

Opening Lecture

Chair: Atsuto Suzuki

Neutrinos, what we have learned about them and what we have learned using themxx

Jack Steinberger

Neutrino mass and mixing -- The beginning and future –xx

Makoto Kobayashi

Reactor Neutrinos

Chair: Ines Gil Botella

Reactor Flux Calculationxx

David Lhuillier

Double Chooz resultsxx

Masaki Ishitsuka

RENO resultsxx

Soo-Bong Kim

Daya Bay resultsxx

Dan Dwyer

Future of reactor experiments*

Karsten Heeger

Application of reactor anti-neutrinosxx

Fumihiko Suekane

Solar Neutrinos

Chair: Franz von Feilitzsch

Standard solar modelxx

Aldo Serenelli

Results from Super-Kamiokandexx

Michael Smy

Results from Borexinoxx

Marco Pallavicini

SNO results and future solar neutrino experimentsxx

Art McDonald


Chair: Franz von Feilitzsch

Geo-neutrino status and prospectsxx

Steve Dye

Atmospheric Neutrinos

Chair: Naba Mondal

Results from running experimentsxx

Yoshitaka Itow

Future of atmospheric neutrino measurementsxx

Sandhya Choubey

Long-baseline Experiments

Chair: Dave Wark

Results from T2Kxx

Tsuyoshi Nakaya

Results from MINOSxx

Ryan Nichol

Results from OPERAxx

Mitsuhiro Nakamura

Results from ICARUSxx

Francesco Pietropaolo

Theory (Phenomenology) Part I

Chair: Evgeny Akhmedov

Global analysis of neutrino oscillationsxx

Gianluigi Fogli

Neutrino Interactions

Chair: Deborah Harris

A review of hadron production experimentsxx

Boris Popov

A review of neutrino cross-section measurementsxx

Kevin McFarland

Future Long-baseline Experiments

Chair: Stan Wojcicki

Status of NOvAxx

Ryan Patterson


Takeshi Nakadaira

Neutrino factory and beta beamxx

Mike Zisman

Theory (Phenomenology) Part II

Chair: Eligio Lisi

Phenomenology of future neutrino experiments with large theta(13)xx

Hisakazu Minakata

Future Large Detectors

Chair: Chang Kee Jung

Future water Cherenkov detectorsxx

Masashi Yokoyama

Future liquid Argon detectorsxx

André Rubbia

Future liquid scintillator detectorsxx

Lothar Oberauer

Short-baseline Oscillation and Sterile Neutrino Searches

Chair: Luca Stanco

Results from MiniBooNExx

Chris Polly

Neutrino detectors for sterile neutrino searchesxx

Thierry Lasserre

Future short-baseline accelerator experimentsxx

Mike Shaevitz

Theory (Phenomenology) Part III

Chair: Concha Gonzalez-Garcia

Status of sterile neutrino oscillationxx

Thomas Schwetz

Effective theories of neutrino massesxx

M. Belen Gavela

Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

Chair: Ettore Fiorini

Double beta decay and CP violation in minimal Seesawxx

Tsutomu Yanagida

Results from KamLAND-Zenxx

Kunio Inoue

Results from EXOxx

Jacques Farine

Results from CUORExx

Marisa Pedretti

Results from GERDAxx

Peter Grabmayr

Review of future experimentsxx

Fabrice Piquemal

Speed of Neutrinos

Chair: Stephen Parke

Measurement of the neutrino velocity in OPERAxx

Marcos Dracos

Review of other experiments at Gran Sassoxx

Sergio Bertolucci

Results and prospects of experiments at other beamlinesxx

Phil Adamson

Theory of Neutrino Mass

Chair: Sandip Pakvasa

Models for neutrino masses and mixingsxx

Stefan Antusch

Tests of neutrino mass generation at LHC*

Tao Han

Direct Mass Searches and New Techniques

Chair: Guido Drexlin

A review of direct mass experiments*

John. F. Wilkerson

Neutrino spectroscopy with atomsxx

Noboru Sasao

Neutrino Astronomy (Theory)

Chair: Raymond Volkas

Neutrino properties from cosmologyxx

Licia Verde

Leptogenesis: Theory & Neutrino Massesxx

Wilfried Buchmüller

Neutrino Astronomy (Experiment)

Chair: Francis Halzen

Results from ANTARESxx

Paschal Coyle

IceCube: diffuse neutrinos from GRB/AGNxx

Greg Sullivan

IceCube: ultra-high energy neutrinosxx

Aya Ishihara

Auger neutrino searchxx

Sergio Pastor

A review of future experimentsxx

Albrecht Karle

Neutrinos as a probe of ultra-high energy cosmic raysxx

Markus Ahlers


Chair: Huaiyu Duan

A review of supernova explosion modelsxx

Christian David Ott

Flavor oscillation in supernovaxx

Baha Balantekin

Detection of supernova neutrinosxx

John Beacom

Dark Matter

Chair: Yoichiro Suzuki

A review of direct WIMP search experimentsxx

Laura Baudis

A review of indirect WIMP search experimentsxx

Carsten Rott

Lepton Flavor Violation

Chair: Yoichiro Suzuki

A review of lepton flavor violation experimentsxx

Ryu Sawada

Closing Session

Chair: Yifang Wang


Alexei Smirnov


Koichiro Nishikawa

Reports from the INC*

Jacob Schneps

List of Poster Presentationsxx

List of Participantsxx


The history of neutrinos, 1930–1985. What have we learnedabout neutrinos? What have we learned using neutrinos?

J. Steinberger, Annals of Physics 327 (2012) 3182–3205xx