1999 Annual Report
BSA Mid-Continent Section
Submitted: Wayne J. Elisens, Chair 1 August 1999
Section officers: Vice-chair: Randy Allen; Secretary-Treasurer: Ken Freiley;
Vice Secretary-Treasurer: Allan Nelson.

1999 General and Business meetings. The Mid-Continent Section met with the annual meeting of the Southwest Association of Naturalists (SWAN) at the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon; Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico in April. Because of the sparse attendance by BSA members, there were no sponsored symposia, no business meeting, and no awards for student presentations held at the meeting. Consequently, no funds were spent from the BSA alltoment during FY 1999. Elections and new and old items of business were discussed by e-mail among the officers and members of the section. An active program at the SWAN meeting in April 2000 is anticipated.

Nominations and Elections. The terms of two officers expired during 1999, the chair (Wayne Elisens, Oklahoma University) and the vice-chair (Randy Allen, Texas Tech University). Several nominations for these positions were received. We are happy to announce that, starting in August 1999 for three year terms, Dr. Rob Wallace (Iowa State University) will serve as chair and Dr. Craig Freeman (Kansas University and Natural Heritage Inventory) will serve as vice-chair.

Officers of the MidContinent section for 1999-2000

Chair (2002):


Department of Botany

Bessey Hall

Iowa State University

Ames, IA 50011-1020

Phone: 515-294-0367;

fax: 515-294-1337;

e-mail <>

Vice Chair (2002):


Kansas Biological Survey

2041 Constant Avenue

Lawrence, KS 66047

Phone: 785-864-3453;

fax: 785-864-5093;

e-mail <>

Secretary/Treasurer (2001):

Kenneth J. Freiley

Biology Department

University of Central Arkansas

Conway, AR 72035

Phone: (501) 450-5926;

fax: (501) 450-5914;

e-Mail: <>

Vice Secretary/Treasurer (2001):

Allan D. Nelson

Department of Biology

Science Building, Rm 226

Box T-0100

Tarleton State University

Stephenville, TX 76402

Phone: (254) 968-9159;

fax: (254) 968-9157,

e-Mail <>