1. Governance
For decision: Council is asked to approve the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on 16 June 2014. (Document A)
1.2Matters arising from the Minutes
1.3Health and Safety [standing item]
For information: The Registrar will give an oral report on current health and safety issues affecting the University, including performance measures and actions taken.
1.4Chair’s Business
1.5Vice-Chancellor’s Business
For information: The Vice-Chancellor’s report is attached as(Document B)
[Document B is classified as ‘commercial in confidence’ and is being circulated only to members of Council. The contents should not be divulged to any person who is not a member of Council.]
1.6 Risk Management
For information: A report from Dr John Hogan, Registrar, on behalf of Executive Board. (Document C)
1.7Institutional KPI Summary Report
For information:
The summary KPI report from Professor Tony Stevenson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Planning and Resources, on behalf of Executive Board. (Document D)
1.8 Governance Review
For information: A report outlining the 5 year review of Governance, from Dr John Hogan, Registrar, on behalf of Executive Board.
(Document E)
2. Strategy and KPIs
2.1Financial Sustainability
For discussion: A report from Mr Richard Dale, Executive Director of Finance, on behalf of Executive Board. (Document F)
For information: A presentation from Mr Richard Dale, Executive Director of Finance, on behalf of Executive Board.
[Document F is classified as ‘strictly confidential’ and is being circulated only to members of Council. The contents should not be divulged to any person who is not a member of Council.]
3. Reports
3.1Report from Audit Committee
For information: A report from the meeting of Audit Committee held on 10 July 2014.
(Document G)
[Document G is classified as ‘strictly confidential’ and is being circulated only to members of Council. The contents should not be divulged to any person who is not a member of Council.]
3.2Report from University/Students’ Union Partnership Committee
For information: A report from the meeting of the University/Students’ Union Partnership Committee held on 10 June 2014. (Document H)
3.3National Student Survey 2014
For information: A report on the results of the National Student Survey 2014 from Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching, on behalf of Executive Board. (Document J)
3.4Student Recruitment 2014
For information: A report on the current position regarding undergraduate admissions for 2014, from Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching, on behalf of Executive Board. (Document K)
[Document K is classified as ‘commercial in confidence’ and is being circulated only to members of Council. The contents should not be divulged to any person who is not a member of Council.]
3.5Estates Update
For information: The Registrar circulated a report on the 18th July to members of Council to update them on Estate matters, and to seek support for an increase in the total budget for the Urban Sciences building. A copy of the report is attached for ease of reference (Document L)
For discussion: An update on the Urban Sciences Building, from Dr John Hogan, Registrar on behalf of Executive Board.
(Document M)
[Documents L and M are classified as ‘commercial in confidence’ and are being circulated only to members of Council. The contents should not be divulged to any person who is not a member of Council.]
3.6Paediatric Oncology
For decision: Council is asked to approve the recommendations in a report from Professor Chris Day, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Medical Sciences, on behalf of Executive Board. (Document N)
3.7 Pro-Vice-Chancellor Humanities and Social Sciences
For information:
In accordance with Senate Standing Order X, the Vice-Chancellor may recommend to Senate and Council the appointment of a Deputy Vice-Chancellor and any establishment of, or appointment to, a Pro-Vice-Chancellor post.
For decision: Council is asked to approve the recommendations in the attached report
from the Vice-Chancellor. (Document O)
4. Routine business
[There shall be no discussion at Council on any items in Section 4 of the agenda unless the Chair determines otherwise or unless a member of Council notifies the Chair or the Registrar at least twenty four hours before the meeting of their wish to have such discussion.]
4.1Chair’s circular
For information: The Chair’s circular of routine business was sent to members on 26 August 2014. No issues on the circular were raised by members and the business was, therefore, deemed to have been approved by Council. The approved business will be recorded formally in the Council Minutes and a copy will be filed in the Minute Book.