Lone Star College Kingwood
BIO 2305 Pathophysiology
Class taught by Dr. Mike Clark
Spring 2011
Supplemental Instructor: None
OFFICE: HSB 202W OFFICE PHONE: (281) 312-1423
TIME: 1:30 P.M. – 3:00 PM TTh
Office Hours 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM TTh (except the first Tuesday of each month)
Classroom – HSB 209
Course Philosophy: This course is designed for those students already entered into a healthcare program or seeking entrance. This is an intense fast paced survey type course only for those students that made an A or B in their previous anatomy and physiology courses or are already entered into a healthcare program. More importantly this course is only for those that understand physiology and seriously desire to study the subject materials. One cannot truly (with comprehension and understanding) study pathophysiology without some understanding of physiology. This is a 3-credit hour course, thus time is limited. Many diseases need to be learned- but there is absolutely not enough class time to study all of these diseases in detail – thus much outside reading. Certain diseases will be discussed in more detail – those important to the Lonestar College Kingwood healthcare programs. These diseases are written in italics. Due to time constraints some diseases listed may not be discussed. It should be obvious that diseases to be discussed in this course are nowhere near the total list of diseases that peril the human. These are some of the most common ones. If you have other diseases of interest to discuss – we can do that on an individual basis. On Thursdays I plan to stay around a while immediately after class to discuss any diseases that you require further clarification. On some Fridays at 1 PM I can discuss diseases but you must schedule a previous appointment.
This is a specialized study of the structure and function of human anatomy, including neuroendocrine, integumentary, musculoskeletal, digestive, urinary, reproductive, respiratory, and circulatory systems as they relate to the study of human disease. Objectives include a study of general physiological factors
involved in the disease process as well as pathology affecting different human systems.
Pathophysiology is a three-credit lecture course appropriate for students preparing for a nursing career; specifically those transitioning from RN to BSN. It also gives a good basic foundation for those interested in other healthcare
careers. The student must contact the transferring institution to determine how the course will transfer and be applied to their degree.
BIOL 2401 and BIOL 2402; MATH 0308, ENGL 1301, AND departmental approval
Students should have a good physiology text for reference. One cannot understand pathophysiology (disease) without first understanding physiology (the normal).
Crowley M.D., Leonard V. , 2010. An Introduction to Human Disease, 8th Edition. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
- The student will gain an understanding of injury (homeostatic insult) at the cellular, organ, system and organismic level.
- The student will gain an understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms for certain diseases.
- The student will gain an understanding of diagnostic techniques.
- The student will gain an understanding of certain treatments for diseases.
- The student will gain an understanding of incidence, prevalence and prognosis for certain diseases.
- Class attendance is required. Students with four (4)
unexcused cuts may result in administrative withdrawal from the class.
- Make-up examinations must be pre-approved by the instructor. There must be a valid documented reason foramake-up exam. If no valid reason can be substantiated, then a score of zero is issued for that exam.
3.Cheating is not allowed. Any cheating encounteredwill cause the student to be subject to administrative action and a grade of F will be given for the course.
1. Curving of grades to be determined.
2. Grading Scale: 90 - 100 A
80 - 89.9 B
65 - 79.9 C
50 - 64.9 D
<50 F
3. There will be two or three major lecture examinations.
4. The final examination is comprehensive.
Grade Weights
Grade weights will be further discussed during the semester. But the general weights are as follows:
Final ---- 25%
Major Lecture exams - (variable weight) 75%
It is recommended that you consult with your class instructor before submitting a written withdrawal request to the admission office. Withdrawal from a class after the official day of record will result in a mark of “W” on the transcript and no credit will be awarded. The written request may be faxed, mailed or delivered in person. Although you can drop classes until the official withdrawal date, refunds are only granted if a withdrawal request is submitted prior to dates included in the refund schedule below.
Lonestar System Integrity Statement
Lonestar System is committed to a high standard of academic integrity in the academic community. In becoming a part of the academic community, students are responsible for honesty and independent effort. Failure to uphold these standards includes, but is not limited to, the following: plagiarizing written work or projects, cheating on exams or assignments, collusion on an exam or project, and misrepresentation of credentials or prerequisites when registering for a course. Cheating includes looking at or copying from another student's exam, orally communicating or receiving answers during an exam, having another person take an exam or complete a project or assignment, using unauthorized notes, texts, or other materials for an exam, and obtaining or distributing an unauthorized copy of an exam or any part of an exam. Plagiarism means passing off as his/her own the ideas or writings of another (that is, without giving proper credit by documenting sources). Plagiarism includes submitting a paper, report or project that someone else has prepared, in whole or in part. Collusion is inappropriately collaborating on assignments designed to be completed independently. These definitions are not exhaustive.
When there is clear evidence of cheating, plagiarism, collusion or misrepresentation, a faculty member will take disciplinary action including but not limited to: requiring the student to retake or resubmit an exam or assignment, assigning a grade of zero or "F" for an exam or assignment; or assigning a grade of "F" for the course. Additional sanctions including being withdrawn from the course, program or expelled from school may be imposed on a student who violates the standards of academic integrity.
Chapters / Topic / Text Pages1 / General Concepts of Disease / 1 -20
23 / Oral Pathology / 590-594
2 / Cells and Tissues: Normal and Disease / 20 -41
3 / Chromosomes, Genes and Cell Division / 41 - 59
24 / Water, Electrolytes, and Acid Base Balance / 627 - 643
4 / Inflammation and Repair / 59 - 61
5 / Immunity, Hypersensitivity, Allergy and Autoimmune Diseases / 69 - 93
10 / Neoplastic Diseases / 185 - 225
13 / Cardiovascular Diseases / 257 - 330
12 / Circulatory Disturbances / 239 - 256
11 / Abnormalities of Blood Coagulation / 225 - 239
21 / Liver and Biliary System / 535 - 567
25 / The Endocrine Glands / 645 - 674
22 / Pancreas and Diabetes Mellitus / 572 - 589
14 / Hematopoietic and Lymphatic Systems / 330 - 358
26 / The Nervous System / 674 - 716
23 / The Gastrointestinal Tract / 589 - 627
19 / Urinary System / 478 - 509
15 / Respiratory System Diseases / 358 - 393
6 / Pathogenic Microorganisms / 93 - 123
8 / Communicable Diseases / 138 - 160
27 / The Musculoskeletal System / 716 - 747
16 / The Breast / 393 - 412
17 / The Female Reproductive Tract / 412 - 436
18 / Prenatal Development and Diseases Associated with Pregnancy / 437 - 478
9 / Congenital and Hereditary Diseases / 160 - 186
On my website (williammclarkmd.com) look at the following documents associated with the respective chapters. The underlined PowerPoint presentations will be found under the Pathophysiology section. All other associated PowerPoint presentations will be located under the sections noted in the syllabus. Note- if you have trouble opening PowerPoint presentations or Word documents please read the last page of the syllabus.
Chapter One –General Concepts of Disease.Please also look at History and Physical Examand Isoenzymes and other markers located under my A&P II course section and Radiology located under my A&P I course section.
Oral Pathology–Handout will presented by Lecturer
Chapter Two – Cells and Tissues in Health and Disease (For students wanting more knowledge on cells and tissues– there are many PowerPoint presentations on cells and also tissues under my A&P I course section on my website)
Chapter Three – Chromosomes, Genes and Cell Division(For students wanting more knowledge on chromosomes, genes and cell division – there are PowerPoint presentations on cell division control, cell division cycle, DNA in a cell, mitosis under my A&P I course section on my website)
Chapter Twenty-four– Water, Electrolytes and Acid – Base Balance(For students wanting more knowledge on water, electrolytes and acid- base balance – there are PowerPoint presentations on Acid-Base and Fluid and Electrolyte balance under my A&P II course section on my website. There is also a Word Document on Osmotic Pressure under my A&P II section)
Chapter Four – Inflammation and Repair(For students wanting more knowledge on inflammation and repair – look under my PowerPoint presentation named Immune the best 1 under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Five - Immunity, Hypersensitivity, Allergy and Autoimmune Diseases
(For students wanting more knowledge on Immunity, Hypersensitivity, Allergy and Autoimmune Diseases– look at my PowerPoint presentations named Immune the best 1 and Immune the Best 2 under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Ten – Neoplastic Diseases -and Tumors
Chapter Thirteen – Cardiovascular Disease(For students wanting more knowledge on Cardiovascular action– look under my PowerPoint presentations named Heart 1, Heart 2 and EKG under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Twelve – Circulatory Diseases(For students wanting more knowledge on circulatory diseases – look under my PowerPoint presentation named blood vessels (study of), Blood Pressure Control, Blood Pressure Determination, hypertension, shockand Serum Lipid Transport under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Eleven - Abnormalities of Blood Coagulation(For students wanting more knowledge on abnormalities of blood coagulation – look under my PowerPoint presentation named blood new slides 82 - 111 under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Twenty-One - Liver and Biliary System(For students wanting more knowledge on Liver and Biliary System– look at my PowerPoint presentation named GI 2 slides 85 - 100 under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Twenty-Five – The Endocrine Glands(For students wanting more knowledge on Endocrine Glands– look at my PowerPoint presentations named Endocrine System Marieb 1 and Endocrine System Marieb 2 under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Twenty-Two - Pancreas and Diabetes Mellitus (For students wanting more knowledge on Endocrine Glands– look at my PowerPoint presentation named Endocrine System Marieb 2 slides 49 - 55 under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Fourteen - Hematopoietic and Lymphatic Systems(For students wanting more knowledge on The Hematopoietic and Lymphatic Systems– look at my PowerPoint presentations named Blood New, Lymphatic System and Anemia under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Twenty-Six - The Nervous System(For students wanting more knowledge on The Nervous System– look at the various nerve PowerPoint presentations under my A&P I course section on my website).
Chapter Twenty-Three - The Gastrointestinal Tract(For students wanting more knowledge on The Gastrointestinal Tract– look at my PowerPoint presentations named GI 1, GI 2 and GI 3under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Nineteen – Urinary System(For students wanting more knowledge on Urinary System– look at my PowerPoint presentations named Renal 1 and Renal 2 under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Fifteen - Respiratory System Diseases(For students wanting more knowledge on The Respiratory System– look at my PowerPoint presentations named Respiratory 1,Respiratory 2 and Spirometry for A&P II students under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Six – Pathogenic Microorganisms(Refer to a microbiology text for additional knowledge, if desired)
Chapter Eight – Communicable Diseases(Refer to a microbiology text for additional knowledge, if desired)
Chapter Twenty-Seven – Musculoskeletal System(For students wanting more knowledge on The Musculoskeletal System– look at the various muscle PowerPoint presentations under my A&P I course section on my website).
Chapter Sixteen – The Breast(For students wanting more knowledge on The Breast– look at my PowerPoint presentation named The Reproductive System 2 slides 39 – 44 under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Seventeen – The Female Reproductive Tract(For students wanting more knowledge on The Female Reproductive Tract – look at my PowerPoint presentations named The Reproductive System 1, 2 and 3 under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Eighteen - Prenatal Development and Diseases Associated with Pregnancy (For students wanting more knowledge on Pregnancy – look at my PowerPoint presentations named Pregnancy and Human Development 1 and 2 under my A&P II course section on my website).
Chapter Nine – Congenital and Hereditary Diseases
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