Dr. Ante Babić
Home: Dobri dol 44, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; E-mail: ;
Office: Central Office for Development Strategy, Trg sv. Marka 2, Zagreb, Croatia,
I was born on 1st of July 1971 in Zagreb, Croatia as a Croatian national and a citizen of Croatia. I am married and have one daughter.
I finished elementary school in Zagreb in 1985 (summa cum laudem), and a high-school (major in mathematics and computer science) in Zagreb in 1989 (summa cum laudem).
I graduated on Faculty of economics of the University of Zagreb in 1994 (major in foreign trade). During the time of my study I was a teaching fellow in elementary statistics. I was awarded the annual Rector award for the best student paper "Osnovna pitanja svakog ekonomskog sustava (Basic questions in every economic system)" for the academic year 1992/1993.
After I graduated I enrolled the post-graduate studies in "Ekonomija meunarodne razmjene (international economics)" on the Faculty of economics of the University of Zagreb, where I defended my Master thesis "Analiza bilance plaćanja (Analysis of the Balance of Payments)" in 1995.
I defended my doctoral dissertation "Monetarni pristup bilanci plaćanja Republike Hrvatske (Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments of the Republic of Croatia)" on the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zagreb.
During the academic year 1997/98 I was a Fulbright visiting fellow on a post-doctoral research in the fields of monetary economics and international economics on Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, Department of Economics, with Professor Benjamin Friedman as adviser.
$Since 1994. - employed by the Institute of Economics, Zagreb (research assistant at the Department for international economics)
$199495 - parttime job at Gospodarskokreditna banka (commercial bank) in Zagreb (rotation in all departments)
$since 1999 research fellow at the Department for international economics, The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
$1998 – 1999 - researcher in the Research department of Croatian National Bank
$since 1999 Head of the unit for balance of payments and exchange rate in the Research department of Croatian National Bank
$since 2004 – Government of the Republic of Croatia - State Secretary of the Central Office for Development Strategy
In my work at Croatian National Bank I did the following: follow the recent literature in the field (International finance and monetary economics); take part in writing Annual report, quarterly and monthly bulletins of CNB; write research and policy papers; testify before the Monetary Policy committee; take part in balance of payments, exchange rate and monetary policy forecasts; negotiate with IMF mission; manage the research projects (such as research in currency crises, or FDI, or macroeconometric model of Croatia); and run the unit for balance of payments and exchange rate (consisting of three researchers) within the Research department.
Apart from my Master and Doctoral thesis I wrote a number of scientific research papers, of which the most important are the following:
$"Efektivni tečaj kune u razdoblju antiinflacijskog programa (Effective exchange rate in the period of antiinflationary program)", Ekonomski pregled, 47 (12 1996), str. 89124, Hrvatsko društvo ekonomista, Zagreb 1996.
$"Mikroekonomska analiza banaka i struktura bankarskog tržišta u Hrvatskoj (Microeconomic analysis of banks and the banking market structure in Croatia)", Ekonomski pregled, 47 (34 1996), str. 229252, Hrvatsko društvo ekonomista, Zagreb 1996.
$"Procjena BDPa Republike Hrvatske za 1994. i 1995. godinu (Estimate of GDP of the Republic of Croatia for 1994 and 1995)", zajedno s Željkom Lovrinčevićem i Davorom Mikulićem (with Željko Lovrinčević and Davor Mikulić), Ekonomski pregled, 48 (1 1997), str. 5574, Hrvatsko društvo ekonomista, Zagreb 1997.
$"Vanjska zaduženost i pokazatelji zaduženosti Republike Hrvatske 199496 (Foreign indebtedness and the foreign debt ratios for the Republic of Croatia 1994-1996)", u Granice javnog duga, Ekonomski institut Zagreb, prosinac 1997., str. 3571.
$"Stopping Hyperinflation in Croatia 19931994", Zagreb Journal of Economics, Vol. 2, No.2, Hrvatski institut za bankarstvo i osiguranje (Croatian institute for banking and insurance), Zagreb, 1998., str. 71114.
$"Kvartalna transakcijska potražnja za novcem (Quarterly transaction money demand)", Hrvatska narodna banka, HNB Pregledi br. 13, veljača 1999. Zagreb.
$"Pouke MundellFlemingovog modela (Implications of MundellFleming model)", Ekonomski Pregled, br. 10, 1999, Hrvatsko društvo ekonomista, str.11501192.
$"The Monthly Transaction Money Demand in Croatia", CNB Working papers (W-5), Croatian National Bank, Zagreb, 2000. (downloadable from )
$"Currency Crises: Theoretical and Empirical Overview of the 1990s", with Ante Žigman, CNB Surveys (S5), Hrvatska narodna banka, Zagreb, 2001. (downloadable from )
$"Ciljevi i vjerodostojnost monetarne politike, neovisnost i odgovornost središnje banke (Objectives and credibility of monetary policy, independence and accountability of central bank)", Financijska teorija i praksa, Vol. XXIV, br. 1, Institut za javne financije, Zagreb, 2000, str. 6585.
$Međunarodna ekonomija (International economics), 5. izd. (5th ed.), koautorstvo s M.Babićem (coauthored with M. Babić), MATE d.o.o., Zagreb 2000.
I have been lecturing Monetary analysis, International finance and Macroeconomics on the post-graduate studies in "Ekonomija međunarodne razmjene (International economics)" at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zagreb since 1996, and was advising many graduate students in their papers and Master theses.
Also, I was posted as a assistent professor, teaching International finance in undergraduate studies at the Faculty of economics and tourism Dr. Mijo Mirković@ in Pula, Universitiy of Rijeka during 1999-2001.
I have been writing popular economics texts in Banka monthly and weekly business edition of the daily newspaper Večernji list (Poslovna srijeda).
Beside that I am a member in the editorial board of the occasional publications of the Croatian national bank,and a business monthly Ekonomist.
Since 1999 I have been a board member of the Kapitalni fond d.o.o., closed investment fund of the Croatian Pension fund.
Regarding the economic and other associations I am a co-founder of the Economia moderna (non-profit organization of economists in Croatia founded in 2000), co-founder of the Harvard Club of Croatia (renovated in 2000), and a member of European Economic Association since 2001.