A Chapter of the Great Western Paso Fino Horse Association
What’s New With You?
From your Prez, Suzie Tiller
It won’t be long until all of the snow is melted! As this goes to press, the latest snowfall has given us what can only be called the longest real winter in memory here in Colorado. And when the snow finally melts, we WILL get to have a play day WITH OUR HORSES at Nancy Wenlock’s place (date to be determined). I am so ready for a day out! June 8th and 9th are Limon Days trail ride and parade; wouldn’t it be fun to see a passel of Paso’s riding into town? Come on let’s do it! Let’s see if we can get at least 20 Paso Finos to show up. I think that would be so much fun!
Colorado Chapter is gearing up for our Fun Show May 27th at the Jefferson County Fair Grounds in Golden CO. This year promises to be something new and exciting! Carol Terry, Lynne Strauss and Meg Purnell are cooking up some great classes that will knock your socks off. For the "something new" part, how about a new name? "Pony Tracks"! Yep, that’s what it will be called! Also with this new name is the emphasis on FUN! The fun show team has decided to make this an all breed show. Many new fun classes are being added (and Another Mystery Class?????). We will all want to sign up for that one! As the team gets all the kinks ironed out we will get that class list posted on the website so you can get your entries in early. We are expecting a huge turnout and you don’t want to be standing in line to register. (For more info on the Fun Show, see the article in this Newsletter - Ed.)
Cindy Griffeth is very excited about coming out to Colorado and instructing our clinic, May 26. The registration forms are on the website now, so if you are interested, get it filled out and sent in with your payment and registration form. And remember: whoever pays by April 30th will be entered into a drawing to have their spot (Horse and Rider) FREE.
For those of you who wish to audit, this is a wonderful chance to learn some valuable information. Cindy will cover many important topics and information that all of us can use. We all tend to ask for help from one another from time to time. This will be a chance to get those questions answered by a professional who has grown up showing and training the Paso. I’m sure she has just about seen it all! So get those forms in. The forms can be found on line at:
How about this? Get your form in by April 30, with payment, and you too will have the opportunity to have your name put into the drawing and win your audit for FREE. Now how’s that for a good deal?
Ft. Robinson is not a go. Unfortunately there was not enough interest soon enough to get the reservations.
October 6th is the date for the GW Futurity and fun show. We will be hosting this show at the Douglas County Fair Grounds in Castle Rock, Colorado. This is a very nice facility and I’m excited that they were able to get us a date! This is going to be an all Paso show, so make sure you plan on being there. We will need all of you to make this a success! As we get closer we will post all of the information on the website. I hope you are as excited about this as we are. In conjunction with this show we will also be holding our Awards Banquet and a membership meeting. All of these details will need to be put together before it is gospel, but I can tell you it’s going to happen! I was starting to worry we wouldn’t be able to find a place! So any of you that want to help...hint, hint. Please put this date on your calendar now so you can plan around it!
As riding season gets underway don’t hesitate to plan a ride and invite the rest of us Paso People! We would love to see you on the trail.
The Website Task Force is hard at work on the final modifications necessary to go live. We will still have some areas under construction, but aim to get them up and running as soon as possible. The home page will spotlight a slide show of ten photographs that will be changed each month. The monthly themes follow beginning with the month we intend to go live:
April: “My Best Friend”; May: “Spring Foals”; June: “Promotion” (parades, clinics, shows, cow cutting, etc); July: “Geldings”; August: “Summer Fun”; September: “Fall Foals”; October: “Best Costume”; November: “Trail Rides”; December: “Christmas Spirit”; January: “Stallions”; February: “My First Ride”; March: “Mares”.
Each current Great Western member will be allowed to submit one photo for each month, so everyone dig through your photos and send them to Suzie, noting which photo is for which month. Send photos by email or by snail mail.
We will also have buttons on the home page for our website sponsors. For a yearly fee we will provide a link back to your personal website. This is a great way to help offset the cost of operating the website. If you don’t have a website but would like to participate, we will create a webpage for you. This is an excellent opportunity to advertise your farm or stallion and support Great Western at the same time. We will have two large buttons for $200 per year, and three small buttons for $100 per year. We have three commitments already, so hurry to take part in this awesome opportunity!!
We hope everyone is as excited as we are about the Great Western website!!!
Website Committee:
Suzie Tiller:
Stacy Bjerke:
Denise Ireland:
Judi Bradbury:
Fun Show Time!
By Carol Terry
Spring is here! Get those trusty (rusty) steeds ready for a real good time at our own fun show Sunday, May 27.
This year it will be an all-breed show---all the better to show off our wonderfully versatile Paso Finos. Get your horse prepared for a challenging trail class—last fall at the Boulder Fun show, Meg Purnell with Primo took 1st place and Frambueasa and I took home 2nd place -- in a class of 25 horses! Meg’s putting together the obstacle course for our show so get ready. She’s also planning a Beginner Course for the greenhorns and youngsters. We’ll have open classes, a Best Gaited Class, lots of fun classes—one involving whipped cream—and an Equi-Theatre class.
We’ll need every bit of support---please call me or call Lynne Strauss and let us know how you can help.
Carol Terry
303 778-0100 Office
303 601-2085 Cell
Editor's Note: Following is the Class List for the Fun Show. The Sponsorship and the Entry Forms are also included (with the page number at the top so you know what pages to print off). Send your forms in ASAP. How about sponsoring a class or three!?!
Sunday, May 27, 2007--10 AM
Jefferson County Fairgrounds, Golden, CO
- Lunch Break -
1. Lead Line 12. Equitheater
2. Freestyle Open Halter 13. Largo Race
3. Telephone Book* 14. Soccer on horseback
4. Open Pleasure, Youth 12 & under 15. Spoon race*
5. Surprise class—Meg Purnell announcing 16. Open Western Pleasure
6. Open preferred gait – 2 gait 17. Pole bending –in gait
7. Ribbon ride* 18. Pole bending—full out
8. Open preferred gait – 3 gait (canter) 19. Whipped cream relay*
9. Paso Fino Pleasure 20. Open trail pleasure
10. Barrel race—in gait 21. Musical chairs*
11. Barrel race—full out 22. Keyhole
23. Bobbing for apples
24. Trail class-novice-5 obstacles
25. Trail class-10 obstacles
Trail classes will be run concurrently in East arena from 10am-1pm
$55—All the classes you can ride all day
$10 Per class
So you see - there will be lots of fun classes to enter and to watch. Bring friends who haven't seen gaited horses before! Bring people who just want a great day of horse fun! Let's pack the place with spectators and entrants alike!
(Page 6 - for printing purposes)
Great Western Paso Fino Horse Association - Colorado Chapter
Sunday May 27, 2007 -- 10AM
Jefferson County Fairgrounds -- Golden, CO
Judge Cindy Griffeth
Name of Horse: ________________________
Owner Name: __________________________
Telephone ________________________ cell: ___________________
Rider: ___________________________________ Class No(s)._____
Show Secretary: Denise Ireland
Show Chairs: Lynne Strauss & Carol Terry
Entry Fees -- $55/day OR $10/class
Check Payable to GWPFHA-CO Chapter
Mail entry to: Carol Terry
9209 S. Hillview Road
Morrison, CO 80465
Fax entry to 303 733-2900
PH: 303 601-2085
Total Class Fees: _________
Stalls @ $20: ____________
Total Fees: ______________
I hereby enter the above horse at my own risk and subject to all the rules and regulations
of the show. I further agree that if any damage is occasioned, or loss to the horse exhibited, to any vehicle or other article, which I may send with such horse, I will make no claim against the Great Western Paso Fino Horse Association. I understand that neither Great Western Paso Fino Horse Association, the Jefferson County Fair Grounds, nor Cindy Griffeth, the judge, their officers, the host, nor the property owners accept any responsibility for accidents, damage, injury or illness to the horse, owners, riders, employees, attendants, spectators or any other person or property owner in connection with this event.
Signature:___________________________________ Date: _____________
(Page 7 - for printing purposes)
Sponsored by Great Western Paso Fino Horse Association--Colorado Chapter
Sunday, May 27, 2007--10AM
Jefferson County Fairgrounds, Golden, CO
Judge: Ms. Cindy Griffeth
Show Chairs: Lynne Strauss & Carol Terry
Show Secretary: Denise Ireland
Mail form to: Carol Terry, 9209 S. Hillview Road, Morrison, CO 80465
Fax: 303 733-2900
Phone: 303 601-2085
Please show your support for this annual show by sponsoring a class or two.
Sponsorships are $15 per class or $40 for 3 classes. Your sponsorship
will be recognized at the introduction of your class. All donations are tax
deductible. A portion of all profits will benefit the Emily Griffith Opportunity
School which brings special horses and traumatized youth together in a program
that initiates teaching and healing.
City, State, ZIP
Telephone No.
Class No. or Name you would like to sponsor (please list 5 choices)
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
4th Choice
5th Choice
Check enclosed (make payable to GWPFHA- CO Chapter
Will Pay at show Amount pledged:
Signature Date
Calendar of Events - 2007
March 9-11 Rocky Mountain Horse Expo. National Western Complex.
March 16-18 - The Carousel Charity Horse Show in Scottsdale, AZ.
Saturday Mar 24 - Driving Clinic with Vic Vickroy. Kiowa. Contact Sandy Clayton at 303-646-3595.
Saturday Mar 24 - Medieval Gaming Clinic. Rohan Farm, Conifer.
Introduce your horse to the equipment and weapons used in medieval games on horseback. Contact: Kari Crawford. 720-323-8900.
Sunday April 1 - Leslie Desmond demo. Wellington, CO. Registration by 1:30. Demo goes from 2:30-6:30. $35. Contact: Robin Davis <>
April 28 - Kenlyn Urban Challenge, Aurora. 15, 25 and 50 mile rides. Entry fee includes a T-shirt and dinner.Contact Meg Purnell 303-651-9627
May 5 - NWHA affiliated Fun Show All Gaited Breeds. Kit Darrow Judge
Jeffco Fairgrds. (tentative) Contact: Kathy Foreman at 303-659-3326
May 12-13 - Liz Graves Gaited Horse Clinic. Jeffco Fairgrounds. Contact: Sharyl Walls at
Saturday May 26, 2007 - 9:00 a.m. "You and Your Paso Fino" Clinic with Cindy Griffeth, Paso Fino Judge and Trainer. $ 65.00 per rider. Pay by April 30th and be entered in the drawing to win your spot in the clinic FREE! Same offer for auditors!) Jefferson Cty Fairgrnds. Contact: Suzie Tiller 303-688-3771 or:
Sunday May 27, 2007 - “Pony Tracks” All Breed Fun Show @ Jefferson County Fairgrounds
Starts @ 10AM. We want your help and input for a great show and good time! Co-Chairs Carol Terry and Lynne Strauss or Lynne at
June 1-3, 2007 - Vail Valley Horse Expo. Craig Cameron hosts the Extreme Cowboy Race.
June 8, 2007 - Limon Days. Contact: Denise Bachman or 303-646-1531
June 17, 2007 - TWH Fun Show (All Gaited Breeds!) Jeffco Fairgrnds. Contact: Kathy Foreman. 303-659-3326 or go to
June 24 - Competitive Trail Ride at Cripple Creek. 25 miles. Contact: Meg Purnell 303-651-9627
July 4th - Annual Natural Horse Show. Colorado Horse Park.
July 4th - Cripple Creek Parade. Contact Marylyn Jansen or at (719) 689.0114
July 18-21 - Craig Cameron Clinic. Kiowa. 3 day clinic and the 4th day will be Extreme Cowboy Events. $700. Auditors: $30 per day or $100 for all 4 days. Contact Sandy Clayton at or call 303-646-3595.
July 20-22 - 3-day Foundation (mornings) and Advanced (afternoons) Horsemanship Clinics with Brent Graef, Castle Rock, CO. $300 per clinic or $ 500 for both. Contact info: Marti Haygood at
July 20-22, 2007 - Las Vegas Gold Cup (new date)
July 20-22 . 2007 - NWHA Celebration Championship Show
National UMHA Affiliated Championship
Douglas County Fairgrounds Castle Rock, Colorado
Kathy Foreman
PH: 303-659-3326. Classes for TWH, MFT, and United Mountain Horses and Open Gaited Breed Classes. Dressage and other versatility classes.
August 4-5 - Competitive Trail Ride Buffalo Creek. 40 miles. Contact: Meg Purnell 303-651-9627
August 18-19 - Competitive Trail Ride Westcliffe. 40 miles. Contact Meg Purnell 303-651-9627
Sept 15-16 - Competitive Trail Ride GoldenGate State Park, Golden. Contact: Meg Purnell 303-651-9627
Oct. 6 - The Great Western Paso Fino Horse Association Futurity and Fun Show. Location: Douglas County Fair Grounds in Castle Rock. Contact: Suzie Tiller 303-688-3771 or:
Oct. 6, 2007 - Kenlyn Urban Challenge Aurora. 15, 25 and 50 mile rides. Contact Meg Purnell 303-651-9627
Please let me know of any other events or clinics that should be included here! The more the merrier.-Nancy