Heating in the industrial, commercial and residential sectors accounts for an estimated 40-50% of global final energy demand.But renewable energy technologies do not contribute significantly to providing that heat. The need for policies supporting heat from renewables is often overshadowed by efforts in transportation and power generation.The publication Renewables for Heating and Cooling – Untapped Potentialturns the spotlight on a sector often overlooked even though it offers one of the largest potential contributions to climate change mitigation and energy security. Taking a hands-on approach, it details the “carrot and stick” policies that, when combined with education programs, can vigorously support renewable technologies for heating and cooling. Renewables for Heating and Cooling – Untapped Potentialcomes up with some strong findings on both policies and markets for renewable heating technologies. It is the fruit of intensive collaboration between researchers and takes a crucial step in raising awareness of the vast potential of renewable heat.

“This publication marks a milestone for renewable heat and gives policy-makers the tools to stir the ‘sleeping giant’ of renewables potentials,” said Hans Jørgen Koch, Deputy State Secretary of the Danish Energy Agency and Chair of the RETD. Ole Langniss, a co-author and Operating Agent for the RETD, declared “this publication proves that renewable heating technologies are mature and inexpensive; now, the time is ripe for governments to guide the markets.” The Executive Summary, as well as the full report, are posted on the RETD website.

Stuttgart, Germany (January 25, 2008): The International Energy Agency’s Implementing Agreement on Renewable Energy Technology Deployment (RETD) has issued the hardcopy release of its “Renewables for Heating and Cooling – Untapped Potential.” The report was a joint effort with the IEA Renewable Energy Unit (REU).

About the IEA Implementing Agreement on Renewable Energy Technology Deployment

The main constraint for a significant utilization of renewable energy technologies is active deployment efforts. This issue is key motivation for the establishment of the RETD Implementing Agreement as one of the key outcomes from the Bonn 2004 Renewables Conference. The 9 RETDmember countries want to encourage the international deployment of renewable energy through focused policy measures. Visit