Draft Study Schedule MACR 2018-20, Semester 1-3, WS 18/19 & SS 19 WS 19/20
1stSemester (October 2018- March 2019) ; Opening Day: Thu, 11.10. 2018, 2pm – ca. 6pmJOUR FIXES: 6.12.: 11am-1pm 24.01. (before very last session 1st Semester at 1pm-3.30pm or Friday, 25.01.: 10am-12.30pm)
School holidays Berlin/Brandenburg: Fall/Herbst: 22.10.-5.11.; Christmas: 22.12.-5.1.2019
October / November / December / January / Time
Introductory Workshop: 12.10.-13.10.2018 from 10am-5pm;
Module 1: Childhood Studies
Seminar 1
Prof. Dr. Beatrice Hungerland / 19.-20.10.
/ 30.11.- / 01.12. / Fr 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-5pm
Seminar 2
Dr. Urszula Markowska-Manista / 09.11.-10.11. / 14.-15.12. / Fr 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-5pm
Module 2: Understanding Children’sRights
Seminar 1
Prof. Dr. Manfred Liebel / 26.-27.10 / 07.-08.12. / Fr 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-5pm
Seminar 2
Prof. Dr. Jörg Maywald / 23.-24.11. / 11.-12.01. / Fr 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-5pm
Philip Meade, M.A. / 8.11.6 Std
/ 6.12. 6 Std / 10.01.
/ Thu 2pm-8pm
Att: 17.01. from 4pm-8pm
Module 3: Methods and Techniques of Childhood and Children’s Rights Research
Prof.Dr.StefanThomas / 16.-17.11.
/ 18.-19.01. / Fr 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-5pm
Guest Speaker: Laura Hennig / ( 22.11. longer? Perhaps 4 or 5 hours?) / 13.12. / 17.01.; 24.01.
(24.01. longer? 4-5 hours?) / Thu 5pm-8pm
2nd Semester (April 2019-September 2019); Opening Day: Thu, 4.4. 2019, 2pm – ca. 4pm
JOUR FIXES: 23.5.2019; 1.30pm-15.30pm & 11.07.2019; 12pm-16.30pm (Information on MA Thesis)
School holidays Berlin/Brandenburg: Easter: 15.04.-26.04. Summer: 20.06.-02.08.
Public holidays: 01.05. (Tag der Arbeit), 30.05. (Christi Himmelfahrt/Ascension Day), 09./10.06. (Pfingsten/Pentecoast)
April / May / June / July / Time
Module 4: Work and Education of Children in an International and Intercultural Comparison
Seminar 1
Iven Saadi, M.A. / 05.-06.04. / 21.-22.06.
Karl wäre als Gast bei Dir für 2h- erste Tage der Sommerferien / Fr 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-5pm
Seminar 2
Dr. Christina Ayazi / 03.-04.05. / 28.-29.06 / Fr 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-5pm
Sabina Salimovska; M.A.
Prof. Dr. Karl Hanson / 09.05. (Salimovska) / 20.6. (ersterFerientag)
(Prof. Dr. Karl Hanson-6 hour session- 2pm-6pm) / 11.07. (Salimovska)- not possible / Thu 5pm - 8pm
Module 5: Children Out-Of-Place and Child Rights Oriented Practice
Seminar 1
Prof. Dr. ManfredLiebel / 17.05.-18.05. / 12.07-13.07 / Fr 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-5pm
Seminar 2
Dr. Urszula-Markowska / 12.-13.04. / 05.-06.07. / Fr 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-5pm
Philip Meade, M.A. and Mohammed Jouni / 02.05./23.05. / 20.06. / 04.07. / Thu 4pm-8pm
Module6:Children and Media
Seminar 1
Dr. Ingrid Stapf / 10.- 11.05 / 14.-15.6. / Fr 9am-6pm /Sa 9am-5pm
Seminar 2- N.N. / 26.-27.4.- Achtung Schulferien / 24.-25.05. / Fr 9am-6pm /Sa 9am-5pm
Karina Piersig, M.A. / 16.05. / 13.06./27.06. / 10.7.Attention: Wednesday OR Thursday
18.7. / 1.2 / Thur 4pm-8pm
3rd Semester (October 2019-March 2020); Opening Day: TUESDAY, 1.10. 2019, 2pm-6pm
School holidays Berlin/Brandenburg: Herbst/Fall: 3.10.-21.10. Christmas: 23.12.-06.01.2020
Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan 2020 / Time
Module 7a & b: Internship or Practical Project
Dr. UrszulaMarkowska-Manista and Rebecca Budde / TUESDAY, 1.10. (Opening Day, last infos on MA thesis registration)
17.10. MA thesis registration(4.30pm-6pm) / 21.11. (Workshop on Funding Possibilities)- Non-obligatory / TUESDAY, 7.1.. (Final Evaluation. Second date MA registration) / 2pm-6pm
Module 7c: Research Proposal
Dr. UrszulaMarkowska-Manista and Rebecca Budde / TUESDAY, 1.10. (Opening Day, last infos on MA thesis registration)
17.10. Colloquium RP (2pm-4.30pm) and MA Thesis registration (4.30pm-6pm) / 21.11. (Workshop on Funding Possibilities)- Non-obligatory / 12.12. Colloquium RP / TUESDAY, 7.1.. (Final Evaluation. Second date MA registration) / 2pm-6pm
MA Thesis Registration Dates:
17.10.2019 (Completion of Programme by 31.03.2020)
07.01.2020 (Completion of Programme by Mid- End June 2020)
Extraordinary Registration Date: 2.4.2020 (Completion of Program by End-September 2020- no possibility of graduating with the class)