Dealing With Persecution
Text: Matthew 5:10; 2 Cor 4:8-10
Introduction: God’s people have always been subject to persecution down through the years. It is noteworthy to say that we have not seen intensely the amount of persecution as did the early believers. However, we are told in Scripture that “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” As we near the coming of the Lord Jesus, we will most likely see an increase of persecution here in the United States as well other countries that are known for persecuting. Before dealing with persecution, we must first notice and consider some facts about persecution.
*We Must Consider The Source Of Persecution* - 1 Peter 5:8
*We Must Consider The Shape Of Persecution* - Matthew 5:11
*We Must Consider The Significance Of Persecution* - Mark 13:13
1377 διώκω dioko {dee-o'-ko} (Persecuted)
Meaning: 1) to make to run or flee, put to flight, drive away 2) to run swiftly in order to catch a person or thing, to run after 2a) to press on: figuratively of one who in a race runs swiftly to reach the goal 2b) to pursue (in a hostile manner) 3) in any way whatever to harass, trouble, molest one 3a) to persecute 3b) to be mistreated, suffer persecution on account of something 4) without the idea of hostility, to run after, follow after: someone 5) metaph., to pursue 5a) to seek after eagerly, earnestly endeavour to acquire
I. We Must Remain Joyful During Persecution
A) Joyful because of our conversion
B) Joyful because of our conversation
C) Joyful because of our commitment
II. We Must Remain Faithful During Persecution
A) Faithful to the Scriptures
B) Faithful in our service
C) Faithful about our stand
III. We Must Remain Hopeful During Persecution
A) Hopeful because of the Savior’s promise
B) Hopeful because of the Savior’s plan
C) Hopeful because of the Savior’s place
IV. We Must Remain Watchful During Persecution
A) Watchful as to whom
B) Watchful as to where
C) Watchful as to when