Patterson PTA


May 12, 2016

Attendees: Sarah Stevens, Erin Sulkin, Diana McCullough, Melissa Tolla, Bonnie Bowers, Karen Young, Kim Grikis, Emily Dobry, Danielle Minnerick, Jorie Snyder, Amber Sweda, Denise Schalliol, Julie Mitchell, Shirin Chamham, Megan Fastabend, Rita Malloy, Julie Heitman, Erin Kocher, Colleen Garrison, Elizabeth Carroll, Michelle Frost, Dina Garabedian, Rakhee Raveendran

1)Call to Order

a)Meeting called to order by Colleen Garrison at 10:10 am

2)Approval of April, 2016 Meeting Minutes

a)Minutes approved as written

3)Principal's Report-- Mrs. Frost

a)Google Expedition Day – We have 12 classrooms that are going to try and pilot this activity at Patterson.

b)Summer Patterson Library events and updates – Two library days will be provided over the summer to exchange books checked out and Mrs. Maly will also have some activities at the library on those days.

c)Staff Retirements – next Wednesday afterschool we will celebrate the retirements of Mrs. Minnick; Ev Pape and Angie Tame

d)Glow 5K – large team participating and in the past we won an author visit due to our large participation – please join us! Saturday June 4th

e)Enrollment update for 2016-2017 – Please help us out to encourage new residents to enroll as soon as possible; 4th and 5th grades are close on cut-offs.

f)Supply kit order includes the assignment notebook which are required 3-5; This planner was shown and it was described why we prefer this notebook; Earbuds are listed as something we want to bring in to school so we can limit the earphones what the school supplies.

g)Parcc testing almost done. ELA and Math is finished. Science is just about done.

4)President’s Report – Colleen Garrison

a)Budget Audit Committee – We are looking for 3 volunteers and 2 alternates to volunteer for one meeting this summer to audit the financial books from this past school year. Denise Schalliol; Karen Young; Julie Heitman; Rita Malloy alternate; Emily Dobry alternate. Dina will coordinate the date.

b)Initial Dates for 2016-2017 – August 18th is meet and greet and ice cream social; 2:00 – 3:30

c)Key dates for remainder of year – May 23rd Field Day; Popsicles ordered from pta

d)Orange Ruler update – We have secured $1400 in sponsorship for help with the t-shirts. We are still looking for about $1200 in sponsorship and this will get a logo on the back of the shirt.

e)Teacher Appreciation Week – Pooled funding for teacher gift cards worked well. We collected about $1734 in checks and ~$800 in cash. Cash was distributed based on % of full time. Only one class did own collection outside of this. This year we acknowledged the staff that have not been acknowledged in the past, even though they are here full time. Mrs. Frost said thank you to the PTA for all that was done for teacher appreciation week. The teachers loved it. Rita Malloy voiced opinion that we can emphasize the small things like notes and we can discourage large bouquets and other large things to buy – sodas, candy, and bouquets. Mush discussion ensured regarding communication and not reading communication about what was supposed to happen with the pooled collection.

f)Furniture – table and chairs for the courtyard which is being redone by the Garden Club. One of the walls are now AC rooms, so those windows will be closed. The other wall is mostly offices. The 4th graders use the hallway often – so we are hoping that the kids can go outside for group work or reading time. Other schools in the district are making outdoor learning environments. PTA fundraising is for our own programs and also for ways we can add back to the school in ways which have longevity. Is there a motion for a new line item for $3000 in our budget and transfer funds to that line item? Karen Young motioned and Diana McCoullough seconded. All in favor voted with no objections.

g)IPPC update – The PTAs give some funds to IPPC and they award this out in 9 scholarships. Illinois Edge on Facebook gives the most up to date information on IL school funding legislation; Each school received from district a kit of 20 stem based activities and these will be available for kids in LMC.

h)IPPC rep is needed for next year – once per month for 2 hours.

5)Treasurer's Report – Dina Garabedian

a)Dina reviewed income, expenses and balance – see attached.

b)Reminders – please turn in all expenses by 5/31/16.

c)Make sure your executive board member signs your expense report

d)Please have conversations with chairs and VP regarding necessary budget changes for next fiscal year

6)VP – Finance/Fund Raising – Rakhee Raveendran

a)We are expecting one more restaurant night income; 5/26 Yogurt Beach; and one more boxtop collection and income; Last day for supply kit orders is tomorrow; Supply kits will be delivered by meet and greet.

b)Saturday 10/1 is the day for full day of family picture fundraiser; Every 10 minutes; Rain date is 10/2.

c)Shannon Adcock will handle Pictures with Pete. This will be the day we do the school pictures. 9/8/16

7)VP – Enrichment / Social – Jorie Snyder

a)Brought to Jorie’s attention that some student behavior at Variety Show was not acceptable; Basketball in the gym; leaving and coming back in gym and running back in the gym; We do have to be more aware of this. Mrs. Frost says we need more people for crowd control; sit with parents; chairs all the way to the back of the gym; The MC also need to do crowd control. Add an intermission so people can take restroom break; Make it shorter; An announcement does need to be made to sit down with your parents and stay there. We need to also say it is not a drop off event; So if we have new chairs we need to redesign the event so that this type of behavior does not happen

b)We need to also work on this behavior in all events we host in the gym

8)VP – Administrative / Service -- Colleen Garrison for Natasha Ditoro

a)Nothing to report

9)Old Business

10)New Business

a)Erin Sulkin has new business – Ms. Judy the crossing guard has received so many rude comments and people do just need to be nicer to her. She is such a nice lady. Discussion then about that intersection and suggestions made about how to make safer. Mrs. Frost to call NPD.

11)Meeting adjourned at 11:13 am by Colleen Garrison