Erasmus Student Traineeship in Spain
EMPLOYER INFORMATIONName of organisation / GPYO Ingeniería y Urbanismo, S.L.
Address inc post code / Plaza de la Libertad 9, 4ºB
09004 BURGOS
Telephone / +34 947 26 09 78
Fax / +34 947 26 61 61
E-mail /
Website /
Number of employees / 12
Short description of the company / GPYO is an engineering consultancy firm formed in 2004, specialized in Project setting up and Project management, main focused on Civil Engineering, Environment, Energy and Consultancy.
It´s organized by several interconnected departments such as Public Works, Civil Engineering, Installations, Facilities, Energy Saving and Training, among others.
The Energy Saving department as well, is specialized in these four following areas:
- Renewable energy applications
- Outdoor and indoor lighting
- Tunnel lighting systems
- Energy facilities and energy building modeling
Our mission is to meet the needs of our clients in an innovative and competitive way, by providing high-quality and top services. Having worked on a lot of energy projects we have a remarkable experience to offer to our clients.
We work in collaboration with the University of Burgos in many projects. Also we have an important Training Department whose teachers are themselves Associate Professors of the University of Burgos.
Our projects have been backed by both regional institutions (Agency of Economic Development of Castilla y León) and national (the Centre for Industrial Technological Development).
GPYO has experience partnering in European Projects, FP7 (Project DEM0) and, we are currently developing R&D activities in IT applications for energy saving installations in urban and road tunnels.
Contact person for this placement / Laura Rodrigo Gutiérrez
Department and designation, job title / Department of Research, Development and Innovation
Direct telephone number / +34 947 26 09 78
E-mail address /
Who to apply to (including contact details) / Laura Rodrigo Gutiérrez
R&D Project Manager
Deadline for applications / 20/10/2014
Application process / 1-The applicant will send a cover letter with your CV.
2-Personal interview
Please provide as much information on the placement as possible – too much information is better than not enough!
Department, Function / Department of Research, Development and Innovation
Location / Plaza de la Libertad 9, 4ºB
09004 BURGOS
Start Date / Inmediately
Duration / 6 months
Working hours per week / 40 hours per week
Description of activities,tasks / Engineer construction, industrial or civil engineer, and knowledgeable in energy efficiency.
Work in the R + D + i in the project performance energy efficiency issues, or tunnels:
- Implementation of projects within European frameworks H2020, LIFE, COSME ..
- Implementation of projects within national programs to boost R + D + i.
Accommodation / By the applicant
Details of financial and “in kind” support to be provided
Languages and level of competence required / Spanish - high level
English - high level
Computer skills and level of skills required / Microsoft – Office - user level
Drivers license / No necesary