(Student’s name withdrawn)
The nature of chaos can be perceived and comprehended by close contact and experience with the irregular fluctuation in nature and the many aberrations connected to fluctuation. scientists from every division of science have encountered disorder in their fields. Mathematicians, physicists, biologists, chemists, all have tried to find their way out of disorder or chaos, in their respected fields of work. Chaos the new science tries to connect these disorders to see how one may effect the other. when connecting different kinds of irregularities a doctor or researcher can find the order in which chaos works in a population where death by struck is high.
Mathematicians can use chaos to calculate the stock market crash in 1929. He can do this by getting early data of stock prices and see how they came to influence later stock prices making a connection of how one stock may have influenced the other in a lacking of regular or logical order in arrangement. A physicist may use the science of chaos to calculate where an object is going to be in a certain time in space. Physicist that work for NASA may use this science when they plan to launch a spacecraft that has a mission to go to another solar system. This mission would take a few hundred years, chaos science may help scientists have a basic knowledge of the surroundings of the space ship. There are many disorders in the biological world. Cancer is one of the most puzzling disorders plaguing humanity. Cancer is when a cell becomes some what crazy and starts producing cells that have
different genetic codes. Making these cells have different functions from ordinary healthy ones. This leads to the creation of tumors do to its fast reproductive cycle. This new science may help some day
some how biologists find a cure for cancer. Chemists may use chaos to calculate different reactions in atomic particles. Chemistry is a science that deals with disorders and irregularities all the time.
Different chemicals mixed together will have individual reactions. This new science of chaos may help researchers calculate these reactions by taking a function and making one number as input and the other
as output and recycling them to construct a graph by plotting them.
Chaos is a science that deals with functions and interprets these functions through graphs of the kind. A function is a machine. This machine is fed with different variables. To best explain this
machine we should take in consideration a translating devise. when you put a random word in the trans lasting devise it will give the correspondent word in another language. A function in CHAOS is
far more complicated then the example given. Chaos takes the variables and tries to predict a what will become of them in a period of time. Calculating stock prices can be almost impossible because you have so many variables that fluctuate with other variable's influence. Almost like water in the sea, there are so many particles of water going in different directions that it is almost impossible to know its exact future. With chaos functions you can have a more precise prediction of events then ever possible.
My first entry in the function given was lambda 2.9 and Xo 0.123. We can observe how the plotted numbers shoot up from 0 to 0.6 and starts zigzagging from 0.6 to 0.7 along the axis.
if we leave the lambda at 2.9 and kick up the xo to 0.250 we can see that the function plotted maintains its format but just gets wider at the beginning of the plot.
the graph in the other hand gets darker or forms more
line in the squared figure.
As xo goes up in value the plot becomes wider in the beginning and the graph becomes smaller and more concentrated in the bow region. After this reaction when xo continues
its rise the line in the plot starts to come down. When xo is 0.9 its in the middle when it hits one it falls flat on the vertical 0. This action as said in the paper may mean the termination of some kind of species in the wild if taken the number of animals and the time plus other variables that will influence its survival.
If we change lambda now to 1 and xo to 0.123 we can see that the numbers plotted will show us a down sloping diagram.
The graph in this function can be described as ending in (0,0) coordinates.
As we raise the value of x0 we can see that the plotted numbers start to decline in a faster rate. The graph stays basically the same.
when we put xo 1 we can see that there is only one number plotted in the top and the rest are all around the 0 vertically. This would mean that if you release animals in the wild in these conditions they would die immediately.
When we put lambda 3.9 and xo 0.123 we can see a chaotic plot and a graph that has a lot on going lines.
As the value of Xo becomes higher we can see a even more chaotic plot and we can also observe that this chaos gets into a pattern of low and highs. The graph had a lot of lines and continuity.
When is one the plot plummets and the graph has almost no lines. This in a release of animals to the wild research would mean that depending on the variables the population of animals depending on the period of time would be very low or high. Maybe they have hunting seasons.
With this graph we can see at what variables the graph changes its behavioral patterns to create different situations. When lambda 3 or less there is little or no activity in the chaotic pattern of the proceedings. Around 3.4 the graph shows two chaotic patterns that can be reached if taken the right variable into the formula. When lambda reaches 3.5 we can now start to observe chaos more frequently in a smaller deviation of its variable. After 3.7 chaos takes over the graph only ceasing when lambda is about 3.9. When the graph reaches this point we can see a gap in the constant pattern that had been occurring in prior decreased lambda value. Chaos reaches its dominance when the graph reaches its extremities. At lambda 4 all turn into chaos.