Regular Meeting
January 27, 2014
11:30 am
Student Center (F) Building, Ground Floor, Forum
College of Alameda
555 Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway
Alameda, CA 94501-2109
Members of the public may address the Council on any item within the Council’s jurisdiction. A summary of Council rules concerning communications from the public is available from the ASCOA Secretary at the meetings. Persons addressing items included on the agenda will be heard at the time the item is considered. Persons requesting to address items or subjects which are not on this agenda will be heard under the agenda item “Communications from Members of the Public.” Assistance will be provided to those requiring accommodations for disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Interested persons must request the accommodation at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to the ASCOA President.
CALL TO ORDER: Time: ___11:38am_____
President Alaysia Williams Prx_ Ab_,
Operations Officer Jeramy Rolley Pxr_ Ab_,
Programs Officer Tarundeep Singh Prx_ Ab_
Secretary Gabriela Flores Prx_ Ab_,
Treasurer Margarita Pinilla (Interim) Pr_ Abx_,
Communications Officer Adrien Abuyen (Interim) Prx_ Ab_,
Senator Elma Legados Prx_ Ab_.
Moved by Rolley and seconded by Legados to add adhocs committees under discussions items, 0 abstentions motion
Moved by Rolley and seconded by Singh to move discussion items till end of the meetings
Singh and rolley to adopt the agenda with corrections, 0 abstentions motion passes.
Moved by Singh and seconded by Rolley to approve the minutes for Dec 2, 0 abstentions motion passes unanimously
1. Student Trustees’ Reports
2. President's Reports
3. Vice President's Reports
4. Programs Officer Reports
5. Secretary's Reports
6. Treasurer’s Reports
7. Communications Officer Reports
8. Senators' Reports
9. Advisor’s Report
10. Committee Reports
11. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
(Please line-up to speak when your name is called.) This portion of the agenda provides an opportunity for members of the public to address the Council on matters not included on this agenda. A maximum of 14 minutes (2 minutes per individual maximum) will be provided for speakers under this agenda item. Requests to speak which cannot be honored within the time limit will be scheduled for subsequent meetings in the order received. Under the Brown Act, Council members are not allowed to discuss and/or take formal action at today’s meeting on items brought before them under this item. Council members are only allowed to respond briefly. Written statements can be submitted to the ASCOA Secretary for inclusion in the minutes.
Group counseling for the students at the peralta students, office hours Mondays-Tuesdays 10-6pm Wednesdays 10-1pm
1. Senator Appointments
Presenter: Alaysia Williams
Jerry Sheppasd, Angelo Reyes, Lystra Pano, Omesh Hewdgomage
· Rolley left at 11:53Am, back at 11:54am.
2. Oath of Office
New senators have been sworn in by Tony Cook.
3. Charter Packets
Presenter: Tarundeep Singh
Charter package for ATLAS and Vietnamese club.
ATLAS helps students get jobs, help students get in the classes they need and the program is 9-16 weeks, ATLAS has been going on since 2009, ATLAS program also works with AA degree graduate students, and future AA degree graduate students.
Moved by Singh and seconded by Rolley to approve the ATLAS charter club package.
Vietnamese club charter package moved by Rolley and seconded by Flores to approve the Vietnamese charter package pending a presentation from a representative of the club.
Motion gets amended, moved by Rolley and seconded by Flores.
Approving the Vietnamese club charter page 2 I’s 7 oppose, club charter has not been approved.
4. GSA Funds Request
Presenter: GSA Representative
$100 dollars from account 820 (GSA) moved by Singh and seconded by Legados to approve up to $100 dollars from account 820 from the GSA account for the banner.
5. Club Rush
Moved by Rolley and seconded by Reyes to approve the dates Wednesday the 12th and Thursday 13th for club rush.
Moved by Rolley and seconded by Singh to suspend the rest of the items of the day.
6. Office Hours
Presenter: Alaysia Williams
The council shall discuss setting their office hours
7. Senator Reports
Presenter: Jeramy Rolley
The council shall discuss their bi monthly reports
8. Black History Month Kick-Off Event
Presenter: Toni Cook
Bus will be located in front of the A building, tours will be from 1-2 pm.
Moved by Rolley and seconded by Singh to extend the meeting to 15 minutes.
Moved by Singh and seconded by Abuyen to change the correction of “BSU” to “Community”
9. Outreach
Presenter: Alaysia Williams
The council shall discuss ways of improving outreach with the campus.