NYSHOEA Newsletter
Fall 2011
Inside This Issue2 / Conference Information
2 / Election Information
3 / Calendar of Upcoming Events
3 / Useful Contacts and Website links
4 / Recommended Reading
5-7 / Interesting Health News Articles
If you have an article that you would
like to share with your colleagues,
please send it to:
Kelly Harrington, Newsletter Chair
Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES
c/o Auburn Memorial Hospital
17 Lansing Street
Auburn, NY 13021
or email:
~ Recommended Reading ~
A Guide For Nurses: Teaching Healthcare Effectively to Patients, ByLara Alspaugh
* Provide a hospitable learning environment.
* Help your patients decide who should be involved in the learning process.
* Establish a baseline of knowledge.
* What do they need to know to go home safely?
* Are there any cultural, religious or beliefs and practices?
* Assess a patient’s motivation prior to embarking on a teaching plan.
* Understand the different kinds of learners.
* Establish special needs and learning challenges of your patient.
* Leave your judgments at the door.
* Be open to conversation when caring for your patient.
* Listen.
* Break up the time you spend educating.
* Adults’ speed of learning changes over time.
* Utilize your resources.
* Evaluate the success of your teaching.
* Be sure to document your teaching properly.
When teaching healthcare to patients,
keep in mind that we tend to remember only
- 10% of what we read
- 20% of what we hear
- 30% of what we read & hear
- 50% of what we hear and see
- 70% of what we say
- 90% of what we say and do
25 Health and Fitness Tips
That Health Professionals Wish We All Knew
bySamantha Richie
- Alcohol is not a food group.
- You deserve a break right now.
- Stress will kill you.
- Most people don’t know the symptoms of a heart attack.
- Having a pet can reduce stress.
- Sex can help relieve stress.
- Thyroid disorder can reduce libido.
- Thyroid disorder can cause depression and debilitate you.
- Depression can cause heart disease.
- Happiness does lead to good health.
- There is no quick way to get fit.
- There is no easy way to lose weight.
- The term “diet” is often misused.
- Being thin does not mean you’re fit.
- Extra pounds do not mean you’re unfit.
- Celebrity beauty is often an illusion.
- Obesity is becoming an epidemic.
- Just a little exercise goes a long way.
- Dance, little sister, dance.
- Don’t treat your body like a forklift.
- Damage is cumulative and subtle.
- Keep active medical records and family histories.
- Going to a doctor does not make you look like a weenie.
- Pharmaceutical drugs are not always the answer.
- Give yourself a starting point for change.
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