Universityof Kansas Masters In Educational Technology Degree Plan

Name: / Lastname / Firstname / Middle
Last / First / Middle

Educational Technology Course Work(36 hours)

Term / Dept. / No. / Required Courses (27 hours) / Cr.Hrs.
FA222 / PRE / 715 / Understanding Research3 / 3
ELPS / 760 / Integration of Educational Technology / 3
ELPS / 764 / Foundations of Ed Technology or C&T 709 (Lawrence)4 / 3
ELPS / 766 / Social Media Tech or ELPS 811 Constructivist Tech. (Lawrence)4 / 3
ELPS / 810 / Educational Media Development / 3
ELPS / 812 / Design of Educational Technology / 3
ELPS / 814 / Design Online Instructionor C&T Content Course(Lawrence)4 / 3
ELPS / 820 / Practicum in Ed Tech orELPS 897 Independent Study in EdTech / 3
ELPS / 896 / Seminar in Theory of Educational Technology(total of 3 hours)5 / 1-3
Term / Dept. / No. / Elective Courses (9 hours)6 / Cr.Hrs.

Committee Members:

advisorsnamehere (Advisor) / Email:advisorsemail
committeemembersname / Email:committeemembersemail
committeemembersname / Email:committeemembersemail

Checklist and Timeline (list month and year)

mm/yy / Started the program / mm/yy / Coursework completed
mm/yy / Portfolio first posted / mm/yy / Graduate application filed7
mm/yy / Committee selected / mm/yy / Final portfolio sent to advisor1
mm/yy / This program plan posted / mm/yy / Exam paper sent to advisor7

Exam Title: TypeTheTitleofYourExamPaperHere.


•Completion of the Masters degree in Educational Technology requires:

1) 36 hours of coursework, 2) A Masters Exam paper, 3) A portfolio with your resume, philosophy and evidence of competencies.

1Use the kuedtechtemplate at Google sites with format unaltered for your portfolio. Name your portfolio kuedtech(first name, last name) all-lowercase with no spaces.Sam Spade’s, portfolio is "kuedtechsamspade." Post this planning form to your portfolio’s resume page during your first semester. Update this form in your portfolio prior to subsequent meetings with your advisor.

2Indicate the term you have or plan to take a course in 4 character format: SP16=Spring 2016 | SU16=Sum 2016 | FA16=Fall 2016.

3PRE 715 must be taken within the first 15 hours of graduate study.

4C&T 709, ELPS 811 and the C&T methods courses are offered primarily at the Lawrence campus.

5Enroll in ELPS 896 (possibly multiple semesters) for a total of 3 hours. You must be enrolled in ELPS 896 for at least 1 credit hour during the semester you plan to graduate.

6Consult with your faculty advisor regarding permissible electives.

7The final exam paper must be sent to your committeeand the application for graduation must be filed at least 3 weeks prior to Stop Day during the semester you plan to graduate. Apply for graduation online at:

Last Revised 2/12/2015