COMS 103—Dr. Foss-Snowden 1

Presentational Speaking in the Organization – Monday Hybrid Format


Spring 2010

Professor:Michele S. Foss-Snowden, Ph.D.Class Time:See GA syllabus

Office:MND 5015Classroom:See GA syllabus

Office Phone:(916) 278-6134Office Hours:Tuesday, 3:45 – 5:45PM

Email: (preferred)Mailbox:COMS Office, MND 5014


Catalog Description:

Communication Studies 103: Contemporary communication techniques for use in business and industry. Principles and practice of oral reporting, persuasive speaking, conference participation, and interpersonal interaction.


I will assume that you have completed your GE oral communication requirement prior to the start of COMS 103, and that you can apply what you learned there to the material you will learn here. If some time has passed between now and when you took your Introduction to Public Speaking course, you might find it helpful to review your notes or textbooks for major concepts before we go too far into the semester.

What will I learn in this course?

This course is designed to prepare you for the most common speaking situations in the business world. You will have the chance to develop not only your formal presentation skills, but also your ability to speak in impromptu and interview settings, and your ability to work in a group. You will find these skills useful long after your completion of this course, in your other classes and in your career, regardless of industry. Almost all employers recognize the necessity of exceptional communication skills in today’s workplace.

How is this class different?

In the current economic and socio-political climate, it is not enough to follow the conventional path. Today, you face unique challenges, and as your instructor, I must be willing and able to adapt. The traditional model for a course in presentational speaking looks something like this: the instructor provides a textbook full of predictable chapters, academic theories, and possibly a few case studies for hypothetical application. Students then demonstrate their understanding of the assigned material through tests and speeches that only imitate the actual speaking situations they might encounter outside of the classroom. This traditional model fails to prepare students for the unique challenges mentioned above. So, MY challenge is to deliver the course material in a way that acknowledges your need for immediate and obvious connections to the “real” world. You can think of this course’s lectures, readings, and activities as my answer to the challenge.

Remember, COMS 103 is an upper division course in Communication Studies. As such, you should expect plenty of reading, some writing, and a whole lot of speaking. Also, COMS 103 is not COMS 002 or 004 with a business spin. I would be doing you a disservice if I gave you what amounted to a repeat of your Introduction to Public Speaking course. You’ve taken that class. This class is something different. You already know how to give a basic speech. In this class, you’ll learn how to speak as a leader.

How is this course structured?

You have determined by now that you have enrolled in what we like to call a “hybrid” section of the course, which means that around 50% of your time will be spent in an online environment, and the other 50% of your time will be spent in a traditional, in-person setting. You will access your lectures and some other activities via SacCT, but you will meet weekly with your graduate assistant instructor for discussion, to deliver your speeches, and for other activities.

Who is my GA?

Your graduate assistant (GA) instructor is a graduate student in the Communication Studies department. She or he has been trained well, and is ready and able to lead the discussion sections of this course. You should feel comfortable asking your GA any questions you might have, but you should also feel free to contact me via email at any time, or to stop by office hours. Unfortunately, some students find that the hybrid format increases the perceived level of distance between student and professor. I would like to combat this distance by assuring you that even though you will not meet with me in person on a weekly basis, I am still interested in getting to know you and learning how I can help you succeed in this class.

How will I be evaluated?


Formal speaking assignments will account for a large portion of your grade. You will be evaluated on your ability to research, organize, and deliver each speech to your audience. You are expected to pay attention to the time limits for each presentation (they will vary in length). Time penalties for each presentation will also vary.

You will be graded on the quality of your speech topics, but you do not need to get approval for the topics you choose. However, your GA and I are happy to discuss possible topics with you. You might worry about another student giving a similar speech, but even if you share a topic, no two perspectives are exactly the same. If you are willing, we will work with you to create a unique presentation.

Your first formal speech will be the Speech to Identify. For this speech only, you will have the choice of giving an individual presentation or a duo/group presentation. If you choose the duo or group presentation, the duo/team will deliver a presentation to the class. If you choose the individual presentation, you will deliver the presentation alone. Either option has its benefits and drawbacks, and you should consider all of them before you make your decision. You will receive more information about this (and every) assignment in an Assignment Sheet, which you will be able to download and revisit as you prepare for your presentation.

Your second speech is an individual presentation designed to shape the way your audience thinks and feels about a topic of your choice. We will call this speech the Speech to Influence. If it helps you to do so, you can think of this speech as a semi-persuasive speech to inform, with emphasis on the principles of logical reasoning and expression of character.

Your third formal speech will require you to utilize all that you have learned in the semester to inspire your audience to act. It should be no shock, then, that this speech is called the Speech to Inspire. In traditional terms, you could think of this speech as a persuasive speech with emphasis on the principles of emotion, or pathos.

You will be required to submit a typed outline immediately following the delivery of each speech, and this outline will be counted as a part of your grade for that speech. Handwritten outlines will NOT be accepted and will result in a grade of ZERO for the outline portion of your speech grade. You will only turn in ONE outline: the outline you use to deliver your speech. Please do not print multiple copies of your outline, using one and turning in the other one. Please do not turn in a different version of your outline. The only way we can help you improve your instrument is if you let us see and evaluate EXACTLY what you used.

In addition to the Assignment Sheet that will accompany each formal speaking assignment, you will also have access to an Evaluation Sheet that will include the grading criteria and everything you will need to know to complete the assignment successfully.

You will also be required to deliver an impromptu (unplanned) speech. You will know your topic only moments before you deliver the speech. If time permits, you can repeat this assignment to get a better grade. Assignment details will be discussed in class.

You would be wise to leave yourself enough time to create multiple drafts of each formal presentation. All speeches (even impromptu speeches) take careful thought and clear language. Often the difference between an "A" presentation and a "B" presentation is not that something is right or wrong, but that the "A" speech is more carefully constructed.

As we move through the term, point values for each speech will increase. This structure is designed to reward your improvement.

Finally, inside and outside the academic world, giving a presentation when it is scheduled is very important. The following questions and answers should help you figure out how to proceed if a missed presentation is imminent.

Q.What if it’s the night before my presentation, and I start feeling sick? My doctor said that if I have flu-like symptoms, I should avoid contact with other people.

A. Please DO NOT come to class and infect us all! You should send your GA an email, letting her or him know that you are ill and that you will not be in class (if you are so ill that you cannot drag yourself to a computer, then you should go to a medical professional). You should attach your outline to this email as proof that you are not using our lingering H1N1 paranoia as an excuse to miss your speech. You should then be prepared to deliver your speech on the next available day. If the schedule is full, you may be required to deliver your presentation during office hours.

Q.What if I have an emergency the day of the presentation? For example, what if I get a flat tire while driving to class?

A. Most of these “last minute” emergencies will mean interaction with someone who can verify times and dates in your story (a flat tire would mean a receipt from a tow truck driver or the place where you got the new tire). If you bring your GA some kind of verification, you can deliver your speech on the next available day. Again, if the schedule is full, you may be required to deliver your presentation during office hours.

Q.What if I don’t really have an excuse, and I missed the speech for no good reason at all, or no reason I can prove in any way?

A. If you miss or “skip” a speech, your grade for that speech will be zero. Depending on your special circumstances, you might be allowed to turn in your outline and earn SOME credit for the assignment. There is a difference between an F and a zero. You have to turn SOMETHING in to receive a failing grade. Make-up speeches will only be granted for emergencies, and with proper notification and verification.

Written Assignments

No handwritten work will be accepted, period. All written assignments (including the references for your presentations, submitted as a separate “works cited” or “references” page) must use a recognized citation format. We suggest that you use the MLA (Modern Language Association) or APA (American Psychological Association) reference format. The MLA and APA publication manuals can be found in the bookstore and the CSUS Library. Avoid automatic formatting programs, as they are often incorrect and they impair your ability to learn how to do it yourself.

Read your work when you feel it is complete, then use spell-check, and then read it again, and then ask a friend to read it for you. Remember, you are expected to perform at a college level in your written work. Misspelling simple words and ignoring obvious typographical errors (even on an outline) will cause your grade to be lowered. Take pride in your work.

In general, if you see a problem with meeting established deadlines, talk to your GA about it when it happens, not the minute before your assignment is due. Without prior arrangements or documented emergency (and for the record, a printer that runs out of ink does not count as an emergency), grades on written assignments will be lowered by a full letter grade for each calendar day they are turned in late. These rules apply even if you are absent on the day assignments are due.


We will have several quizzes this term; all of the quizzes will be available on SacCT. You will have one hour to complete each quiz, and each quiz will contain between 5 – 15 questions. The questions on these examinations will be designed to test very basic information, so if you have done the reading and if you have taken notes during lecture, you should have little trouble with the quizzes. The quizzes will become unavailable on the last day of instruction, at 11:30pm, so please plan to finish all of them before that time.


Few would disagree with the idea that attendance is directly correlated to higher grades and better retention, but making attendance mandatory and creating negative consequences for absences robs you of your responsibility in the learning process. I will treat you as adults and respect your decisions. However, let me remind you of a few other factors that might influence those decisions:

1) You cannot “participate” if you are not present.

2) A speaker needs an audience, and every student deserves the same chance to garner a variety of feedback.

3) There might be candy, and no one wants to miss candy.

So, section attendance is not mandatory, but is strongly encouraged. You will earn points just for being in class. Even though attendance is not mandatory, it will be recorded and considered in determination of your participation grade. If you do miss class, it is YOUR responsibility to find out (outside of class time, please) what you missed (including your assigned speaking time). Do not expect your GA to gather materials for you, or to hunt you down with the information you missed.

Some discussions may presume you understand major news events. In order to participate, you will need to open yourself to this kind of information.

Your GA and I will grade your participation in this class using the following guide:

▪ An “A” student (100 – 90 points) is alwayspresent (with the possible exception of one or two excused absences), respectful, prepared and attentive. She/he is enthusiastic, and her/his comments/questions are frequent and relevant. She/he expresses ideas clearly, and supports and encourages her/his classmates’ ideas. In general, she/he is helpful in creating a positive learning environment. She/he does her/his best, all the time.

▪ A “B” student (89 – 80 points) is usually present (with the possible exception of two or three excused absences), respectful, prepared and attentive. She/he contributes to class discussion consistently and responds well when asked direct questions.She/he is somewhat reluctant to volunteer, but does not ever harm the learning environment.

▪ A “C” student (79 – 70 points) might miss class frequently (more than three excused or unexcused absences), and is sometimes unprepared or inattentive. She/he does not volunteer, but does not actively damage the learning environment.

▪ A “D” student (69 – 60 points) is often unprepared and misses class frequently (more than four absences, excused or unexcused). She/he is unable to respond relevantly or with much insight. She/he sometimes interrupts other students, makes inappropriate remarks, or does not even listen (choosing instead to text, twitter, facebook, or work on unrelated projects). In general, this student is sometimes disrespectful and uncooperative, and can inhibit the learning process.

▪ A failing student (59 points and below) is unprepared and uncooperative. She/he exhibits intense or frequent “D” type behaviors.

How will I earn points?

▪ Formal Speeches

-Speech to Identify (4 – 6 min per speaker)150 points______*

- Speech to Influence (5 – 7 min)200 points______

- Speech to Inspire (6 – 8 min) 250 points______

▪ Impromptu Speech (3 – 5 min)50 points______

▪ Quizzes

- 10 @ 15 points each150 points______

▪ Written Assignment

- Interview Paper100 points______

▪ Participation100 points______


▪ Total1000 points______

* Please use these spaces to record your scores on each assignment. You will then know as much as we do about how you are progressing in the class and what your final grade should be (no surprises).

How will points translate into my final letter grade?

Grading in this class will be based on a strict 1000-point grade scale. There will be no curve. The only person you must compete with to earn a good grade in this class is yourself.

This grading policy reflects the assignment of grades under typical circumstances, but I will reserve the right to adjust final grades based upon discussions with your GA regarding her or his assessment of factors such as your general attitude toward learning and each other, improvement, and effort. Students who do not participate outside of their own work should not expect the benefit of the doubt at the end of the term.

I will figure your final grade using the following guide:

1000 – 930 = A929 – 900 = A –899 – 870 = B +869 – 830 = B

829 – 800 = B –799 – 770 = C +769 – 730 = C729 – 700 = C –

699 – 670 = D +669 – 630 = D629 – 600 = D –599 and below = Fail

What materials will I need?

1. Foss-Snowden, M. (Ed.). (2010). Presentational Speaking Anthology (Revised Edition). San Diego,

CA: University Readers.

2. One iClicker brand classroom response device

The reader listed above, Presentational Speaking Anthology, is now available online at I have carefully selected the readings included in this reader to provide you with a more relevant, custom learning experience. Please purchase this reader to stay on top of the course material. Doing so will help you be successful in our assignments, speeches, and quizzes.

The reader price is $59.95, and includes materials that we will use in class daily, so you should purchase your own copy. Also, please keep in mind that our institution adheres to copyright law, so any copyrighted material should not be copied or duplicated in any manner.

To purchase the reader, please follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Log on to

Step 2: Click on the white "STUDENTS BUY HERE" button located in the "Student Store" section (upper right corner of the page).

Step 3: Create an account or log in if you have an existing account to purchase.

Step 4: Easy-to-follow instructions will guide you through the rest of the ordering process. Payment can be made by all major credit cards or with an electronic check.