3 Effective Ways to End Depression Quickly


So you tried your best, started exercising, did the things you love, and even took medication but failed to get over depression, right?

When it comes to depression most people do everything but the few things that can heal them. Let’s suppose that your arm got broken, will a pain killer solve the problem?

Of course the pain will disappear for a few days or as long as you are taking the pain killer but this doesn’t mean that your hand was healed.

The only solution in such a case is to put your hand in a cast then take a pain killer if you still can’t handle the pain.

Why most people fail to deal with depression
Now what most people do when it comes to depression is that they take the pain killer and forget about dealing with the root cause that caused that depression!

Exercising, meditation, Yoga, getting exposed to sunlight, meeting new people, travelling, and even anti-depressants all are perfect examples of pain killers. Yes they will help you feel a bit better but they will never solve the real problem or underlying cause.

Very few people know that most studies have shown that anti-depressants are no more effective than placebos. In other words, even medication is not the cure for depression.

So how can you deal with depression and end it completely?

Here is an action plan that works:
3 Sure fire ways to end depression quickly

1) Understand depression’s true nature:Many people know that depression is the result of disturbance in brain chemicals but very few of them know that this disturbance is just a symptom of the main problem that caused the depression. Depression is a state of hopelessness that people experience when they find that the road to fulfilling one of their important needs got blocked. For example, If a person loves to show off and had a dream of buying a good looking sports car then failed to find a job after graduation then certainly he will get depressed. Depression happened in this case because this person believed that he won’t be able to fulfill his important need (showing off)

2) Find a way to bring back hope:People who do everything but bringing back hope, remain depressed for long periods of times. If you want to end your depression quickly then find a way to bring back the lost hope. Lets suppose that you were depressed because you failed to find a job. In such a case you can bring back hope by developing more skills, learning new things, improving your CV, and submitting it again at your dream company. The beauty about the mind is that it withdraws a big part of the bad emotion as soon as it finds you taking positive actions. As soon as you start working on that plan to bring back hope your depression will ease. The reason you were depressed for a long time is that you weren’t tackling that root problem but instead you were distracting yourself using yoga, meditation, and even pills.

3) Understand your needs and find a replacement:Sometimes people get depressed because they lost something that they can’t bring back. For example, if you loved someone then that person got married you might get depressed as well. In this case there is no way to bring that person back so how can you feel good once again? First you need to understand the psychological needs that made you fall in love with that person. Did he use to give you attention? Did he care about you when no one did? Was she pretty? Was she popular? Once you understand why you got attached to that specific person you will then realize that you can find a replacement who helps you fulfill those same exact needs. you can even find a better replacement!! We get attached to things and people just because they help us satisfy our important unmet needs, so once you find another way to get those needs satisfied you will feel great once again and your depression will disappear.

Final words
If I were to summarize everything in two lines I’d say “Stop distracting yourself and focus on bringing hope or finding a replacement if you lost something that you can’t get back”
It’s ok to take medications, to practice yoga, or to exercise, as long as you understand that these activities are just pain killers and that they are not the solution to your depression.