- Always underline that Rex and his team provides the best high qulaity and latest innovation products available.

- We at Forever offer a variety of close to 200 products.

- This wide product range almost quarantees that we easily find consumers and customers as well.

- It makes us proud to work with our products as all of those are natural based and good for the people.

-You can rely on the products as they prove what we tell about them.

- And you know Paul one of the most important factors is the marketing plan and the incentives.

- Many companies show off with their ultra-super-modern marketing plan.

- And still here at Forever we work uninterrupted and take pride of our simple, 30 years proven second to none and fair marketing system.

- Paul, there is something for everybody in our marketing plan.

- Paul, always ask the people about their needs, about their plans.

- Some only need some extra cash to cover their daily needs – you can give it to them with Forever.

- Some may wish to work independently, full time without a boss – for that Forever is also a solution.

- And Paul, find people who are interested in their carrier who look for BIG money that only big business may bring – this is also there in Forever without risk.

- Paul there are people who love travelling. Forever offers lots of travel incentives also.

- And you know everybody loves fancy cars but nobody likes to pay the monthly instalments.- So listen, look for people, look for those who want a new car and who would not mind if a company, paid for their car.

- The Profitharing, the company’s generous incentive is also a good sponsoring tool. As who would not be happy to take home a yearly extra salary on top of the normal monthly.

- Paul trust me!

- You can always sponsor new people if you trust your sponsor and your upline.

- You have the best and most stable upline who supports you and helps you.

- When you start talking to a new person, assure him/her that this profession what we call network marketing is easy to learn.

- We have the capabilities to teach him networking and I am sure he is able to learn the techinques of this business oportunity.

- FLP has its outstanding training system that all new prospects are welcome to use.

Paul, the system is given, the company is stable, the products are number one around the world, the marketing plan and the incentives pay great.

We your upline support you.

It is important that you beleive in yourself.

You have it all to be successful in this business.

But it is very-very important that you start acting now. Never slow down or start hesitating. Do it today!

Start now if you want to have a different future.