Title:Shell LubeAnalyst Services Video

Duration: {2:46} minutes


The true success of Shell Lubricants is owednot only to better lubrication practices, but also to Shell LubeAnalyst servicesthathelp identify any performance issues, which can help prevent costly breakdowns.

{Shell LubeAnalyst Services} Transcript

Opens with the Shell Lube Analyst logo.
Woman voiceover:
[“Shell Lube Analyst Services are designed to understand every aspect of what makes your business unique...”]

[Background music plays]

{The music is calm, technical, simple}

Animations show liquid lubricant floating on a white background.
Woman voiceover:
[“…in order to creae a proactive maintenance program to lower your total cost of ownership.”]

One spec of lubricant is in focus, and a Shell LubeAnalyst document appears next to it, detailing its specifications.
Woman voiceover:
[“…in order to create a proactive maintenance program to lower your total cost of ownership. A program that uses accurate reports to monitor your stationary or mobile equipments’ oils over time, to help identify any performance issues, which can help prevent costly breakdowns, and optimize oil drain intervals.”]

The splash of lubricant reappears, floating on the white background. A photo of a large piece of equipment in use appears next to it.
Woman voiceover:
[“Because if a critical piece of equipment breaks down, it can easily cost your company tens of thousands of dollars in repairs and lost revenue.”]

The spec of lubricant reappears, and text appears around it.
Text reads:
[“01 The Right Lubricant. 02 The Right Quantity. 03 The Right Application. 04 The Right Place. 05 The Right Time.”]
Woman voiceover:
[“Getting the right lubricant in the right quantity in the right application in the right place at the right time is in the heart of any good proactive maintenance strategy.”]

Silver cogs animate in and piece together to form a mechanized heart. Zooms in to the moving parts of the heart to find a DNA double helix comprised of the liquid lubricant.
Woman voiceover:
[“But why is it important to have an oil analysis program? Well, think of the lubricant as the blood in your equipment. Analysing your equipment’s oil is just like getting regular blood work, where we analyse and measure its viscosity, get valuable information on any metals that may be present, measure oxidation or additive depletion, and to detect contaminants - to keep a machine healthy.”]

Zoom back out to view the mechanized heart with moving cogs.

Transition to a photo of a Shell Lube Analyst interacting with a piece of equipment onsite.
Woman voiceover:
[“Through industry standard tests, Shell experts can understand the condition of both the lubricant and the equipment in which it’s used. Wear metals, contamination, water, or fuel may be found. Our lab can then determine if a lubricant is approaching the end of its useful life, or if there is possible internal component wear.”]

The spec of lubricant reappears in focus and splits into 5 droplets, each with a focus circle around it.
Woman voiceover:
[“It also highlights potential trouble spots, and prescribes whatever corrective action, if any, needs to be taken.”]

A globe animates in and rotates, showing the locations on the globe where Shell LubeAnalyst Services are used, indicated with yellow droplets of lubricant.
Woman voiceover:
[“Our unique global platform reaches 95 countries using 27 languages. It’s a single, multilingual, web-based service that’s connected to a worldwide network of laboratories, with over 750,000 samples collected per year from over 50,000 users.”]

While zooming into the globe, the locations, indicated by droplets, connect to each other with lines of lubricant, forming a web/network.
Woman voiceover:
[“Our customers all share the same system, service, and database allowing benchmarking of equipment all across different customer sites around the world.”]

Test tubes appear. Filled with oil samples, they are put into a box with a label and mailed to a lab.
Woman voiceover:
[“And all you have to do is register your site locations and machinery online. Using simple, prepaid sample kits, you take oil samples, attach the check book style sample labels and send them via next day mail to the Shell LubeAnalyst Testing Facility.”]

The splash of lubricant reappears on a white background, rotating.
Woman voiceover:
[“The Shell LubeAnalyst oil condition monitoring program gives your personnel timely and reliable fluid, and machine condition information while your operations are still in motion…”]

The droplet of lubricant is back in focus.
Woman voiceover:
[“…ultimately saving you money on maintenance, reducing downtime, and improving equipment reliability.”]

Shell LubeAnalyst logo appears.

The screen fades to white.
Text displays:

[“Shell Lubricants
Together anything is possible”]

Music fades.

Shell logo appears.