El PasoCommunity College
Syllabus, Part 1
Instructor Course Requirements
Spring Semester 2015
I.Course Number and Instructor Information
Research Writing and Literary Analysis - 1302
1st period- 8:45 – 9:30 P.M. Class Identifier: CRN: 23919
Instructor: Cheryl Lea Becknell Patterson, MA English and Humanities
Campus and Office Hours: Montwood High School, C-214 Phone: 937-2400/2584
Daily Tutoring: 8:00 -8:45 A.M. (Mon/Wed)
Lunch, Before and After School by appointment
Conference Period: 8th Period and Email:
II.Texts and Materials
Roberts, Edgar V. Literature, An Introduction to Reading and Writing, Sixth Compact Edition. San Francisco: Pearson, 2012. Print.
Hacker, Diana. A Writer’s Reference with Writing about Literature, 7th Ed. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011. Print.
III.Course Requirements:
- Graded Discussions30 %
There will be assignments in the form of Discussions/Journals (Literary Analyses/Critiques) which will be graded weekly. Responses should be thorough and reflect a weekly assigned reading assignment. A quote from the reading assignment and a Work Cited page is required for every discussion and each. Please read all comments made on your papers. This will help you improve as a writer. It is imperative that you know MLA format/guidelines.
- Midterm, Quizzes and Final Exam20%
Short quizzes will be administered throughout the semester on all posted assignments. Graded discussions and grammar assignments/quizzes will be averaged together to count for 20% of your overall course grade.
Lectures will be provided that will provide information from the textbook, assigned readings, and correlating assignments may appear on quizzes/midterm and/or final exams.
Midterm and Final Exam
There will be a Midterm and Final Exam (Check calendar for dates).
- MLA Writing Assignments, Research Project (5 page limit with Works Cited Page) with corollary requirements. 50%
Writing is a developmental process that you will go through every time you write a composition. For this writing assignment students will select an author and selected reading for their essay. This essay will be a Literary Analyses. The following correlating assignments are a part of this Project:
Assignment: Literary Analyses / ReviewsLibrary (in bold) / Due Dates:
Research Project Proposal / Peer Review
Instructor Review
Library 21-23 January / 16 January 2015
20 January 2015
Research Project Annotated Bibliography (minimum 3 sources) / Peer Review
Instructor Review
Library 13, 19-20 February / 23 February 2015
27 February 2015
Research Project
Draft Copy (2 pages plus Work Cited w/five sources) / Peer Review
Instructor Review
Library 26-27 March / 27 March 2015
30 March 2015
Final Draft Review / Peer Review
Instructor Review
Library 2 April / 10 April 2015
13 April 2015
Research Project with PPT.
Final Copy / NA / 27 April 2015
No exceptions!
The format for writing this Research Project will primarily be from the Hacker text, A Writer’s Reference which provides excellent sources of information on how to format writing assignments in MLA format. These are some supplemental reference resources:
1.A Writer’s Reference - Section: MLA Papers pages 355-407 with a MLA Sample Paper on pages 407-412.
2.MLA Sample essays are at the end of each Chapter in the Roberts textbook and are listed as an Illustrative Student Essay. These essays model and highlight MLA format as well as overviews.
3.Other helpful resources:
- MLA (Modern Language Association of America) Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th Edition, 2009.
- Hacker:
- Norton:
- EPCC Online and Onsite Tutoring:
If you live in El Paso, familiarize yourself with one of EPCC’s Writing Centers. There is one located on every campus—Valle Verde, Rio Grande, Mission del Paso, Trans-mountain, and the Northwest Center.
IV.No late work is accepted. Make sure that you post your assignments by the due dates. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the syllabus and calendar for this course.
V.Grading Scale and Course Grade:
Average GradeLetter Grade
90 - 100%A
80 - 89%B
70 - 79%C
60 - 69%D
0 - 59%F
(I=Incomplete, W= Withdrawal – the student is responsible for I/W, WF = Instructor Withdraw Failing - EPCC, Dual Credit Handbook at EPCC website).
All graded assignments (discussions, worksheets, quizzes…) are equally weighted and their average is 30% of the course grade.
The Midterm and Final exam are equally weighted and their average is 20% of the total grade. The final exam essay is graded holistically (no marks, only a numerical grade).
Research Project – Literary Analysis, 50%.
Grades are rounded up only if the fraction is .5 or better. For example: a 79.5 is rounded up to 80. I do not give extra points.
VI.Units of Instruction:
Each unit of Instruction—Assignments will consist of specific instruction, readings, lectures, and supplemental material. The major project for this course is the Research Essay Component, which accounts for 50% of the course grade. It is critical that you complete the correlating assignments by the designated turn-in dates/times.
- Requirements for All Written Assignments.
Please refer to Writing Handouts for guidelines Discussion/Journals. All essays will contain a Work Cited page, which is the last page of your composition. Papers will be returned if there are more than two misspelled words or if there is evidence that a “grammar/spell check” was not completed.
All assignments must follow MLA guidelines using an MS-Word processing program. Font size is 12 point, Times New Roman. Please do not number the first page of your assignments.
- Communication/Rewrites/Late Work: Assignment due dates will posted on the calendar and also in the Weekly Assignments; therefore, I expect all students to meet the deadlines. There is no reason to turn in late papers; consequently, I do not accept late work, unless you and I have discussed the matter in advance, and I have given you written permission to do so. Do not expect to get an exception to policy the day before the assignment is due—plan in advance unless it is an actual emergency.
- Remediation: English 1302 isan academic Research Writing and Literary Analysis course, and is not a remedial course. Lessons will consist of reading selected literary works from the Roberts & Zweig text. I will give you feedback on your writing and helpful tips to improve your writing. Diana Hacker’s, A Writer's Reference with Writing about Literature, 7th Edition will be your main guide for developing your academic voice/writing. Please use what you learned in English 1301 for proper academic writing. Resources are readily available online, and by tutoring at the each of the EPCC campus Writing Centers.
VII.Instructor’s Policies
- Attendance/Drop Policy
The Research Project and selected Discussions/Journals are graded. Students are responsible for their own work. Classes begin on January 20th, 2015 and you are expected to read, study, and understand the syllabus/calendar and complete the Weekly Assignments. If students do not to participate in the class, they should drop the class with EPCC on or before the official drop. The last day to drop with a "W" is April 17, 2015, notify counselors by 15 April 2015. I expect you to inform me of this in person, but it is your responsibility to officially drop the course. This is NOT the instructor’s responsibility.
Please refer to EPCC’s DC Handbook posted at:
- Plagiarism:
Plagiarism is the use of another person’s work or original idea without giving credit to that person. Plagiarism also includes unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing an assignment. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to:
1)Copying word for word out of a book, magazine, or the internet and not giving credit to the original source.
2)Turning in another person’s work with your name on it.
3)Paraphrasing too closely or changing only a few words in a sentence or paragraph.
- Cheating:
Cheating is copying another student’s work and includes: homework, class-work, or test answers. This applies whether copying is done with or without the other person’s knowledge. This policy will apply to Discussion/Journal postings. Please do not copy and paste another student’s response and post it as your own. Each posting is date and time stamped.
- Penalties for plagiarism and cheating:
These penalties apply to all assignments, essays and the final research essay. Any student who is caught cheating or plagiarizing in any way while enrolled in Dual Credit classes will be required to meet with me and their parent to discuss the outcome for the violation. The Academic Dean and Vice President for Student Services, EPCC will also be advised of the incident.
Any incident of cheating or plagiarism will become a permanent part of your school record and may affect future admission to colleges. Please refer to EPCC Dual Credit Handbook located on the EPCC website.
VIII.Course Calendar (See note below, calendar is listed after the Official Course Syllabus)
[Calendar is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion].
Note: You are responsible for reading all assignments and following instructions from the following areas: your textbooks, Literature, An Introduction to Reading and Writing, 6th Compact Edition; A Writer's Reference with Writing about Literature, 7th Edition, and instructor files found in individual unit links in the Course Content page. Read the weekly instructions below very carefully. (They will be repeated in my weekly announcements to the class)
ENGL 1302, Revised Fall 2014/Spring 2015
Revised by Discipline: Fall 2012 (next revision in 3 years)
El Paso Community College
Part II
Official Course Description
COURSE TITLE Research Writing and Literary Analysis
Credits Lec Lab
I. Catalog Description
Continues intensive study of and practice in the strategies and techniques for developing research-based expository and persuasive texts. Emphasizes effective and ethical rhetorical inquiry, including primary and secondary research methods; critical reading of verbal, visual, and multimedia texts (including artistic literature); systematic evaluation, synthesis, and documentation of information sources; and critical thinking about evidence and conclusions including the application of these to literature. Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 with a "C" or better. (3:0).
II. Course Objectives
Upon satisfactory completion of the course, the student will be able to accomplish the following.
- Refine and extend composition, reading, and logic skills.
B. Follow an objective, logical, step-by-step process of research but demonstrate enough flexibility to revise plans as new insights emerge.
C. Effectively use information resources such as libraries, field research, experts, and mass media.
D. Analyze data and information sources and take appropriate notes as relevant for use in writing one longer or two shorter research papers.
E. Organize research data and commentary to support an objectively developed and uniquely expressed thesis.
F. Demonstrate an acceptable research paper format and proper documentation of sources according to the current MLA, APA, and/or a current scientific format.
G. Use literary terminology as practical and appropriate.
H. Demonstrate analytical insight and appreciation of two literary types (short stories, poetry, drama, or film).
I. Write a minimum of two competent critical essays or equivalent writings with an interpretive/analytical emphasis.
J. (Recommended) Attend at least one interpretive performance of a piece of literature (poetry, reading, play, film, etc.).
III. THECB Learning Outcomes (ACGM)
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative research processes.
2. Develop ideas and synthesize primary and secondary sources within focused academic
arguments, including one or more research-based essays.
3. Analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of
4. Write in a style that clearly communicates meaning, builds credibility, and inspires belief or
5. Apply the conventions of style manuals for specific academic disciplines (e.g., APA, CMS,
MLA, etc.)
IV. Evaluation
A. Pre-assessment
Instructors should check each student's prerequisites the first week of class. Those who do not qualify should be sent back to Admissions.
B. Post-assessment
1. The research project will count fifty percent of the course grade. This part of the grade should reflect evaluation of the various research steps as well as the final paper itself. It is up to the individual instructor to decide how much weight these preparatory steps will carry, but under no circumstances should the instructor base the entire research grade solely on the completed final product.
2. The assignments on literature will count for the other fifty percent of the course grade.
3. The instructor is required to schedule an appropriate activity for the final exam period. The completed research paper and critical analyses should be sufficient to demonstrate mastery of course content. The following are some suggested uses of the final exam period.
a. Students take an exam over assigned literature selections.
b. Students give oral presentations, which summarize their research projects.
c. Students write or submit a third literary paper such as an analysis or other interpretive writing based on a film, live performance, or novel.
d. Students view an appropriate audio-visual presentation.
e. Students meet with the instructor to review course work.
4. Plagiarism is both intellectual theft and academic dishonesty and will not be tolerated. Any work that is plagiarized could result in failure of the course. See the Student Handbook.
C. Remediation
1. Revision of research papers shall be allowed at the discretion of the instructor.
2. A critical analysis which is evaluated by the instructor as unsatisfactory may be rewritten at the discretion of the instructor.
3. Students needing assistance with writing problems should contact the instructor. Assistance is also available through the Writing Centers or other programs located at most of the campuses.
4. Make-up work and retakes of quizzes may be provided at the instructor's discretion.
D. Grading Percentages:
Grade percentages for determining a final grade may be revised by the individual instructor, but should approximate the following proportions: research 50% and literature 50%.
E. Grading Scale
A = 90 – 100 F = below 60
B = 80 - 89 I = Incomplete
C = 70 - 79 W = Withdrew or Withdrawn
D = 60 – 69
V. Disability Statement (American with/Disabilities Act [ADA])
EPCC offers a variety of services to persons with documented sensory, mental, physical, or temporary disabling conditions to promote success in classes. If you have a disability and believe you may need services, you are encouraged to contact the Center for Students with Disabilities to discuss your needs with a counselor. All discussions and documentation are kept confidential. Offices located: VV Rm C-112
(831-2426); TM Rm 1400 (831-5808); RG Rm B-201 (831-4198); NWC Rm M-54 (831-8815); and MDP Rm A-125 (831-7024).
VI. 6 Drop Rule
Students who began attending Texas public institutions of higher education for the first time during the Fall 2007 semester or later are subject to a 6-Drop limit for all undergraduate classes. Developmental, ESL, Dual Credit and Early College High School classes are exempt from this rule. All students should consult with their instructor before dropping a class. Academic assistance is available. Students are encouraged to see Counseling Services if dropping because exemptions may apply. Refer to the EPCC catalog and website for additional information.
Revised Fall 2013
Revised by Discipline: Fall 2012
ENGL 1302, Revised Fall 2014/Spring 2015 Revised by Discipline: Fall 2012 (next revision in 3 years)
English 1302- Research Writing and Literary Analysis
Spring Semester 2015 Calendar
EPCC First day of Class,19 January 2015
EPCC End of Semester 15 May 2015
EPCC Final Exam Days: 11-15 May2015
17 April 2015–Last Day to Drop with a grade of “W” (Notify counselor by 15 April 2015)
January 6-9
Textbooks: Issue textbooks
Lecture: How to Conduct a Close Reading and Summary versus Analysis and What, What, Why lecture/activity.
Reading Assignments:
- The Process of Reading, Responding to and Writing About Literature, Part I (1-5)
- “Where Have You Gone Charming Billy” by Tim O’Brien
“The Friendship only Lasted a Few Seconds” by Lily Lee Adams
- “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant (6-13)
- The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien (assigned supplemental reading) (1-88)
Writing/Classroom Activity –
- Discussion/Journal–Compare and Contrast the short story to the poem by Adams written in 1981. Reading and Writing about Poetry
(Handout – TP-CASTT/Annotation)
- What, What, Why Activity –object/video
- Preview textbook for ideas for Research Project, proposal is due next week.
January 12-16
Lecture: Major Stages in Thinking and Writing about Literary Topics: Discovering Ideas, Preparing to Write, making an Initial Draft of Your Essay, and Completing the Essay (19-52)
Reading Assignments:
- Major Stages in Thinking and Writing about Literary Topics: Discovering Ideas, Preparing to Write, making an Initial Draft of Your Essay, and Completing the Essay (19 52), Roberts & Zweig
- The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien (assigned supplemental reading) (89-161)
Writing/Classroom Activity: Refining Discussion/Journal from 6-9 January 2015
Select a topic for your Research Project—any author/work may be selected from your textbook (Roberts & Zweig)
Research Project Proposal, Due: Peer Review: 16 January 2015
Week One (January 19-23 Holiday MLK (January 19)
Reading Assignments: The Modern Fiction, the Short Story (Character, Plot, Structure, and Idea or Theme); Review MLA Lecture, Proposal format, and Annotated Bibliography (see handouts), Chapter 10A - Writing a Research Essay on Fiction: Topic (501), Setting Up a Working Bibliography (502), Locating Sources (502), Searching Library Resources (505 and see handout for accessing EPCC Library).
The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien (assigned supplemental reading and Roberts and Zweig 101-120) (Novel, 162-end)
Research Project Proposal, Due: Instructor Review: 20 January 2015
Library 21-23 January – Independent Research, begin Annotated Bibliography
Classroom Activity: View film: We Were Once Soldiers, Mel Gibson – 2002.
Week Two (January 26-30)
Lecture: Chapter 2, Point of View: The Position of Stance of the Work’s Narrator or Speaker (121-130)
Reading Assignments:
Raymond Carver, “Cathedral” (131-139)