PressReleaseAugust 28th 2017

Stolen Languageat a missilelaunchfacility

The X10 Theatre´sinternationalprojectcalledStolen languageisprogressing by the Y-EAST Festival in Zsámbék, Hungary.

Maria Wojtyszko´sauthor play writtenforThe X10 Theatrewillbeinroduced to theHungarian audience. The Y.EAST is a festival ofthecontemporary independent theatre and worldmusicwhichtakes place 1st – 3rd September 2017 onthepremisesof aformermissilelaunchfacility in Zsámbék. The festival accentstheproductionoftheCentral and East Europeancountries. Thisyear, 11 ensemblesfrom 5 countrieswillparticipate. The X10 Theatre will show their play Collapsewritten by theirstaffauthor Ondřej Novotný, directed by Ewa Zembok.

Thestagereadingof Stolen Languagewillbeintroduced by the Ragnar Theatretranslated by PatríciaPásztdirected by Lucie Orbók. PatríciaPásztisoneoftheexperts in Polishtheatre in Hungarywho has translateddozensoftheatreplays and books on drama, sheisalsotheauthorofthePolish drama monography. Thecastwillbe: Rozi Székely, Csaba Vass, Mária Kőszegi, Dávid Zoltán György, Áron Orbók, Nikoletta Tóth and Zoltán Tamási.

Thescriptwriter, dramatist and dramaturgist Maria Wojtyszko´s play reflectsthecurrentCentralEuropean society and waswrittenforThe X10 Theatre. Sheisoneofthe most creditedauthorsoftheyounggeneration in Poland. Her short story ComingBackwasawarded in a literarycontestorganized by the University ofGdansk in 2005, her drama debut The Bomb wasawarded in a literarycontestCourageousRadom and her theatre play TheWombwontheOldTheatreprize and the Dialog MagazinePrize in 2006. Her play produced by TheŽeromskiTheatre in Kielce wonTheWild Rose Prize a yearlater. Wojtyszkowasamongthefinalists in theGdynia Dramaturgy Awardcontest.

The play isaboutexistential and existentialistquestionsand itdoes not give up on thecurrentdescriptionsofthesituation in CentralEurope. Itdealswiththethemeof a language, communication a manipulationthrough a language. A surrealdreamy story in which reality blendswith fiction and wherethe pop-culturepeople and politicians are as real as thepeoplefromtheworkshopsorthecharactersfromthescripts. Thanks to The X10 Theatre´sprojectthe play has alreadybeentranslatedintoSlovak. At thebeginningofthe 2017/18 season, itsstagereadingwillbeshown in Poland. Aftereachstagereading, representativesofeachoftheparticipatingtheatres (The X10 Theatre – CZ, S.T.O.K.A. – SK, Ragnar – HU and TeatrŚląskiim.StanislawaWyspiańkiego – PL) have a debateuponwhichthefinalversionofthe text willbecreated. Thisversionwillbedirected by Jakub Krofta foritsworldpremierewhichwilltake place in November 2017 on the X10 Theatre´sstage. Jakub Krofta is a well-known Czech directorwho, afterhavingleftthe post ofanartisticdirectorofthe Drak Theatre, becameanartisticdirectoroftheWroclawskiTeatrLalekfiveyears ago. ThroughthecooperationwithThe X10 Theatre he iscomingback to Czech theatrescene.

The X10 Theatrewalksits line withits public-spiritedpremieresbut alsoheadstowardstheinternationalcontext and cooperateswiththeauthors and theatreswhichwillbecome more noticeable in thefollowingseasons, especially in ThestrašNICE Festival, but also in theircooperationwithforeignauthors.

TheRagnar Theatre

2ndSeptember. 2017 at 6:00 pm, Y.EAST, missilelaunchfacilityZsámbék

Translation: PatríciaPaszt

Direction: Lucie Orbók

Cast: Rozi Székely, Csaba Vass, Mária Kőszegi, Dávid Zoltán György, Áron Orbók, Nikoletta Tóth and Zoltán Tamási

How to getmoneyfor a dreamproject? How to convincetheproducerswithin just fiveminutes thatA Girl in a Casket isthebestthing to invest in? CentralEuropeanworkshops and pitchingsessionsstreamed live. Can a person communicate in his reallanguage? Do weactuallysaywhatwereallythink? How to findone´sownpersonallanguage? Howislanguageconnectedwitherotics? A surrealdreamy story in which reality blendswith fiction and wherethe pop-culturepeople and politicians are as real as thepeoplefromtheworkshops. Background live music, Orban, Kaczynski, Kotlebaalongside Czech radicals.

The Stolen Language Project wascreatedthanks to theInternationlVisegradFund support.