GPTI Conference 2016
Joy and Satisfaction
Friday 1st – Sunday 3rdJuly, Nottingham
4.00 p.m. Friday til 3.00 p.m. Sunday
Venue: The Learning & Conference Centre, Nottingham. Fully residential, ensuite accommodation for Friday and Saturday nights including all meals from dinner on Friday evening to lunch on Sunday.
/ Fully Residential / £ 300.00 / Day delegate (inc lunch) per day / £ 55.00
/ If Day delegate, then evening meal on Friday or Saturday is extra at / £ 25.00
Cheque (payable to ‘GPTI’ encfor ………………… (please also tick box above)
or pay into GPTI account and email the form: GPTI Sort Code: 30-92-13, A/c no: 00931111
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Conference programme will be sent by email in early June so please write clearly.
Joy and Satisfaction
GPTI conference 2106 will explore how the practice and theory of Gestalt Psychotherapy, such as the notion of final contact, relates to our experience of Joy and Satisfaction; as clients and as therapists; as supervisors and supervisees; as trainers and trainees; and most especially as embodied relational beings in our world.David Whyte’s description of Joy echoes some of PHG’s description of final contact.
“Joy is a meeting place of deep intentionality and of self-forgetting, the body alchemy of what lies inside us in communion with what formerly seemed outside, but is now neither, but become a living frontier, a voice speaking between us and the world; dance, laughter, affection, skin touching skin, singing.. music.. the sheer intoxicating beauty of the world inhabited as an edge between what we previously thought was us and what we thought was other than us.” Consolations (2015) p.127.
We invite you to join with us in exploring our understanding and experiences of Joy and Satisfaction in the most embodied vivid ways that we can create together.
Keynote speech by KirsteenGreenholm
- How our motivation for becoming a therapist influences satisfaction and joy (Katy Wakelin)
- Travelling without a destination - Implications for psychotherapy (Ian Greenway)
- Joy/mourning, satisfaction/disappointment: yin and yang (Peter Philippson)
- The Opposite of shame (Cam Field)
- Authenticity as self transcendence (Des Kennedy)
- Experiential workshop: Existential themes in therapy (Graham Colbourne)
- Body, spontaneity and joy: the Feldendrais method and gestalt therapy (Gillian Allen)
- Dependency and addiction from a Gestalt perspective (Mal Thompson)
- Becoming a parent (Lynda Osborne)
- Embodied joy of contact - assimilation and mastering in our childhood and lifelong (Elena Ossipova)