(Autonomous Institution of the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India)
TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences
21, Brundavan Colony, Gandipet Road, CBIT Post Office, Hyderabad - 500 075 (Transit Campus)
Phone: 040-2419 5026, Email:
Tender Reference No: TCIS/PCH/WO15-0096Dated: 19.06.2015
Sl. / Contents / PageNo. / Nos.
1. / Certificate of tender issued to / 1
2. / Notice Inviting Tender / 2
3. / Tender document / 3
4. / Instructions & Guidelines for Tenderers / 4-5
5. / Scope of work / Contract / 6-8
6. / Security points (Annexure-A) / 9
7. / Technical Bid (Annexure-B) / 10-11
8. / General Terms and Conditions of the contract / 12-20
9. / Format of Agreement (copy attached) / 21-28
10. / Affidavit (Annexure-C) / 29
11. / Price – Bid (Annexure-D) / 30-32
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(Autonomous Institution of the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India)
TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences
21, Brundavan Colony, Gandipet Road, CBIT Post Office, Hyderabad - 500 075 (Transit Campus)
Phone: 040-2419 5026, Email:
RefNo: TCIS/PCH/WO15-0096
Dated: 19.06.2015
Sealed tenders are invited by TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH HYDERABAD from reputed, experienced & registered Contractors/ Security Agencies/ Organisations/Cooperative Societies having valid license under Contract Labour Regulation & Abolition Act, 1970 for providing Round the Clock Security Services at Transit Campus ofTIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, 21, Brundavan Colony, Gandipet Road, CBIT Post Office, Hyderabad - 500 075 ( 43850 Sq feet area) and its permanent campus (adjacent to Central University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli), survey No. 36/P, Gopanpally Village Seri-Lingampally (Mandal), Ranga Reddy District, Hyderabad (Plot A, Plot B & Plot C) on contract basis. The detailed tender can be downloaded fromunderthe head “Tenders”.
Estimated cost: Rs.50,00,000/- per annum. Tender cost: Rs. 1000/- tobe paid by DD/ BC in favour of “TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences”(non-refundable) to beenclosed with technical bid. Earnest Money Deposit: Rs. 1,00,000/-(2% of the total estimated value) in the form of DD/BC from a Nationalized/Scheduled Bank and drawn in favour of “TIFR Centre for interdisciplinary SciencesHyderabad” and payable at Hyderabad to be enclosed with technical bid.
Date for downloading of tender documents:
19-06-2015 to 09-07-2015 upto 13.00 Hrs.
Last Date & Time for submission oftenders: 09-07-2015 by 13.00 Hrs.
Date for opening of Technical Bids:
09-07-2015 at 15.00Hrs.at the above address.
Administrative Officer
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(Autonomous Institution of the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India)
TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences
21, Brundavan Colony, Gandipet Road, CBIT Post Office, Hyderabad - 500 075 (Transit Campus)
Phone: 040-2419 5026, Email:
Sealed tenders are invited by TIFR, Hyderabad from reputed, experienced & registered Contractors/ Security Agencies/ Organizations/Cooperative Societies having valid license under Contract Labour Regulation & Abolition Act, 1970 for providing Round the Clock Security Services at transit campus of TIFR, Hyderabad Campus located at Gandipet, Hyderabad and Permanent Campus located at Gopanpally, Hyderabad preferably through all ex-servicemen or trained security guards having a certificate of training in security, first-aid &firefighting training on job contract basis. The estimated cost is Rs. 50,00,000/- per annum. The Institute conducts Research & Development activities in the field of Interdisciplinary basic sciences and a high standard of security is absolutely essential.
The tender can be downloaded from website the tender form is downloaded from website then bank draft of Rs.1000/- in favour "Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad" payable at Hyderabad, may invariably be attached with the tender at the time of submission. The tender documents with complete details of tender including experience required, scope of work and terms and conditions can also be obtained in person from The Administrative Officer, TIFR, Hyderabad on all working days EXCEPT Saturday and Sunday between 10.00 AM and 5.00 PM on payment of Rs. 1000/-(Rupees One Thousand only) (non-refundable) by means of Demand Draft in favour of "Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad"payable at Hyderabad.The last date for submission of Sealed Tender is 09-07-2015 by 13.00 Hrs. Date of Opening of Technical Bid is 09-07-2015 at 15.00 Hrs.
EMD of Rs. 1,00,000/- is to be submitted in the form of Demand Draft/ Bankers Cheque payable at Hyderabad, drawn in favour of "Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad" payable at Hyderabad from any one of the Scheduled/Nationalized Banks. EMD in any other form is not acceptable. Please note that tender received without EMD will be summarily rejected.
No firm / organization is exempted from furnishing the EMD under any circumstances. Exemptions from Govt. if any, shall be accepted only subject to approval of Competent Authority.
Late and delayed tenders will not be opened and summarily rejected. The detailed NIT and tender document are available on our website:
The Centre Director, TIFR-TCIS Hyderabad, reserves the right to accept or reject the lowest tender or any tender in part of full without assigning any reason and his decision on all matters in this regard shall be final and binding.
Administrative Officer
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- Contractors/ Security agencies meeting the requirements will submit tender under two-bid system. Tenders in the prescribed format duly completed in all respects and supported by relevant documents/proofs should be submitted in two separate sealed envelopes duly superscribed as “ Technical bid ” & “ Price bid ” put together in a single large envelope superscribed as “Tender for Round the clock Security Services at transit campus of TIFR, Hyderabad Campus located at Gandipet, Hyderabad and Permanent Campus of TIFR located at Gopanpally, Hyderabad - Due Date: 09.07.2015 By 13.00 Hrs” addressed to The Administrative Officer,TIFR, Hyderabad – 500 075, and should reach by registered/speed post or be dropped in the tender box located in transit campus office at Narsingi, Gandipet Roadon or before09-07-2015 by 13.00 Hrs.
- The Technical bid will be opened on 09-07-2015 at 15.00 Hrs by the TIFR Tender Opening Committee in the presence of the Tenderers or their Authorized Representatives, present if any.
- A demand draft for Rs. 1,00,000/- (One Lakh only) as Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) is required to be submitted along with technical bid.
- The Price bids of only those agencies who qualify in the technical bid will be opened on stipulated date and time to be communicated at a later date.
- All tenderers are advised to contact Admin Officer (040-2419 5026) who would coordinate, for visiting the site and inspect the duty points and also for acquainting themselves with the proposed work to be carried out before submission of their tenders during office hours with prior appointment.
- If any information furnished by the agency is found to be incorrect/false at a later stage, the tender will be rejected and the firm will be liable to be debarred from tendering.
- The TIFR reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the prospective applications in full or part thereof without assigning any reason whatsoever.
- The tender form along with necessary enclosures duly filled in should be submitted in original on or before the due date and time. Deviation of this condition shall render the tender liable to rejection.
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- Each page of tender document should be signed by the tenderers with rubber stamp of the firm affixed on each page.
- Unsealed, conditional/email tenders and tenders without Earnest Money Deposit or not on the prescribed form shall not be entertained.
- Tenders submitted without EMD shall be rejected summarily.
- Rates offered should be mentioned both in figures as well as in words and offer should be typed or legibly handwritten.Over writing is not acceptable. The tender will be valid for a minimum of 90 days from the date of its opening.
- The technical Bid shall be opened at 15.00 Hrs on 09.07.2015 in the presence of tenderers or their authorized representative who may wish to be present at that time.
- In case the date of receipt or opening of tenders is declared a Govt. holiday then the tender will be received/ opened on the next working day at the same time.
- The tenderer may inspect the areas where the services are to be provided for assessing the work involved during office working hours with prior appointment.
- The TIFR Hyderabad in public interest reserves right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason and also to impose/relax any terms and conditions of the tender.
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The security agency will provide security services, on contract basis. The contractor shall himself/or through his authorized supervisor, supervise the work of the guards deployed by him under the contract. He will be responsible for maintaining the attendance and wage register of the guards deployed and shall report to the AdminOfficer of TIFRas per requirement to guard TIFR round the clock throughout the year as detailed under. The tentative security points, working hours of staff, timings of shifts are enclosed at Annexure – A.
i)Protection of land, buildings, fittings and fixtures therein; plant & machineries, equipments installed (including outdoor), office records, movable and immovable properties from theft, pilferage, trespassing etc., within the at transit campus of TIFR, Hyderabad Campus located at Gandipet, Hyderabad and Permanent Campus of TIFR located at Gopanpally, Hyderabad.
ii)Safety of trees, shrubs, electric overhead installations, water pipelines, boundary walls etc. and fresh additions/installations from time to time during the contract period.
iii)To maintain security check-points/vigil to allow the entry of Officers and Staff of the TIFR only after verifying their identity.
To permit the entry of visitors/ staff of other departments only after confirming from the designated Officers of TIFR that the entry is for the official purpose and to ensure issue of visitors pass by maintaining the necessary records thereof.
To permit entry of the Official vehicles of the TIFR and Private vehicles of the officers and staff of the TIFR after ensuring that only the authorized persons are inside the vehicle.
To permit private vehicles only after check and the necessary permissions under which material is being brought to or taken out of TIFR and accordingly allow its entry/exit.
To issue a temporary visitors pass for the Officers/staff not having the Identity Cards after necessary approval of the designated officers of the TIFR.
iv)Entry of Officers/Staff during the Holidays and before/ after working Hours:
- Officers/Staff may not be permitted to enter on Holidays or before a specified time in the morning and remain in office
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premises up to a specified time after working hours unless a special permission is available from the designated officers. The presence of officers/staff during such period would be restricted to official purposes.
- Security persons will be responsible to maintain a record of the incoming and outgoing staff cars in working days and in holidays. A register would be maintained for entry of the officers/staff who are coming to office during holidays.
- Entry would also be made in a register about the details of the official vehicles and their timings of entry/exit during holidays and before and after working hours.
v)Issue of Gate Passes for stores/material coming in and going out of the premises based on verification of permissions granted by authorized officers/Scientists for the same.
- NoSecurity Guards /Supervisors will be deployed onduty exceeding eight hours shift on round the clock basis.
- No part of the TIFR land measuring about 209 acres at Main Campus Gopanpally,Hyderabad is trespassed encroached or squatted upon or suffer from any unauthorized occupation or use.
- The Institute gets a number of distinguished visitors from within India and abroad who are to be handled very carefully/ courteously.
- The contractor will be required to provide total security and vigilance to the entire campus, to the properties of the Institute including valuable and delicate instruments worth crores of rupees and to the employees.
- Carrying out necessary Security check at the Entry and Exit Gates and also at the Reception.
vi)Handling reception desk including the visitor management, phone calls and movement of documents and materials both inward and outward with proper documentation and check at the counter.
vii)Managing the telephone booth near the reception including proper accounting of transaction and remittance of the collections.
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viii)Record keeping and the monitoring the movement of
Institute vehicles.
ix)Maintaining proper traffic and parking discipline inside
the Institute premises.
x)Handling Guest House/Hostel Keys, Guest assistance
and the billing for Guest House/Hostel stay as per
instruction by the Administration.
xi)Handling room keys of the all rooms in the main
building of the Institute and extending assistance to
staff members in opening and closing their rooms on
demand, with due authorization.
xii)Maintenance of occurrence register with details of by
various security related assignments, activities and
important occurrences round the clock.
xiii)Ensuring closing of all office rooms and extra entry
points on the corridors after office hours and on
xiv)Informing the police/lodging complaints (with the
permission of the Centre) in case of any theft, offence
or any other warranting circumstances.
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Annexure - A
Security points at TIFR Transit Campus& main campus at Hyderabad
Sr.No. / Location / Number of security guards per location and No. of shifts1. / TCIS Transit Campus / 3 X 3 Shifts each
2. / Student Hostel – 1 (PV) / 2 X 1 Shift
3. / Student Hostel – 2 (SNR) / 1 X 1 Shift
4. / TIFR Gopanpally Site / 4 X 3 Shiftseach
Note 1: I Shift – 6.00 A.M. to 2.00 P.M. II Shift -2.00 P.M. to 10.00PM III Shift – 10.00 P.M. to 6.00 A.M. (Next Day)
Note 2: The locations are subject to change as per requirement of the
Note 3: The above mentioned points may be increased or decreased during the course of the contract subject to need.
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(Annexure – B)
Tender for providing Round-the Clock Security Services at TIFR, Hyderabad for its Transit campus at Narsingi and its Main campus at Gopanpally, Hyderabad.
1. / Name of the Organization/Firm, location ofRegistered Office with complete address with
Telephone/Fax Nos. and e-mail address. For
outstation Agencies Address of Registered
local branch office and contact Nos.
2. / Does the firm have experience of providing satisfactory security services in Central Government /Autonomous bodies/Research organizations/reputed private sector companies where 50 or more than 50% of security personnel (preferably ex-service man) were deployed with one contract value of a single contract value of minimum 36,00,000/- per annum or two similar contracts of Rs. 24,00,000/- each per year or three similar contracts of value if Rs. 12,00,000/-each per annum should have been executed and completed during last 7 years and atleast one should be a running contract ? If yes, then firm should attach with the technical bid, experience certificates in original or a certified copy (duly attested by a gazette officer with name and designation)issued by such Organisations not earlier than 3 months from the date of this Tender.
3. / Details of present contracts, clientele list with
performance certificate for past 5 years
4. / Financial resources, assets in terms of firm’s
property (fixed and movable) held.
5. / Service Tax and Professional Tax Registration.
(Copy of the same may be attached.)
6. / Registration with the Labour Dept. of the
Central Govt. (attach a copy of the
registration certificate.)
7. / Registration with local EPF authorities (Enclose
the copy of same)
8. / Registration under Shops & Estt. Act (Attach a
copy of same)
9. / Registration under ESI Act
(Attach a copy of same)
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- Has the firm attached acceptance to the scope of work, terms and conditions etc. duly signed on all pages?
- Registration/License under PSARA ACT (Attach Copy of the same)
- Details of EMD of Rs.1,00,000/- in the form of Demand Draft/Banker’s cheque from a
Scheduled/Nationalized Bank.
- Average annual turnover during last 3 years ending 31st March of previous financial year should be atleast Rs. 40 Crores. (please attach proof in support)
- TAN & PAN of the firm
- Solvency certificate of an amount not less than Rs. 10 Lakhs issued by a national bank within the last six months to be attached.
- Income Tax returns for past 5 years.
- Has the firm attached an affidavit in the prescribed format to the effect that it has never been blacklisted (Annexure D)
- Any other information
Place :Signature of Tenderer
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- The contractor has to give an undertaking to the Admin Officer that he will not appoint any worker who has worked under any such contract in the past in TIFR. The contractor should provide passport size photographs of the workers working in this Institute along with their Bio-data and police clearance certificate.
2. / All tenderers are / advised to contact Admin Officer, TIFR who is
the Coordinating / Officer, for visiting the site and inspect the duty
points and also acquainting themselves with the proposed work to
be carried out before submission of their tenders.
All the Security guards should have minimumqualification of VII class or equivalent and age below 35 years. Character assessment, the discharge certificate should indicate good to exemplary character. They should be able to read, write and speak English, Hindu and Telugu.
- All the guards provided by the contractor should have also been trained in Fire Fighting.
- No accommodation or departmental transport will be provided by this Institute for the contractor’s staff.
- The entire administration of the security personnel will be the responsibility of the Contractor. The contractor will provide them the uniforms, liveries etc. at his own cost. The security personnel should wear uniform as approved by the Institute while on duty, compulsorily. The contractor will conform to all norms applicable to him under the ESI Act, EPF Act and Minimum Wages Act etc. and make payment of wages as per agreed rates.
7.TIFR, however, expect that the contractor’s personnel while working in our campus will be totally loyal to the Management of TIFR and will not give any room for complaint. And they should wear uniform as approved by the Institute while on duty compulsorily.