The Roof Coatings Manufacturers Association (RCMA) is currently extending an invitation for presenter submissions for our second International Roof Coatings Conference Program, in partnership with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the Liquid Roofing and Waterproofing Association, the Canadian Paint and Coatings Association, the Global Cool Cities Alliance, and the European Cool Roofs Council. This will be THE premiere roof coatings event in 2014, and will offer education and information of importance to a variety of professionals involved in roofing and building sciences. The Roof Coatings Manufacturers Association is the national trade association representing manufacturers of cold applied protective roof coatings and cements, and suppliers of products and services to and for the industry.
This Call for Abstracts is being released to professionals in the roofing industry, experts in building envelope technologies, green building, researchers, and the architectural community. This is your opportunity to share your technology, innovations, knowledge and skills, and make a difference in the building community. If you are interested in presenting a paper detailing your original research, innovative technology, exploration of professional concepts or issues, or an instructive session on issues of importance to the roof coatings industry, please follow the instructions that follow.
Dates: July 14-17, 2014
Location: Royal Sonesta Harbor Court Hotel, Baltimore, MD
Audience: Roofing Contractors, Architects, Roof Consultants, Building Owners/Facility Managers, Manufacturers, Regulators, Building Science Professionals, Researchers, and Sustainable Building Experts from around the world
Courses: Approximately 15 sessions in 60-minute blocks
Deadline: Complete the attached Submission Form and submit by October 15, 2013 (email submissions)
Educational Topics should be of key interest to the audiences specified and the roof coatings community, and may include:
· Technical – roof systems, product & industry trends, design theory/analysis
· Product application techniques, technologies, and trends
· Design and selection of roof coatings for different situations, including case studies
· Green building practices, sustainable and renewable resources to ensure environmental responsibility
· Formulation details, ingredients to better understand why certain components are added to roof coatings
· US/EU standards development of relevance to the roof coatings industry
· State and Federal building energy roadmaps, building and energy code programs
· Field data on actual energy cost savings by using cool roofs
· International cool roofing initiatives
· International (Latin America, Europe, China, India) products, trends, market needs, regulations, etc.
· Roof coating performance and properties including weathering, durability, and life cycle
What we ARE looking for:
· Information that can be immediately implemented in the workplace
· How-to courses that stimulate and provide attendees with a new skill, technology or process
· Topics that are innovative, stimulating and cutting-edge for the construction and roofing industry
· Strong proposals that provide a better understanding of processes and techniques
· Presenters with strong speaking experience and in-depth knowledge of subject matter presented
What we are NOT looking for:
· Branded product pitches
· Topics that require the use of your organization's product
Final acceptance will be based on (but not limited to) the paper's ability to meet submission standards, overall program specification and industry need. Additionally, our Advisory Committee (comprised of RCMA staff, ORNL and CPCA representatives, and industry leaders) will review the proposed topics for relevancy and industry feedback. All approved presenters will be asked to author a paper for presentation which will be submitted for continuing education credit and will be included in the conference proceeding documents.
The deadline for returning your submission for consideration is October 15, 2013, but you may continue to submit proposals after this date in the event of a cancellation or change to the schedule. Should you have any questions about the International Roof Coatings Conference program, please contact RCMA Executive Director John Ferraro at or 202-207-1121.
Name: / Title:Company: / Work Phone: Fax:
Address: / Cell Phone:
City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, Country: / E-Mail:
Please complete all sections of this form and return by October 15, 2013 via email to . Abstracts should be no more than 200 words and should be attached to this form when submitted.
1) Title of Abstract/Presentation:2) 3-4 sentence description of presentation:
3) List 3-4 “bullet points” describing learning objectives for the course:
Attendees will be able to:
4) Your credentials as a speaker: (Submit bio in separate Word document)
List additional speakers on a separate page
5) Content Level: ¨Beginner / ¨Intermediate ¨Advanced