Supplementary Material

Occurrence and risk assessment of heavy metals in sediments of the Xiangjiang River, China

Jinjun Liua,b, Youze Xub, Yingxiang Chengb, Yuanyuan Zhaob, Yanan Panb,c, Guangyi Fub, Youzhi Daia,*

a College of Environment and Resource, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China;

b Hunan Research Academy of Environmental Science, Changsha 410004, China;

c CollegeofResourcesandEnvironmentalScience, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410004, China

Part 1: Table S1.

Part 2: Chinese References.

Part 3: The Control and Implementation Plan of Heavy Metals Pollution in Xiangjiang River.

Part 4: The URL of Environment Statistical Bulletin of Hunan Province.

*Corresponding authors. Tel.: +86 731 58292231; fax: +86 731 58292231.

E-mail addresses: (Youzhi Dai)
Part 1:

Loadings of experimental variables (8) on significant principal components

VF1 / VF2 / VF3
As / 0.912 / 0.070 / -0.167
Cd / 0.879 / 0.109 / 0.203
Pb / 0.846 / 0.198 / -0.226
Hg / 0.731 / -0.551 / 0.249
Cr / 0.548 / 0.407 / -0.171
Zn / 0.577 / -0.739 / 0.232
Cu / 0.554 / 0.595 / 0.095
Mn / -0.125 / 0.405 / 0.879
Eigenvalue / 3.811 / 1.589 / 1.047
% Total variance / 47.643 / 19.856 / 13.088
% Cumulative variance / 47.643 / 67.499 / 80.587

*Bold and italic values indicate strong and moderate loadings, respectively.

Part 2:

Lv M, Zhou L, Yan K, Hon L (2015) The prevention of Xiangjiang pollution goes further, People’s Daily. People’s Daily Publishing Corporation, Beijing (in Chinese).

Zeng B, Pang Y, Huang Z (1982) Preliminary evaluation of the Xiangjiang River sediment pollution. Environmental Chemistry 5:352-358 (in Chinese).

Part 3:

Part 4:

Environment statistical bulletin of Hunan Province in 2005

Environment statistical bulletin of Hunan Province in 2006

Environment statistical bulletin of Hunan Province in 2007

Environment statistical bulletin of Hunan Province in 2009

Environment statistical bulletin of Hunan Province in 2010

Environment statistical bulletin of Hunan Province in 2011

Environment statistical bulletin of Hunan Province in 2012

The annual report of environmental protection work of Hunan Province in 2013

The annual report of environmental protection work of Hunan Province in 2014