Grant Agreement to Develop
The ACES (Access College-Employment Success) Project
Document Number
THIS GRANT AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , at Harrisburg, County of Dauphin, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, hereinafter called "OVR," and ______hereinafter called the "Grantee."
This Grant will be funded by the Reemployment Fund. The Reemployment Fund is to be used in part for programs and services to assist individuals to become employed or improve their employment, including without limitation job search and placement services, educational enhancement, job training and job readiness and workplace skills training. Section 605.1 of the Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Law, Act of December 5, 1936, Sec. Ex. Sess. P.L. (1937) 2897, as amended, 43 P.S. § 841.5.
OVR and the Grantee, intending to be legally bound, and in consideration of the acceptance of the terms and conditions contained in this grant and the award of a grant in the amount of $______, hereby agree as follows:
1. The Grantee, in consultation with OVR, will furnish all qualified personnel, facilities, materials, and perform all aspects of the grant project as hereinafter described in the Riders, attached hereto and made a part hereof as fully as if incorporated herein, as follows:
RIDER A, Specifications of Work to be Performed - Grantee Proposal
RIDER B, Terms and Conditions
RIDER C, Certification and Assurance Forms
RIDER D, Budget Information
2. The Grantee will comply with all applicable State and Federal laws, regulations, policies and guidelines, and furnish assurances and certifications of compliance as required herein.
In Witness whereof the parties hereto have affixed their signatures intending to be legally bound.
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Name of Agency
Director Date OVR Executive Director Date
Approved As To Form And Legality:
Chief Counsel, Date Deputy General Counsel Date
Pa. Dept. of Labor & Industry Office of General Counsel
Attorney General Date
Office of Attorney General
Funding of this grant is contingent upon the availability of funds and approval of the grantor agency.
Comptroller, Department Date
Subcontracting Agency Federal I.D. Number
or Social Security Number:
Instructions for completing the Grant Agreement Form
1. Leave the Document Number line blank.
2. Leave the date and year lines blank.
3. Type the name of your agency on the third line of paragraph one.
4. Leave the amount of the grant line blank.
5. On the top of the second page, type the name of your Agency on the first line.
6. Authorized Individual signs the Grant Agreement Form on the line under the Agency name.
7. Type the Federal I.D. Number or the Social Security Number for the Grantee on the appropriate line in the middle of the second page.
A copy of this signed form will be provided once the document has received approval and all the required parties’ signatures.