July 27, 2015 – SCBAA Meeting Minutes (7pm)
Attendance: Adam Hirtz, Josh Toal, Wendy Box, Tammy Buehler, Jim Doughty, Robert Gould, Tony Taylor, Nick Hester, Tj Slattery
Opening Prayer (Adam)
Old Business:
*Gym Entrance Remodel punch list complete – waiting on new logo. School Board will be meeting soon to hopefully come to a final conclusion with Father John to resolve/accept a new logo so the gym entrance can be completed. The David Dyer picture has returned to its location at this entrance as well.
*SCBAA/St. Louis Ambush soccer camp fundraiser update (Tj Slattery) - $55/player (includes 2 vouchers to Ambush game + “SCB/Ambush” tshirt + week long evening camp put on by the Ambush players). The camp will be a 4 hour block of time (2 hrs for K-3 grades/ 2 hrs for grades 4- 8) Date TBA (a week coming up soon in August – waiting for field usage at McNair). SCBAA is hoping to bill this as a community and fundraising event for SCB. Participants will be required to bring a soccer ball, water bottle and shin guards/soccer attire.
New Business:
*Estimate for installing (2) new basketball hoops on top lot of school (Robert Gould) Robert presented his bids on the basis of 3 hoops (2 for top lot/1 for bottom lot). SCBAA voted for 2 on the top lot only. Installation will begin as soon as next week. (Aug.3)
*Soccer/Volleyball Registration update: (Jim Doughty)
259 soccer players/81 volleyball registrants. 8th grade boys are in need of more players to field a team.
Soccer: Tony Taylor wants to be added to every team’s coach’s list in case a squad gets in a bind and he can be there on behalf of SCB. Coaches’ meeting is being planned as rosters will be completed as soon as possible. Field sizes will by CYC compliant: Grades 1-3 (8 v 8), Grades 4-8 (11 v 11). Tony has requested each team to receive 2 game balls from SCB (SCBAA suggested at least one new ball designated as a “game ball”). Tony has voiced concerns about the deterioration of several goals/nets. Each goal’s net could run anywhere from $175-$300. CYC meeting is required for new coaches. Rainout line is an app the CYC is using and coaches/parents will be encouraged to use to keep up to date should a rainout occur. SCB will be hosting CYC soccer playoffs at Mueller field this year.
Volleyball: (Janice Beerman) – teams have been placed in divisions, practice schedules will be out next week and the refs/scorekeepers will be soon going to the CYC meeting.
Uniform Update/Numbering: (Wendy Box and Tony Taylor) – any player needing a new uniform this year will get it numbered at Johnny Macs. We will pick up all paid uniforms from the old vendor and Johnny Macs will be our new vendor until further notice.
Adam Hirtz’ final meeting will be August 24th. His final task list includes: repair the stage door by the next meeting, waiting to hear back from Father John regarding the electronic school sign and Mrs. Burton has expressed some concern/help with removing/replacing the storage closet’s moldy tiles.
SCBAA board members unanimously voted Mike Murray as the next incoming president.
SCBAA board appointed Nick Hester as the upcoming basketball coordinator after Robert Gould will resign after this next season. Nick plans on shadowing Robert this next year.
SCBAA appointed Tj Slattery as the new Referee coordinator as Mike Murray has moved to the president position. Tj has also agreed to become the assistant soccer coordinator under Tony Taylor.
Baseball Report: (Adam for Kyle Brown – out of town) – While it was a success enrollment wise the board voiced some concern on the instruction from other parishes. SCB was considerate of other parishes who wanted players to “be safe” (no outs called when a runner was out) but SCBAA felt the point was for players to learn the game of baseball the correct way as the CYC bylaws/instructions indicate. The majority of kindergarten players felt the same and were bored with the incorrect way of playing. Discussion was held in regards to the success of this program moving forward and possibility of machine pitch or gathering players on behalf of SCB and taking to another venue to stay as Bobcats and a team.
Referees: More adult referees as requested to help with the fall season.
Updated bylaws/revisions were discussed. Adam encouraged all to review and to be discussed in depth by next meeting.
Closing prayer. (Adam)
Adjournment – 9:25pm