Hayden Recreation Centre Figure Skating Club
24 Lincoln St., Lexington, MA02421 (781-862-5575)
Hayden’s Spring Basic Skills Competition
Sunday, April 29, 2012
ELIGIBILITY – The competition is open to ALL Skaters who are current eligible (ER 1.00) members of either the Basic Skills Program and/or are full members of a U.S Figure Skating Club. To be eligible, skaters must have submitted a membership application or be a member in good standing. Members of other organizations are eligible to compete but must be registered with the host basic skills program/club or any other basic skills program/club.
Eligibility will be based on skill level as of closing date of entries.
All Snowplow Sam and Basic Skill Skaters through Basic 8 must skate at the highest level passed or one higher and NO official U.S. Figure Skating tests may have been passed including MIF or Individual Dances.
For the FreeSkate 1-6, eligibility will be based only upon highest freeskate test passed (moves in the field tests will not determine the skaters level). Skates may state at highest level passer OR one level higher BUT not both levels in the same event during the same competition.
ENTRIES AND FEES -All entries must be postmarked no later than April 6, 2012. Late entries will be accepted only if the limit has not been reached, at the discretion of the organizers. Entry fees are per person, and must accompany the application form. The first event is $45.00 and each additional event is $20.00. There will be NO refunds after closing date unless Hayden Recreation Centre FSC cancels the event. ENTRY FORMS MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY. Please make check payable to Hayden Recreation Centre FSC. There will be a $20.00fee for returned checks.
GROUPS: - Skaters will be broken into groups of up to 4 skaters, by birth date. Males/Females may be in the same group. Based on the number if entrants received at a particular level, some groups may consist of only one skater.
AWARDS – Everyone will receive an award. All events will be final rounds. Medals will be awarded to first, second, third and fourth places. ALL awards will be made at appropriate times throughout the competition.
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS - Will be posted on the Official Bulletin Board no later than four days prior to the competition. Information regarding groups and skating times will be sent by email prior to the beginning of competition. If you wish us to send out a hard copy please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with your application. Information will be posted on our website: jwhayden.org and sent via email to all participants.
MUSIC - The music for all free skating programs must be provided on standard compact discby the skater. Music must be clearly marked with the name of the skater, event entered and length of music (not skating time). Each CD must have only one tract on it. Competition music is to be turned in at the time of registration. Time duration is always ± 10 seconds. It is STRONGLY recommended that the skater or coach bring a backup copy of music. All music must be recorded in standard format (no MP3 format)
For additional information call: Sue LaLone 781-862-5575.
Snowplow Sam - TOTS:- March followed by a two foot glide and dip
- Forward two foot swizzles 2-3in a row
- Forward snowplow stop
- Backward wiggles 2-6 in a row
- Backward outside edge on a circle – either direction
- Backward crossovers 6-8 consecutive - both directions
- One foot spin - min of three revolutions
- Hockey stop
- Side Toe hop -either direction
Basic 1
- Forward two foot glide
- Forward two foot swizzles, 6-8 in a row
- Forward snowplow stop
- Backward wiggles, 6-8 in a row
- Forward inside 3-turn - Right Left from a standstill
- Bunny Hop
- Forward spiral on a straight line, Right or Left
- Lunge - Right or Left
- T-stop - Right or Left
Basic 2
- Forward one foot glide - either foot
- Forward alternating ½ swizzle pumps, in a straight line -across width of ice
- Two foot turn in place - forward to backward
- Backward two foot swizzles 6-8 in a row
- Moving snowplow stop
- Forward inside open Mohawk - Right to Left and Left to Right
- Ballet Jump, either direction
- Back crossovers to a back outside edge landing position - clockwise and counter clockwise
- Forward inside pivot
Basic 3
- Forward stroking
- Forward ½ swizzle pumps on a circle, 6-8 consecutive, either direction.
- Moving forward to backward two foot turn - either direction
- Backward one foot glide - either foot
- Two foot spin
- Moving forward outside or forward inside 3 turns, Right and Left
- Waltz jump
- Mazurka - either direction
- Combination move – clockwise or counter clockwise – two forward crossovers in FI Mohawk, step behind, step into one back crossover and step to a forward inside edge
- Beginning one-foot upright spin, optional free foot position
Basic 4
- Forward outside 3-turn - Right and Left from a standstill
- Forward outside edge on a circle, either direction
- Forward crossovers, 6-8 consecutive, both directions
- Backward stroking
Elements Event -Basic Skills Curriculum
Level competing must be last level passed or one higher
- Each skater will perform each element when directed by a judge or referee
- To be skated on 1/3 to 1/2 ice
- No music
- All element must be skated in the order listed
- Time: 1:00 or less
- The skating order of the required elements is optional. The elements are not restricted as to the number of times the element is executed or length of glides, number of revolutions, etc. unless otherwise specifies
- To be skated on full ice
- Vocal music allowed
- The skater may use elements from a previous level
- A .2 deduction will be taken for each element performed from a higher level
- Time: 1:00 +/- 10 seconds
Snowplow Sam
- March followed by a two foot glide and dip
- Forward two foot swizzles 2-3 in a row
- Forward snowplow stop
- Backward wiggles 2-6 in a row
- Backward outside edge on a circle – either direction
- Backward crossovers 6-8 consecutive - both directions
- One foot spin - min of three revolutions
- Hockey stop
- Side Toe hop -either direction
Basic 1
- Forward two foot glide
- Forward two foot swizzles, 6-8 in a row
- Forward snowplow stop
- Backward wiggles, 6-8 in a row
- Forward inside 3-turn - Right Left from a standstill
- Bunny Hop
- Forward spiral on a straight line, Right or Left
- Lunge - Right or Left
- T-stop - Right or Left
Basic 2
- Forward one foot glide - either foot
- Forward alternating ½ swizzle pumps, in a straight line -across width of ice
- Two foot turn in place - forward to backward
- Backward two foot swizzles 6-8 in a row
- Moving snowplow stop
- Forward inside open Mohawk - Right to Left and Left to Right
- Ballet Jump, either direction
- Back crossovers to a back outside edge landing position - clockwise and counter clockwise
- Forward inside pivot
Basic 3
- Forward stroking
- Forward ½ swizzle pumps on a circle, 6 -8 consecutive, either direction.
- Moving forward to backward two foot turn - either direction
- Backward one foot glide - either foot
- Two foot spin
- Moving forward outside or forward inside 3 turns, Right and Left
- Waltz jump
- Mazurka - either direction
- Combination move – clockwise or counter clockwise – two forward crossovers in FI Mohawk, step behind, step into one back crossover and step to a forward inside edge
- Beginning one-foot upright spin, optional free foot position
Basic 4
- Forward outside edge on a circle, either direction
- Forward crossovers, 6-8 consecutive, both directions
- Forward outside 3-turn - Right and Left from a standstill
- Backward stroking
- Backward snowplow stop - Right or Left
Format: In program form, using a limited number of connecting steps, the skating order of the required elements is optional
- To be skated on ½ ice
- No music is allowed
- The skater must demonstrate the required elements and may use but is not required to use any additional elements from previous levels
- A .2 deduction will be taken for each element performed from a higher level
- Time: 1:15 or less
Freeskate level 1 Compulsory
- Advanced forward stroking - 4-6 consecutive
- Basic forward outside edges and forward inside consecutive edges - 2-4 outside and 2-4 inside
- Scratch spin from backward crossovers
- Waltz jump from backward crossovers
- Spiral sequence, FI Spiral, FI Mohawk, BO spiral, clockwise or counter clockwise
- Forward power 3's, 2-3 consecutive sets-R or L
- Sit spin
- Loop jump
- Waltz jump/loop jump
Freeskate level 2 Compulsory
- Forward outside spiral - R or L. and a forward inside spiral - R or L
- Waltz Three's - R or L
- Beginning back spin - entry optional
- Waltz jump, side toe hop, waltz jump series
- Toe loop jump
- Spiral sequence, FO spiral, forward outside 3 turn, one backward crossover, backward inside spiral
- Camel spin
- Forward upright spin to back upright spin
- Loop/loop jump
- Flip jump
Freeskate level 3 Compulsory
- Forward crossovers in a figure 8
- Advanced forward outside swing rolls 4 - 6 consecutive
- Back spin
- Salchow jump
- Waltz jump/toe loop or Salchow/toe loop
- Five step Mohawk sequence - 1 set alternating pattern (refer to Basic Skills Curriculum Freeskate 6)
- Camel, sit spin combination - minimum of 4 revolutions total
- Split jump or stag jump
- Waltz jump, ½ loop, Salchow combination
Format: The skating order of the required elements is optional. The elements are not restricted as to the number of times element is executed, or length of glides, number of revolutions, etc. unless otherwise stated. Connecting moves and steps should be demonstrated throughout the program.
- Vocal music is allowed.
- The skater must demonstrate the required elements and may use but is not required to use any additional elements from previous levels
- A .2 deduction will be taken for each element performed from a higher level
- Time 1:30+/-10sec
Freeskate 1 / Freeskate 4
1. Advanced forward stroking 4-6 strokes
2. Scratch spin from back crossovers
3. Waltz jump from back crossovers
4. Half flip jump / 1. Forward power 3’s, 2-3 consecutive R or L
2. Sit spin
3. Loop jump
4. Waltz jump/loop jump
Freeskate 2 / Freeskate 5
1. Forward outside spiral R or L
2. Beginning back spin
3. Waltz jump, side toe hop, waltz jump
4. Toe loop / 1. Camel spin
2. Forward upright spin to back upright spin
3. Loop/loop combination jump
4. Flip jump
Freeskate 3 / Freeskate 6
1.Forward crossovers in a figure 8
2. Back spin
3. Salchow
4. Waltz jump/Toe loop or Salchow/toe loop / 1. Camel/sit spin combination, min of 4 revolutions total
2. Split or stag jump
3. Waltz jump/1/2 loop /Salchow combination
4. Lutz jump
Hayden Ice Facility ~ 10 Lincoln St ~ Lexington, MA02421
Basic Skills Skate with U.S.Competition ~ Sunday, April 29, 2012
Last Name: ______First Name:______Sex ____
Email Address______Phone #(_____)______
U.S. Figure Skating/basic skills Number______Birth Date ______
Program/Club affiliation ______Instructors name______
Must be on application
Instructors email address & phone # ______
Highest Basic Skills level passed: Basic 1-8_____Freeskate 1-6 ___
USFS Tests Passed: Free Skate ____ Dance ______
Please check the event(s) you are entering:
Basic Elements:Freeskate Compulsory Event:
[_] Snowplow_____Freeskate 1
[_] Basic 1 [_] Basic 5_____Freeskate 2
[_] Basic 2 [_] Basic 6_____Freeskate 3
[_] Basic 3 [_] Basic 7_____Freeskate 4
[_ Basic 4 [_] Basic 8_____Freeskate 5
_____Freeskate 6
Basic Badge Programs Free Skate ProgramShowcase program
[_] Snowplow[_] Freeskate 1[_] freeskate
[_] Basic 1 [_] Basic 5[_ ]Freeskate 2
[_] Basic 2 [_] Basic 6[_ ]Freeskate 3
[_] Basic 3 [_] Basic 7[_ ]Freeskate 4
[_ Basic 4 [_] Basic 8[_ ]Freeskate 5
[_] Freeskate 6
$15.00 LATE FEE
First Event$__$45.00______
Additional Event$______
Additional Event$______
Late Fee-$15.00$
Total: $______
The completed entry form, with fees, must be postmarked no later than April 6, 2012.
Make check or money order payable to Hayden Recreation Centre FSC and mail to: Skate with U.S. Competition,
Hayden Recreation Centre, 24 Lincoln St., Lexington, MA 02421
Entry fees are not refundable after the entry deadline unless an event is canceled OR WITH DOCUMENTED MEDICAL REASON.
Certification of Competitor: The Competitor is eligible to enter the events checked. It is agreed that the competitor and family holds the Hayden Recreation Centre harmless from any and all liability during the competition, and from any and all liability for damages to or loss of property.
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Instructor Signature______Date______
Instructor’s email;______(REQUIRED)
Program Director/Club Officer______Date______print