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Aboriginal Cultural Training

for Health and Wellness Professionals

Cost: $35.00 per participant

December 6, 2006 -CALGARY

Downtown Friendship Centre

601 – 8th Ave SE

January 10, 2007CANMORE


Mountain Lakes Conference Room

January 17, 2007 LETHBRIDGE

Lethbridge Native Friendship Centre

1709 – 2nd Ave S

January 24, 2007 CALGARY

Downtown Friendship Centre

601 – 8th Ave SE

Time: 8:30 – 4:00 pm

Why? To increase the knowledge of health and wellness professionals about the Aboriginal culture and community


Louise Crane (403) 513 - 7405

or email:

Topic descriptions:

  1. Non-native professionals in the Native world
  • The participant will be introduced to a psycho/social session dealing with guilt and expertise of non-natives working with native clients and issues.

oBy the end of the session the participants will have a clearer understanding of their role in the Native community

oBy the end of the session the participants will feel more confident in working with the Native population

  1. History, ResidentialSchool Syndrome, Indian Act and how we got to where we are now
  • The participant will be introduced to the chronological order of events of Native history and some of the outcomes that still affect the general native population
  • By the end of the session the participant will have a list of events affecting the Native population
  • By the end of the session the participants will be introduced to research based findings of the affects of these events on the Native population
  1. Ceremony, healing and the Medicine Wheel
  • The participant will be given an outline of the key ceremonies used in Aboriginal communities that promote wellness.
  • By the end of the session the participants will be introduced to 4 main ceremonies in several Native communities
  • By the end of the session the participants will have participated in at least one ceremony
  • By the end of the session the participants will have a better understanding where these ceremonies can assist in healing
  • By the end of this session the participant will have a better understanding of some of the protocols surrounding the ceremonies
  1. Non Insured Health Benefits and Health Canada
  • The participants will review what is covered by NIHB and help compile a list of gaps and concerns that affect our clients.
  • By the end of the session the participants will have a quick reference guide to NIHB
  • By the end of the session the participants will have working knowledge of the Health Canada website and regional contacts within the Medical Service Branch of Health Canada
  • By the end of the session the participants will have had an opportunity to bring forward suggestions to improve the coverage for the Aboriginal population
  1. Knowledge Transfer
  • The participants will take part in discussion about storytelling and the life lessons they provide.
  • By the end of the session they will have increased their knowledge of Aboriginal communication styles
  • By the end of the session they will be able to look at the legends and stories and be able to apply them to life skills and social programming.
  1. Aboriginal process, Taboos and client case management from birth to grave
  • Participants will be introduced to a few of the taboos/customs that may affect case management planning.
  • By the end of the session the participants will be made aware of several taboos that may affect planning and case management in child birth, pain management, communicating with family, organ transplant, amputations, handling of deceased
  • By the end of the session the participant will have better understanding of protocol in the Aboriginal community
  • By the end of the session the participant will have an increased comfort level when asking about protocol
  • By the end of the session the participant will have several resources to refer to when questioning protocol and taboo
  1. Aboriginal Specific Health Resources and Programs in Calgary and Alberta
  • Participants will have an opportunity to learn about the many programs that our client/patients can be referred to in The Calgary Region with some inclusion of Provincial resources outside Calgary.
  • By the end of the sessions the participants will have a wealth of referral information for wellness and healing
  • During the session there will be an opportunity to identify gaps in service delivery

Made possible by a partnership of:

Western Diversification Urban Aboriginal Strategy

Alberta Health and Wellness